How I take notes on my iPad as a MATHS student at the University of OXFORD

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Hello everybody! My name is Ioana and I have just finished my First Year at the University of Oxford, studying Mathematics!

Throughout my highschool years, I have never thought that there existed a digital replacement for the good old handwritten notes in Mathematics. I used to have separate notebooks for my class notes, for my homework exercises, for the extra problems I did in preparation for my exams, and for my Olympiad prep. And they would never last for more than a month. But I thought that this was the way, that's how Maths has been done since the beginning of time, and who am I to reconsider this? Especially since my high school had quite a strict policy regarding the use of laptops, tablets, and mobile phones during class. They were seen as a distraction, rather than a tool to help us learn and retain information in a better way. And then the summer before going to university happened. Trying to do my research and find out anything I could about studying Maths at degree level and going to a prestigious university in another country I came across several videos titled "How I take notes using my iPad" and my mind was simply blown. That changed everything and I have never looked back ever since.

In this video I take you through my note-taking process, explain what accessories, apps, and settings I use, as well as show you a time-lapse of me taking notes in an actual lecture! So make sure you watch the video till the end! Hope you enjoy!! ❤️

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TikTok: @portlibrimo

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Have an amazing day!!! xx
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its my first year studying maths at uni and christmas is just around the corner, ipad are on sales so this is great. Thank you so much!


I am halfway through and already started loving her the way she is honest while going through the iPad options. She is the very 1st person who didin't even mention the requirement of 12.9" inch iPad. To my opinion the 11' is the best in terms of usability. Not required the 12.9" for day to day use with respect to carrying it to your school


Graph theory was my favorite subject to take notes and do assignments on. Note taking apps really bring out the beauty in things like dual graphs, chromatic polynomials and n-colorable type graphs, and comparing complement graphs, etc. I was stoked to see you use graph theory to highlight the capabilities note-taking apps can have, to showcase math brought to life! Awesome stuff!


Got an iPad a few months ago, never seen paper after that, I can feel that I'm more focused now. Go for the iPad. It's an investment for the future. The only disappointment is the screen quality. I used super AMOLED before and I find it hard to adapt to LCD. But no regrets getting Ipad over TabS7+.


I also use an ipad for taking notes; however, I don't use Goodnotes. I use OneNote because it can work in any device. I have a windows laptop, an android phone, and of course an ipad (I have very little bias because I use them all). As a matter of fact, you can access yours notes online without any app. This is such a huge advantage because OneNote is not system dependent plus it synchronizes in real time to all your devices. Of course, it doesn't have the most advanced features compared to other note-taking apps so you have to see whether if fits your needs.


Miss as a immigrant studying in England I will accept you are a geniuses thank you


Even though its math note, I suggest as a Univ student, especially from Oxford, highly respected one, one should try using more tex to take note, or do draft. It's futureproof, worth spending time to make the skill part of your body. I deliberately tried it in my undergrad, which was in 2009.


I recommend you make more playlist of your videos due to your channel having a lot of great information. It would be easier for the viewer if you had playlist on you channel e.g. A playlist for how to prepare for first year uni maths or note taking.


Super helpful video, thank you for the info 🙏🏼 keep it up!


Hi Ioana, I love your videos! Great inspiration for studying.


I still love this video for some reason.


That was great! I like that you were very specific, and the walk-through at the end gave a realistic picture of what it is like to take notes this way. Do you ever later convert some of your notes to LaTeX? I'm wondering if anything would help with that process. Thanks much for the video!


Hello, i’m so happy for you finally i would just ask you if it’s efficient to resolve problems in the iPad because i’ve been thinking of this for a long time


Hey Ioana, great video. How common are iPads/ tablets in your lectures? Do most people use them or is hand-writing notes still very common? Thanks


god damn you’re voice is just beautiful, love the accent😍 good video though👍🏻 electrcal engineering student here and just got my ipad pro with the No.2 combo


this is such a relatable experience 00:58


Hi .. that was great .. thanks. Do you ever use the convert to text function? I’m doing Engineering, so I do a lot more writing, but for written submissions, we have to type out our Calculus, which drives me insane 🤬


so nice to see a romanian at oxford!! I really enjoy your videos :)


This video was good because of how you explained the benefits of using an iPad for note taking, and why you chose the iPad Pro over the other models. You showed us how the features of the iPad Pro, such as the pencil and split screen capabilities, make it particularly useful for note taking and studying. Additionally, the fact that you are a student at Oxford University adds credibility to your recommendation and suggests that this method of note taking must be helpful to some people. Overall, your clear and concise explanations, demonstration of the features, and personal experience make this video a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their note taking on an iPad.


Hello, first time to your channel. I suggest that you memorize the lines that you are about to speak and then speak it while looking at the camera instead of switching your focus between your script and the camera lens. Just a piece of advice so that you can improve your videos. Otherwise the video was fantastic, loved it.
