TDG: Cody's Top Ten Block Wargames (January 2024)

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Join Cody as he takes a look at his favorite Block Wargames of all time.

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What I love about the Fog of War (not only Block War Games) is that it feels you can dig ever so deeper with strategies in every game session and that keeps them replayable.

I like *Richard III* so much. It may not be as elegant as some games on the list but that's why I still think I just have scratched the surface of it.


One of my favourite block wargame is 1812 by Columbia Games. It’s an older game was publish in 1973 or 74 but I believe it’s being reprinted by a different company now a days


Cody, thanks for the insight into the mechanics behind 'Hammer of the Scots'. Reason enough to buy that game just for that mechanic. Also enjoyed your comparative review of 'Pacific Victory' v 'Triumph & Tragedy'. Finally, loved 'Julius Caesar' & 'Napoleon 4th Ed' too, especially those maps. Thanks for the video. Do love the Commands & Colors range as well, plus their 1/72nd scale equivalents for North America etc.


Crusader Rex 2d ed. is my favorite Block wargame. Love the ebb and flow of the game. Lots of subtle decisions required. Lovely board too. Shiloh is a lot of fun, and the area command control works better than the hex-based Gettysburg.


Gettysburg Badges of Courage from Columbia is FANTASTIC! Might be my #1 block war game


Napoleon at Waterloo sounds like a class side project. I just watched a multi player Napoleonic miniatures wargame with limited communication between all the players. Looked like fun.


Thanks for posting! Some very good Columbia Games selected. My favorites that you did not mention are their Borodino, and Shiloh games. Texas Glory is also quite fun. I did have fun with Combat Infantry when it came out but I think overall it was a missed opportunity. It was the most innovative versions of their system in a long time, but I think they underwhelmed on production values and support. The map is just uninspired aesthetically and is flimsy; the art work terrain created out of the box LOS issues galore. I would still play it, but not recommend buying at full price.

The other big company for block games I would recommend is Vento Nuovo and their Borodino game, Bloody Monday, and Waterloo 200 game are fabulous. Their WW1 block game Germany at War 1914 is also very good.

Finally I agree with another post that We are Coming Nineveh by Nuts! takes it to another level, with a built in solo system that is very challenging. And it is readily available.


I love columbia games. Been addicted to them for a decade now


Napoleon The Waterloo Campaign is absolute gold. Wonderful game.

One of my other fav block games is This War Without an Enemy (the English Civil Wars).


Nice selection of games. I think I'd put Rommel in the Desert, Hammer of the Scots and in particular Triumph and Tragedy higher up on my list should I make one. I've enjoyed 1812 in the past as per other posters, although I wouldn't put it above Rommel, Hammer, T&T or Napoleon.


Awesome review! Some of the block war games start to use printed tiles. Any of the game in the list use printed blocks? Thanks


The Napoleon game looks interesting, I might check that out. I have the Columbia Gettysburg game, which is ok. A block game that I like a lot is GMT's No Retreat: The Russian Front.


Bobby Lee, by Columbia Games, is also a really good game that covers the American Civil War in the eastern theater.


Love Columbia and would include their Front series (West/East/Euro) and if you haven't tried yet give VentoNuovo games a try from Italy. I think you'd like Black Swan and I enjoy Kiev and Leningrad


Wow so many I have wanted to play but have not. Verdun is another WW1 I want to play. I have and played 1812, Quebec 1759, I have an earlier ver of Waterloo. Rommel I thought the card rules for supply was different. I have the 1st ver of the WW2 Front Series I really enjoyed this. Combining all the fronts for the war in Europe is a real trip. Very long and take up a lot of realestate. This is a great if you have this over the 2nd edition as this its nice for the bigger board spaces but 1st is smaller for the full game. I also am a huge fan of C&C Napoleonics & Ancients. Napoleonics has a slight edge because of my interests. I only wish Battle Cry was blocks.


You need to play We Are Coming Nineveh! It's the best block wargame I've ever played.


Great list, great vid! 👍 Fields of Despair is excellent.


I also like Block wargames. Never tried the West- Eastfront WW2 ones but many on your list are favorites of mine.


I always download these block game maps and get printed as large as possible. Just printed Julius Caesar 33x70….game changer.


Just gonna play Triumph and Tragedy for the first time next Sunday, am really excited. Played Sekigahara before, but I guess that doesnt quite fit your definition of a block wargame
