9 Beginner Tips | Survival Handbook Ep. 1: Early Game Tips | Ark: Survival Evolved

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I touch on 9 beginner subjects that will help you start your journey on the ark. These tips are for total noobs that are brand new to the game - each topic will be thoroughly broken down in later episodes of the series! Don't think I'm leaving out players with more experience though, because we'll have a mid game section & a late game section!

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Ok but seriously guys, Pterifier deserves more subscribers.. he puts a lot of effort into his videos, so that we can learn from them, let’s get him to 10, 000 subs!


Bro your vids are so underrated. Your editing and video structure are so good.


i’ve found a lot of your videos super helpful. they’re super well made and very informative. i’m an intermediate level ark player, and i’ve learned a lot through them. keep up the good work! you have great potential:)


I've been playing ark since it was early access and I still learned a few things from this series, especially trap designs since I mostly play solo. Dope stuff


Love how this is recommended to me as soon as a friend recommended it to me


Thats why youtubers with low subsucribers are special, they make videos are easy to understand and he just deservers a lot. He deservs to be popular


I'm on & off with Ark simply because I don't have as much time to play as I'd like & also I don't know many people on Xbox who actually play but your videos keep me up to date with what's going on & you have very helpful tips to go along with. I also want to share my opinion on your comment about your video being lengthy. Some people may not like long videos & that's fine but I just want to say that if you do decide to make some lengthy videos going more into detail about things in Ark I would enjoy those as well as I like lots of small details to help explain & understand things more in depth. You're awesome dude, definitely gained a new subscriber today.


I play this with my wife and friends. We all suck so I changed the game stats to help us, like resource gathering, faster taming and other fun stuff. After watching your videos I realized that even with the buffs we still sucked hahaha.


Just started playing Ark about a 2 months ago. Have 55 hours or so but I feel like I've learned nothing lol. Just found you and you're by far the best tutorial youtuber I've found.


3:17 update: there is another tab at the top of the screen, the taming tracker, from this screen you can see the taming percent, taming effectiveness, health, and food of the dino you are trying to tame, as well as track them so you can see where your new friend is at all times until fully tamed


If this was a book you know it would sell like hot cakes at middle school book fairs.


Absolutely amazing series! I found two of your episodes while searching for Ark tips/tricks, and have decided to go trough the entire Handbook today, because the videos I saw were both well made, interesting and explained everything incredibly well. Thank you for creating these!


Thanks SO much for making these! I have a son who wants to play this game, but he's a beginning gamer and needs help. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of time to teach him. Then we found your tutorials! They're wonderful! Gives him the basics so we can apply his newfound knowledge when we sit down together and play. <3


I haven’t played this game in 3 years
And forgot everything so I’m back to noob as I started 2 days ago again LOL


Game just came out for free on ps plus, this has helped so much more than you think, appreciate the videos!


Thank you so much for the entire playlist! It is exactly what I needed to not lose my mind trying to make all the crafting stations and learning how to make all the stuff🤗


ooohhhh im going to put this on my playlist for sure...thank you ptera


Thank you so much for these. I just recently started the game and found the learning curve to be very difficult, and I just wasn't getting the information that I needed from other videos. These have been extremely helpful in teaching how to survive in this game.


Sooo, ive only recently found your page and I have got to say... WOW. I dont think any other words could capture my expression at this moment. I will definitely be tuning into your streams 🙏🏼 keep up the great work!


I’m already intermediate. I just wanna watch these :)
