Drop-N-Grow Lilies - Planting Tutorial

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✔️ DROP -N- GROW - Pre-Grown and Pre-Rooted, the only work left for you to do is to Drop it in your Pond or Patio Container and Watch it Grow!
✔️ PROMOTES THE PERFECT POND ENVIRONMENT - Aquatic plants will produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide to enhance water quality in your pond or patio garden.
✔️ ECOSYSTEM ENHANCER - Adding live plants is not only beneficial for the natural ecosystem but also provides shelter and security for your fish.
✔️ HARDY - This perennial water lily is meant to last for years to come. After growing has stopped in the autumn, simply cut back the foliage and keep your water lily at the bottom of your water garden during the winter months
✔️ GORGEOUS BLOOMS, LUSH FOLIAGE - Use Chalily Brand aquatic plant fertilizer; which gives your plants the nutrients needed to produce bigger, blooms and healthier foliage all season long.
✔️ 100% QUALITY GUARANTEED - Guaranteed to arrive alive and healthy. Our plants are disease, pest, snail and algae free.

Our Pre-rooted Winter Hardy Water Lilies are grown in a coco-fiber plug, making it extremely easy to grow your lily to maturity in ponds or deck and patio containers.
Important things to remember:
-Most water lilies prefer a depth of 18-24 inches
-Our lilies include a small pot which can be used to plant your lily. The root ball can instead be planted into a larger pot or placed directly into the bottom of your pond.
-Water lilies need more than 4 hours a day of sunshine to flower.
-Keep lilies away from any splashing water and away from your pump or filter.
-It is highly recommended to fertilize your water lily twice per month during the growing season with aquatic fertilizer tablets.
-If you have Koi in your pond, it is recommended to cover the root mass with rocks or pea gravel. If uncovered, there is the possibility of your fish eating your lily.
-Includes string and a fake lily pad/flower which can be used to find where the lily is located in your pond (optional).
No Pond No problem! Water lilies thrive in any container!

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exactly what I need to know. Very informative! Thanks.


I bought one like this and have had it sitting in my garage for two years lol It probably won’t grow anymore but I will put it in my pond and see what happens


Thanks sir To giving information about water lily plant


Nice follow-up to my purchase from Amazon. I had been youtubing other videos before my purchase yesterday - it was great to get your email just a day later (upon shipment of my lily)! Supplement your current video with some live pictures of a real lily in a small pot and in a large pot at various stages of growth. Also, think about adding two fertilizer pellets to the kit (or setting up your merchant account to advertise fertilizer, as well as with a container, for a nice bundle). Excited to see how the lily performs in my pond!


Hi ur video bis gr8 ..how to prepare the water lily plant to send one place to another place..if it's distance of 4, 5 dyas


This could be why my lilies never really grew well. Based on instructions I've seen, it says the dormant lily can be put in as much as 12-24" of water. So I would do that, and not really get anything.

But if it has a better chance to grow from being only 6" under at first, and then transferred deeper later, that is a good tip!


Hello. Thank you for coming up with this Drop and Grow. How long can they keep before putting it in a pond? I am thinking of having it sent to the Philippines. Hope to hear from you.


I want to grow water lillies on a pot. Can I???


I just got my first water lily from your company and am so excited! I'm planting it in a large container made for water lily container planting, and am trying my hand at them before I sink a lot of money into an in-ground pond in our front yard. I watched your video and have planted my Drop-N-Grow lily on the back deck where it will get about 4 - 6 hours of sun a day during spring/summer and even into the early fall.

My immediate problem is one "clump" of dirt that is growing two lovely green stems came out of the netting and soil package. I just sort of stuck it back in there. I hope I haven't killed it before it even gets a chance.

Also, can I add fertilizer pellets to the water rather than poking them in the dirt? The pellets I have state "One pellet for every gallon of soil" but my one lily doesn't have a gallon of soil. I cut the pellet into fourths and stuck it in the dirt with my fingers crossed.

Is it going to be okay?


By accident a friend pulled a water lilly out of our pond, please let me know what I should do. ❓


In which months a hardy water lily blooms ? How many flowers it will blooms ?


I pulled my water lilies out to over winter in my green house, but when I pulled them out to repot they didn't have any roots, just a bulb. They both have a few very small (1/8 inch) green leaves, so I was wondering if it will come back or is it dead?. The root ball is solid.


Where I can buy your violet/purple lotus lily? Do you ship worldwide?


Where can I buy pre grown waterlilies like that ones ? Thanks


That’s a great video. I am planting my lily in the bog filter for a stock tank used by ducks. They continually add “nutrients” to the water. That’s actually the reason I’m packing the big filters with plants. Do I still need to fertilize?


I have a pond with Kois. I’ve bought water lilies before, after a week, you see pieces of lilies floating. My Kois ate them. How can I prevent that in the future?


This is great info. Question: once you sink it into its final spot 3’ deep, how do you retrieve it to fertilize it?


Can you make it available for us...if yes..what's the procedure


Our koi pulled our two new drop n' grow lilies from the planters. The roots/bulbs are now floating at the top of the water with the pads. Can we leave them float around in the pond this way without the main root being in a pot with soil? Thanks!


Thank you! I ordered the pink lily and so far no blooms but we have a lot of growth so it's looking promising! Question though, I have my lily in a big container if water fir my balcony "pond" but so far lily is the only thing in there. I noticed today theres a bunch if little red worms in the water, did the lily come with worms in it? Theres no other way I can see how they got in there. Are they ok to be in there? Are they a pest like snails can be? Just want to make sure I'm going everything I can for my lily. Thank you!
