SOLVING THE TIME LOOP THEORY! | Don't Hug Me I'm Scared TV Show Theory

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We've solved the Time Loop Theory in the new DHMIS TV Show in this part 2 video!

#donthugmeimscared #theory #dhmis

The new show hasn't been out for too long yet, but me and my theory partners have been hunkered down trying to solve everything for a long while now, and I think we finally have it!
Join us in this series where we put everything we've got on the table for you all to make the final conclusion!
Are we right?

In this episode, we discuss if the Time Loop Theory is truly accurate, and come up with a very possible alternative. What if it isn't a time loop, but instead, there are different versions of the main characters that get reset?

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Once again, this is still just a theory, so it might be disproven later with more information, but again, don't be hesitant to comment below about any other information I may have missed that would disprove my theory, or even solidify this one!


Not reallly the focus of the vid, but I firmly believe that Yellow Guy doesn't just "forget" what the book means or was just made to forget it. He still clearly understands it was something important, even if it, in his own words, hurts to think again. The way I interpret it is that when his batteries are changed back and he decides to shred the paper, it's his final act with his newfound clarity. Just like how in the original webseries E6, Red Guy gets his ending not by controlling the machine, but by shutting it down entirely, Yellow Guy claims his "ending" by refusing to play Lesley's game. He doesn't entertain the idea that this book was what he wanted, and instead shreds whatever answers she wrote down for them.


In the scene where Duck says "Welp, I'm dead" the back of the newspaper reads "power surge leads to blackout" implying the final episode has happened before. Also noticed at 20:56 in the last episode you can see another staircase implying Leslie's not at the top.


I remember seeing a theory that, after Yellow guy's batteries were swapped at the end, he didnt forget about the book. He was scared that what information might be in it so he decided to not know the truth and shred it.
A proof to that is Yellow Guy talks in the mirror with his smart self and he comments about how Red guy and Duck seems upset about him being smart. That probably means dumb Yellow guy still sees what Smart Yellow guy sees. So he probably remembers the book


in Death, Red *is* upset about Duck's absence. he literally tries to remake him! its a really good way of showing two different ways people deal with their loved ones dying/moving away/etc. Some of them just grieve and want them back and will do anything to get them back and refuse to move forward that way, and others (Red) *say* theyre moving and take steps to, but then dont *actually* work through their problems (as Stain points out directly) and just try to make other people into their loved one to fill that void while pretending everything is fine, like putting a bandaid on and calling it okay.
Red was greatly upset that Duck died, he just showed it differently than Yellow. Yellow was not the only one upset!!


Minor nitpick: I think that Yellow Guy saying "what're we doing?" at the end of the Big Day song is not because he forgot about the shepherd's pie, but because he's confused about how his and Red's wires are crossing regarding the events of the big day, because one sang "shepherd's pie" and the other sang "big day."


Not sure if it was said in the comments already, but you can further verify Yellow Guy being David beside his overalls having a "D" is by in the Death episode, the coffin teacher when guessing who died guesses Yellow first. Not Duck.


I think you forgot how big of a role Duck has in the Yellow Guy and Lesley connection. In the Mulhoven scene in Episode 5 David dies after chasing a bird into the street. During the whole scene the narrator (Lesley) is insulting the bird calling it "A rat. Some kind of worthless animal?". Throughout both series Duck is repeatedly treated differently than Red Guy and Yellow Guy.

For example, in the YouTube series he is the only one to actually die, twice at that, he dies in Episode 2 and dies in Episode 5, whereas Red Guy gets to escape and Yellow Guy keeps on going. Then in this series, he doesn't fit into the workplace in the first episode, he's the one to die and later get replaced in the second, he doesn't fit in with the family in episode 3 and in the Mulhoven scene in Episode 5 he is portrayed as a pet, being merged with a dog, while Red Guy gets to be a neighbor alongside Yellow Guy. Then in Episode 6 there's a dead Duck corpse on the ground when the room goes dark. To add on to this, Lesley's piano thing only had one drawer, which we know only has replacements of Duck. Unless they're stashed away in a completely separate location for some reason, Duck is the only one replaceable (which brings into question a lot of this theory). It's clear that Lesley holds some anger at that bird for what happened to her son (As a little extra note, Yellow Guy and Red Guy have directly questioned their existence, Red Guy in the original series, Yellow Guy in the new one, meanwhile Duck has not)

From this we can gather that Yellow Guy represents David, and Duck represents the bird that he chased into the street. The only question left then is who does Red Guy represent

Edit: also you made a mistake saying Roy hadn't appeared since Episode 3, but he actually was in Episode 5 as well. He was the hitchhiker Yellow Guy picked up. It was clearly Roy in disguise, as if you listen closely you can even hear him making Roy's angry breathing/mumbling sounds


Also don't forget that the Coffin in Episode 2 assumed that it was Yellow Guy who was dead, not Duck.


I like to think that the guys never left the wasteland in Transportation, they're still there. Lesley just replaced them for the next episode. If they ever escape again, maybe there's a whole town filled with copies of themselves. A community, just like what Red and Yellow wanted.


I don’t think she PLAYS the teachers, but I think she controls them. Several teachers return alive in this season, but they’re all friendly! The computer even says “I love you!” To the main three. It’s like they’ve got a completely different personality!


The scene when Lesley moves Yellow to the ground floor uses the same music as when we see duck sealed in his coffin for the first time, and the scenes also have similar camera composition
we can also see a dead yellow guy and Tony fossil buried in the ground


If there was a second season could "Duck" be the one to break the boundaries of the show? In the web show it was Red, in the series it was Yellow. It would be interesting to see how he (basically being the oldest of the 3 characters) makes that separation between their "reality" and the "fiction" in a more meaningful way to the plot... I think about it taking into account the windows with the colors of the characters in the attic and how in a certain way they could be related to the loss of Leslie


I think leslie said "YOURE NOT MY REAL SON" in a bit of a sad, angry way because it wasn't actually her son, it was a puppet/doll she made to cope with Davids (her sons) death


Before going to sleep, I was thinking of the sequence where Yellow Guy walked upstairs to find an intelligent versions of Duck and Red. In this sequence we never see where old/intelligent Yellow guy is, indicating even more that Yellow guy is the child of Lesley which died at a young age and never got to fully develop. I don't know where this would tie in but I thought it was interesting.


I won't pretend to have a thorough enough understanding of the series to contest this, but isn't there a scene when Yellow Guy leaves the attic that reveals another door and another flight of stairs? The assumption is that Lesley is essentially "real" in a way that the puppet characters aren't because she's played by a human, which is in keeping with how these sorts of shows normally work (4th wall-breaking puppet shows) but there's no specific in-universe reason to suspect she's the highest power. In fact, the fact that there are stairs beyond, and that she exists *within* the dollhouse suggests to me that she is not all that different to the puppets.

I also think it's interesting that there's big and bigger versions of Red and Duck, but not Yellow, and in fact the other versions not only recognise him but seem to be expecting him. This could mean that Yellow is unique in some way, or that different versions cannot meet themselves, or that the journey upstairs is more metaphysical and personal, so that if say, Duck were to go upstairs, he would see big and bigger Yellow and Red. It could also be unique to their characters; Yellow sees the others as more intelligent than him, and so it follows that his perception of travelling upstairs would result in more and more intelligent versions of the others.

I dunno, I just thought it's not necessarily set in stone that Lesley *is* the Creator.


This is a pretty interesting theory! Just a few things to bring up for the sake of conversation:
There are many times where the characters seem to forget something that aren’t mentioned here. In episode 5 red guy directly comments on how the teachers pop up, and both duck and yellow guy are confused until the transportation guy actually shows up. However in episode 6 when smart yellow guy comments on people randomly showing up red guy also seems confused at first. Episodes 1 and 3 even play into this, with duck seemingly forgetting his friends for a bit after his interaction with the care hound, and yellow guy failing to remember his friends in the family episode after they are taken out of the house. It’s also noteworthy how sometimes they have random flashes of memories, for instance red guy in the episode 4 intro screaming about living in a nightmare, or even the detail of them not knowing each other’s names since they always refer to each other as “that one” or something along those lines (this could also be something about their names being weird symbols that can’t be pronounced but they did type out yellow guy’s name on the computer so it seems there is some way to translate it to a speakable language?).
Along with all of the hints to duck being dead or there being 2 of him, there’s also a lot of references to water related deaths. In episode 2 duck is declared dead from not drinking enough water, and red guy’s ID card tells him that he “drowns in the lake/it has something to do with water”. Grolvis and Holvit (or whatever their names are I can’t remember) are always talking about water in their episodes. Even in the YT series yellow guy drowns in oil, and in episode 1 of the show the vending machine gives them “black water”. Maybe I’m just looking into it too much though, just seemed like a weird detail how much water is associated with death here.

Sorry for the little rant, I’m loving these videos! They are funny and provide a really interesting way to view the series. Keep it up!

Edit: fixed some errors lol


21:16 that actually makes me so sad. I was already sad that Stain got killed in the original episode, but to learn that he's being tortured is so much worse.


I really think the most obvious (and also the most grim) answer to the memory problem is that what they do and don’t remember is determined entirely by Leslie for the sake of doing what would be “funniest” at any given moment. This is really the only way to explain the overwhelming inconsistency in what they do and do not remember at any given point.


I'm surprised you didn't mention the beginning of EP 6 when duck is trying to think of the word "up" and instead Yellow guy goes on this weird rant about how there's "bigger ones" above you (big boys) and then "smaller ones on top of that" (the dolls)
