SwiftUI Tutorial: Core Concepts: Custom Modifiers - Part 3: Which Container View is Lazy?

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SwiftUI Tutorial: Core Concepts: Custom Modifiers - Part 3: Which Container View is Lazy?

In this episode we're going to be implementing a ViewModifier help us determine which of the container views in SwiftUI is lazy; List or VStack in a ScrollView? In this case a custom modifier is used to take the heavy lifting off our hands and do all the work for us behind the scenes which we can then tap into in our UI (or wherever we want to analyse the data).


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Utterly ridiculously difficult.... how did you ever figure this out? I guess your years of experience are showing.

Also... I think that I can’t wait for the next one of these brilliant videos!


i think lazyvstack creates items lazily but once you scroll down to end it will creates all items and keeps in memory so no recycling like list?
