Golf and Back Pain

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Dr. Shim describes what effects playing golf can have on your spine and offers suggestions on how to lesson the odds of injury.


Gluck GS, Bendo JA, Spivak JM. The lumbar spine and low back pain in golf: a literature review of swing biomechanics and injury prevention. Spine J. 2008 Sep-Oct;8(5):778-88. PubMed PMID: 17938007
Рекомендации по теме

Dr Shen,
You have pinpoint the source of my pain.
As you we're explaining the parts of the spine, you were showing me where my pain was coming from.
In Lord Jesus name thank you.


Can you do a video about playing fotball with disc injuries? Thank you


I love your videos. It would be great if you add a video about massage therapy. Something about myths and facts about massage impact for the body. For example :

1. Is massage really increasing blood circulation through the muscles or only at a superficial level?
2. Is there any chance to make some real changes in tissues like thoracic lumbar fascia, for example by changing the consistency of a connective tissue matrix? (Fascia manipulation - Luigi Stecco method).
3. Trigger points and treatment of those are real? For example, pain going from the buttocks to the leg from the piriformis muscle.
4. Could massage give some real long-term help with chronic pain, by not changing the tissues but changing interpretations of signals from painful areas in the patient's brain?
5. Do you think that massage makes people feel better only temporarily because of giving competitive touching signals from painful areas or there are some real and important changes in the body after massage for people in pain.

Let say, that someone has lower back pain, but there is no reason for surgery so far (There are no red flags, clear MRI etc.). Could it be beneficial to give that patient very gentle manual pelvic oscillations to reduce swelling? (Patient on the back, one hand of therapist under patient's sacrum bone).

I am a massage therapist, but I have a scientific attitude, I am looking for the truth not for finding something good for me. I would love to get a physiological explanation, not information that if it is not harmful and money are not the problem you can try.

I have so many questions but my English is not very good, so I am surprised if you get to this point.

Best regards


please, a proper one about CYCLING, what to avoid, what to strengthen - i really hope cycling is ok... :-)
you have great videos! thank you!
best regards,


Question, I'm 62. I do yoga and I squat and deadlift 400lbs without a belt.
I'm thinking about learning to play golf. My yoga has saved my back, basically my life

Is it ok to learn golf, or should I forget it?

Any advice is appreciated 😊

Oh, and no back pain at all now. Yoga👍


And my wife told me to quit rugby and take up golf due to the herniated disc I sustained from years of contact rugby. I am going back to rugby for good!


I can tell you from experience golf is bad for your back, I only took it up in 2019/20 and I’ve had 2 herniations in a year with only playing for 3 months in that year between injuries, I’ve been stuck on the floor in tears I’ve been into a&e I’ve been out of action for 8 months but I can’t wait to play again 🤪


I’m watching this video for a reason, my back is killing me, hard to breathe


Very informative and balanced!! Fantastic!


I'm only 23 and I have just started getting back pain, coincidentally I have also just started playing Golf. Ain't gonna stop me tho.


Hey doc, would you say golf is a no for me if i have spondylolisthesis?


I'm 26 and a very avid golfer. I have a swing speed of 130+ mph. I work in the the industry and today tweaked my upper back in a fashion I have never experienced. I'm not sure what to do now. I just had my first Profesional lesson last week to change my swing and since that day, I started feeling very tight.


This seems like a sport for women, because their spine is different compared to men.
