10 Very Cheap Ultralight Aircraft That Don't Require a License and Easy to Fly

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Owning a personal airplane is something most of us can only dream of because even basic small planes are not only expensive to purchase but also costly to operate. But what if you could experience the same level of freedom and excitement for a fraction of the price and without the need for a license? Ultralight aircraft are the perfect solution for those who want to experience the thrill of flying and maximum safety without breaking the bank. These planes all operate under FAA Rules Part 103, which means you don't need a pilot's license or hundreds of FAA paperwork to fly them. All you need are basic flying skills and a lack of aerophobia, or fear of flying. So, if you're fearless and ready to fly, buckle up as we explore the 10 Cheapest Ultralight Aircraft That Don't Require a License and Are Easy to Fly.
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It would be nice if the person who created this video did even the most basic research before spewing so much incorrect information.


So many of these are not legal part103 ultralights, and absolutely do require licensure.


The first one isn’t even an ultralight. Too heavy, too much gas.
Second: two seaters aren’t ultralights unless you’re an instructor with a waiver.


In Europe, Ultralights can have two seats, BUT it's not really license free. You still have to pass theory exams (too dangerous otherwise in crowded European airspace, and with dense population)


2-seater aircraft are NOT FAR103 legal ultralights. Nor is any aircraft with an empty weight above 254 pounds. FAR103 regs say; single seat, empty weight of 254Lbs max (excluding floats & safety devices), max fuel capacity of 5 gallons, max speed @ full throttle of 55 knots, max power-off stall speed of 24 knots. Anything outside of those requirements is a "light sport" aircraft and requires - at a minimum - a light-sport pilot certificate, which requires - at a minimum - 20 hours of training, along with an FAA written exam, and an FAA approved flight exam. And a Light Sport aircraft must be registered and have an condition inspection done annually... by a FAA recognized A&P (or holder of an Light Sport Repairmen Certificate with either a maintenance or inspection rating).

Also, the light-sport license has other restrictions; such single, piston engine; fixed gear; gross take-off weight of 1320Lbs; day-VFR flying only; max seating of 2; and a catagory/class rating. Which is initally confined to the catagory & class of plane you took your check-ride in. Additional ratings (such as sea-plane, tailwheel, etc.) can be obtained, with additional training and - I believe - another check-ride in that type of plane.


If you have 30k and are debating a ul vs a Cessna 150, get the 150....


that is NOT Also, most require a pilot license


The airbike, minimax, and the sparrow price quoted is the price of the kit, without engine, prop and instruments.


some errors but enjoyed the good video quality. Thanks!


Watched from Old Harbour Jamaica 🇯🇲, their are a few of them on the island.


prices are way off and any 2 seater is to be flown with a sport licence and anything over 254 pounds is not 103 legal


Where do you find the 900USD ultralight?


Gee, the Aero Adventure II shown - they all have N numbers, means they are NOT ultralights. That Rotax engine is not 40HP, but rather 100 HP. 73 MPH and 12 gallons of gas are certainly not Part 103 complient. Quicksilver: Nope - no 2 seats are allowed any more. While the Aerolote 103 (one-oh-three, not one hunderd and three) can be an ultralight, but not at 275 lbs and exceeding the max speed of 63.25 mph. Kolb Firefly - max speed of 70mph? Too fast! CGS Hawk - too heavy and no 2 seats here.

I could go on, but it looks like many vehicles show here are actually in Europe, where the "ultralight" rules are quite different.


To be honest, the PPL is so simple I don't think I want anyone flying who can't pass it!


In my country you are not aloud to fly anything except RC: s without license.


isn’t it funny that you can fly a airplane without a license but you have to have a license for a RC aircraft.


Part 103 does not relate outside of USA, elsewhere you need a licence LSA licence


That all depends on what the standard for "very cheap" is


We need to stop calling electric powered anything " environmentally friendly" at this time. There is not anything about electric batteries that are environmentally friendly. To top this off, the whole section based on the Zigolo MG12 was explained to be electric yet every video clip of this one is a ICE powered machine.


What would you like said in your obituary ?
