Surviving The Early Game - Arena Tips and Tricks (Fortnite Battle Royale)

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In this video, I give some tips and tricks to survive the early game in arena and tournament matches. The early game in Fortnite Battle Royale is basically when you jump out of the battle bus until the first zone closes in. Unlike the mid and late game, the early game is extremely dependent on RNG which makes it tough to consistently do well in. You have no idea what loot you'll get, how many people will land with you, what loot they will get, and whether or not they will push and try to fight you. However, after watching many top tier pro players such as Bugha, MrSavage, and Benjyfishy, I've found a lot of little tricks that will help you guys master the early game. What it really comes down to is finding a good drop spot, finding the optimal house or building within your drop spot to land at, getting a good drop from the battle bus so you're the first one there, and then playing safe and smart. I go over each of these topics within the video along with some in-game examples and background gameplay of champion league arena match early games. Hopefully, by the end of the video, you will be able to win more arena games, become a better overall player, and get more points in arena so you can get to Champion Division!

As always, if you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel to stay up-to-date with my content. If you have any questions regarding the video, the channel, or myself, leave a comment and I will be sure to get back to you.

If you want to support me, use creator code "Jerian" in the item shop!

Song: Chill & Bouncing Piano Trap Beat “Bright” Prod. By OZSOUND

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My Fortnite Settings:
Resolution: 1920x1080 (Native)
DPI: 400 (52 eDPI)
In-game sens: .130 (x & y sens)
ADS Sens: .380
Scoped Sens: .420

My Peripherals:
Mouse: Logitech GPro Wireless
Mousepad: Glorious 3XL Extended Gaming Mouse Pad
Keyboard: Ducky One 2 Mini (Cherry MX Silver Switches)
Headset: HyperX Cloud Alphas
Monitor: Dell Alienware AW2518H 25” 240Hz

Computer Specs:
CPU: Intel Core i7-8700
GPU: GeForce GTX 1070Ti
RAM: 16 GB Gskill NT Series
Motherboard: MSI B360I Gaming Pro AC Mini-ITX
Cooler: Cooler Master 212 Hyper Evo
Power Supply: EVGA 80 Plus Bronze 500W
1 x Western Digital 1 TB Hard Drive
Case: NZXT H200 Mini-ITX Matte Black

Topics Covered: fortnite tips and tricks, fortnite early game, fortnite surviving the early game, fortnite arena tips and tricks, fortnite how to get champion division in arena, fortnite arena champion division, fortnite early game tips and tricks, fortnite how to win more, fortnite tips and tricks to win more games, fortnite how to win in arena, fortnite pro tips, fortnite advanced tips and tricks, fortnite drop spots, fortnite drop tips and tricks, fortnite landing locations, fortnite how to drop out of battle bus, fortnite vod review, fortnite early game tricks, fortnite win the early game

#fortnite #fortnitetips #fortnitetipsandtricks
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To everyone watching this vid:
May the RNG be with you 🙏


Jerian: Remember actually shoot your gun.
Lil Timmy: BuT JeRiAn... :/


Do a vid on translating creative skill to public match skill


Jerian keep the face cam
People who say you're ugly clearly don't own a mirror


Picking his nose 1:05
Finding A landing location 1:43
Optimal drop and drop spot 4:42
General tips 8:15


Thank you so much, you made me a GOD!🙏


0:01=scratches and *sniffs finger* 😂
Surely you couldve cut that out Lmao


Great video I have learned so much from such talented individual I have grinding to be like u one day


This is the best and most helpful video on early game fights on YouTube


Is this a viable strategy? My and my duo have 4-5 drop spots that we know decently well. We pick which spot we land at based on the battle bus path and go from there


I swear Jerian posts these videos just as I need them, such a beast man


U are the best man who guides everyone and teach and do not hide any secrets u are the best bro


Thanks Jerian I asked for this vid a couple weeks ago! This is going to really help me get to mid and late game!!!! BTW love your vids and the stream is always great!


Imagine choosing an actual spot to land at consistently is what i needed to move from division 4 to division 7 honestly thank you


You have no idea how much u helped me with all ur videos, thank you bro.


This is why I see more people landing lucky in arena. Thanks Jerian very cool!


Jerian you are one of the smartest fortnite YouTubers and have helped me become a better player. Thank you


I really need this, that's why I clicked so damn fast xd


I was just about to get on YouTube to try to find an early game guide and Jerian gives me this gem.


You the most helpful youtuber i know thx jerian
