Is RC Sproul Yet Another Masonic Shill - Judge For Yourself

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You should make a longer video about this. I agree that Calvinism is demonic. Something about that guy never felt right with me and then I found out what Calvinists believe and it's way off. There are many christians denominations but Calvinism is just something else.


I have a picture of RC Sproul HAILING Satan with a deliberate, prolonged devil's horns hand sign during a sermon!!!


its black magic using numbers and hand signs


First of I would like to say I love ALL you calvinists out there and not just some of you but ALL of you, as well as every one else out there in the world.
I can only truly love anyone by the love and strength GIVEN through Jesus Christ and the example that Jesus Christ has given ALL mankind.
Peace be unto you ALL Israelite born or not and other words who are Jews or a Jew inwardly, everyone else.
All Glory and thanks and love and power be to the Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
• (Hosea 4:6 K.J.V My people are DESTROYED for lack of knowledge: because thou hast 👉REJECTED knowledge👈, 👉I will also reject thee👈, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing THOU hast FORGOTTEN the law of thy God, I WILL also FORGET thy children.
• Hosea 4:6)
• (Isaiah 28:9-11 K.J.V Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
• For 👉PRECEPT MUST👈 be upon PRECEPT, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
• For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.
• Isaiah 28:9-11)
There are many Holy Scriptures that disproves all 5 points of Calvinism called t.u.i.p. I'm going to be showing with the Holy Scriptures how the (“t”) and the (“i”) in t.u.l.i.p are 100% FALSE teaching by the Holy Scriptures.

First what is total inability or total depravity, as well as irresistible Grace theses are the (“t”) and the Im (“i”) in t.u.i.l.p.
T = TOTAL INABILITY a.k.a T = Total Depravity – Is the Calvinism teaching that ALL MANKIND are dead and 100% cannot do anything nothing at ALL, because ALL & EVERYONE has a heart of stone when born because of God caused Eve & Adam to sin. This is according to calvinism. Total inability a.k.a total depravity is 100% false teaching according to the Holy scriptures.
Oh all Calvinists use (Ezekiel 36:26 K.J.V) as a proof text). Keep this verse in mind.

L = LIMITED ATONEMENT- Is a Calvinism teaching that Christ died only for ALL the elect, Christ didn't die for ALL the non-elect, so ALL the non-elect remain Total depravity and 100% cannot do anything nothing at ALL because they have a heart of stone. Limited atonement is 100% false teaching according to the Holy scriptures.

So now the Holy Scriptures:
• (Hebrews 2:9 K.J.V
• But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should TASTE death for EVERY MAN.
• Hebrews 2:9)
It’s appoint for all mankind to die once.
• (Hebrews 9:27-28 K.J.V And as it is 👉APPOINTED unto men ONCE to DIE👈, but after this the judgment:
• So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the SECOND time WITHOUT sin unto SALVATION.
• Hebrews 9:27-28)
So total depravity and limited atonement together you have ALL the elect who had a heart of stone and now has a heart of flesh, ALL the non-elect has a heart of STONE and are dead and 100% cannot do anything nothing at ALL.
So total depravity & limited atonement are 100% false for the simple fact that (Romans 14:12 K.J.V) is in the Holy Scriptures as well as others.
• (Romans 14:12 K.J.V So then 👉EVERY ONE👈 of us shall GIVE ACCOUNT of himself to God.
• Romans 14:12)
Here is how total depravity & limited atonement are 100% false for the simple fact that (Romans 14:12 K.J.V):
Question calvinists: How is the non-elect going to GIVE ACCOUNT of himself to God. If ALL the non-elect have a (heart of stone) and 100% cannot do anything they have a heart of stone remember.
So the teaching of total depravity and limited atonement makes (Romans 14:12 K.J.V) a 100% lie according to the Calvinism teachings because NOT EVERY ONE will give an account of himself to God if ALL the non-elect Have a heart of stone and 100% can't do anything nothing at ALL, is making God and God's word a lie.
• (Romans 14:12 K.J.V So then 👉EVERY ONE👈 of us shall GIVE ACCOUNT of himself to God.
• Romans 14:12)
Lets look at another verses (Revelation 22:12 K.J.V).
• Revelation 22:12 K.J.V
• And, behold, I come quickly; and my REWARD is with me, to give EVERY MAN according as his work shall be.
• Revelation 22:12
So if ALL the non-elect are have a heart of stone and are dead and 100% cannot do anything nothing at ALL, then how are ALL the non-elect And 100% cannot give an account of themselves to God how can God reward them according to their work, if God cannot reward them according to there work then (Revelation 22:12 K.J.V) it says EVERY MAN is a lie according to calvinism, in doinf so making God and God's word a lie.

So calvinist's is God a liar and God's word a lie OR is Calvinism a lie and false teaching?

(I Rich J Rio) Do hereby testify God to be Infinity times infinity percent true as well God’s word.
• Romans 3:4 K.J.V God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
• Romans 3:4
As for calvinism and the calvinism teachings (I Rich J Rio) Do hereby testify Calvinism defined as t.u.l.i.p as the teachings of Calvinism to be Infinity times infinity percent wrong and false teaching according to God and God's word.

• Isaiah 8:20 K.J.V To the law and to the testimony: if they speak NOT ACCORDING to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
• Isaiah 8:20


LOL this video made me laugh! I don't want to believe just anything because of a couple of coincidences but I will pray about this. I'm so glad that someone else agrees that Calvinism is dangerous. It really scares me to think that I may or may not be destined for hell and there's nothing I can do about it. You perfectly described my thought process when I was exposed to Calvinist beliefs. I was mad at God and thought to myself "Well if God wants me he wants me, meanwhile I'm gonna go and live however I want."


I do agree that Calvinism is rubbish though...
