12 CUTEST Exotic Pets You Can Own!

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The cutest pets you could ever own! These are some of the cutest animals in the world that you could actually have as an exotic pet

#12 Wallaby

Direct members of the kangaroo family, wallabies are natively found in Australia and the surrounding areas. The cute herbivore generally lives up to nine years and is virtually the same as a miniature kangaroo in appearance. Their food habits consist of eating grass and plants, which fuels their purpose as a household pet. Many people adopt wallabies because they’re adorable, live-in lawn mowers, but their personality, social skills, and physical attributes also stand out.

The somewhat goofy animal has oversized feet, small arms, and a sweet face. When wallabies are born, they continue developing in the pouch of their mother for a few months afterwards. Because of this, they generally enjoy being cuddled and sleeping in comfortable spaces. Although their friendly personalities may dominate the majority of wallabies raised in a domestic environment, the animal does require a ton of space and is best suited for a family with a large backyard, high fences, and a suitable enclosure.

#11 Serval

Servals are highly intelligent felines with large ears, long limbs, and beautiful markings. Their tawny coats and black spots help them to blend into the tall grasses that they call home, however because of their stunning features, the wild cats have transformed into household pets for people that are willing to keep up with them.

Originating from Africa, males can be up to 40 pounds and over 2 feet tall when they hit maturity. They are highly predatory creatures and appreciate the act of catching and playing with their food, which means that their primary diet should consist of live animals. This is where servals begin to differ from regular household cats, since they prefer to eat rodents, fish, reptiles, birds, and other small animals, as opposed to traditional cat food blends.

Servals don’t just differ from normal cats in their appearance, though – they also need a lot of room to exercise. They can roam up to 4 miles per day when in the wild, meaning they require a large enclosure that allows them to dig, jump, and even swim to catch prey like fish, without being able to escape. For this reason, and many others, servals are fairly high maintenance and should only be kept by owners who are equipped to handle them, but their beautiful markings and interesting behaviors make them a unique animal to keep.

#10 Skunk

Skunks, native to the United States, southern Canada, and northern Mexico, are mammals who are well-known for the liquid they spray when frightened or threatened, which releases a nasty odor into the air. While this might not sound like pet material, skunks that are bred in captivity almost always have their scent glands taken out when they are young to prevent this from occurring. Coming in coat colors from the typical black-and-white to brown, white, and even ginger, skunks are a curious-by-nature critter who are simultaneously playful and loving.

Although skunks are high maintenance in housing and keeping their lively personalities entertained, their diets are pretty simple. They enjoy a variety of different meals from regular veggies and fruits to oat blends and yogurt. Comparable to cats and dogs, skunks are lovable and friendly when raised in the right environment, and require all of the socialization and common care that common household pets do. This includes frequent veterinary visits, examinations, and even spaying and neutering the animal when it comes time.
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Just because you can on one doesn’t mean you should, make sure you have the proper living accommodations


Slow Loris are NOT supposed to be pets, it's sad people still keep them in captivity as house pets! They are illegal in most places in the US too.


3:20 that is not a bearded dragon
It looks more like an iguana


The little girl talking to her Dad on the space phone in "2001 a Space Odyssey" wanted a Bush baby for her birthday.


I have a sugar glider of my own and he is the best pet I’ve ever had in years! He’s so cute and soft and a unique personality.


Just because you can doesn't mean you should, wild animals belong in the wild .


OMG sugar gliders I have 3 of them Sugar Cookie and Wade


How the hell is number 3 a good pet to have? That animal can poison us? Why would it even be on this list?


Agreed, as an iguana owner I assure you that was a green iguana, also an adorable pet


"lizard show" it is actually called a reptile expo


For all of them it's better to stay wild!


The best informative video on exotic animals that some countrys and states allow to be kept as pets ive ever viewed. I agree that some of the exotic animals you included in your video should not be kept or confined as pets and I hope people do further research on how captivity affects all animals and that they realize how it may affect the quality of life for said animal and that kindness, compassion and education is first and foremost in seeing that the welfare and quality of life for any animal in caring for them in the most humane way conceivable is of the upmost importance.


I appreciate the info, but please check your facts... This is not acceptable for anyone....Please do real


Bearded dragons are usually lazy and love to be held. I miss mine


You actually can NOT legally own most of these animals, and you shouldn’t!!! 😡


People shouldn’t get fennec foxes because their hearing is extremely strong and people talking at a normal volume can annoy them


Did you know that FENNEK FOXES are known to eat their offspring if raised and bred in captivity?


I have a sugar glider and SHE IS SO
they love to cattle and glide around there kind hard to take care of but we make them happy


Hedgehogs are actually not rodents, they're more closely related to shrews.


I have sugar gliders. They’re very cute yes, but take a lot of research and understanding to care for them properly.
