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Hello everyone and welcome to another new theory video! I hope you are all well, today we are talking about the Time Loop theory! Remember to like and subscribe if you enjoyed it and want more theories!
#LittleNightmaresII #LittleNightmares2 #LittleNightmaresTimeLoopTheory

Thank you to the video producers;
Nightmare Isabella
ToyBox Studios
Max Kingmoon
AmaZing PurpleGirl
Minecraft Tiger
Oliver Mawson-Martin
Vidalva Veliadez
Douglas Reaver
Daniel The king57
Zachatonumus Rex
Hey Ho
Napps Snapps
Shannon Marie.P
North Wind
Six is Hungry
Dynamic Gamer
Newly New
kris pyne
Andrew Goodguy
ElegantDesire_ xo
Strange Creatures
Jessica DeHaro
M7 DrAg0n

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I believe she forgot Mono after she was “saved”. In the first game her description mentions that she has no memory. Maybe guided by this fragment of the tower. Perhaps she regains the memories of Mono and is why she thinks gaining the Geisha’s power to consume, to consume that entity. All we hear is a fog horn. Does she leave, or stay to great the guests to get stronger against the thing holding her friend captive?


It's sad we all want good endings for them but as soon as they get a good ending the games will be over and there won't be a need for another one


ah yes, a return to the Time Is Super Effed Up Theory


Here's my theory: When Mono and Six are in the signal tower, time is so warped, that time is going backwards. This explains why the tvs manipulating people don't appear to be very present in the first game, and the signal is only just beginning to develop. The reason that the tvs are present in Little Nightmares 2 is because time has not yet started going backwards. By the time that Little Nightmares 2 begins again, the signal has now developed. That's how i think the loop works. Basically, this is how I think the loop works: First, Little Nightmares 2, where the signal is fully developed, then time goes backwards, and Little Nightmares 1 happens, where the signal has not yet developed, then the signal begins to develop again, starting Little Nightmares 2 all over again. I really like this theory, but maybe there are flaws.


On a previous video, I commented an analysis of what I thought was a cut character from Little Nightmares 2 who I referred to as the Baker, as his concept artwork depicts him stirring a bowl of eggs in preparation for a meal.

I then mentioned that the Baker made an almost unnoticeable cameo on television within episode 5 of the Little Nightmares 2 comic series.

So, if the Baker made an appearance within the official comic series, does that mean that the Baker is an official character that exists within the Little Nightmares universe? Yes it does.

Within the comics, the Baker appears to be a male pale city citizen that may be disconnected or unaltered from the Black Tower’s transmission, similar to the Hunter, Teacher, Barber, and Doctor. The reason why I have come to this conclusion is because the Baker is capable of carrying out complex skill-driven tasks, such as professional baking, which is in complete contrast to the many seemingly mindless pale city citizens that have been nicknamed “Viewers.” His disconnection would also allow him to use weapons if necessary, which may be baking-oriented.

The Baker’s face isn’t actually seen, as it is obscured by an incredibly bright light. His attire is incredibly similar to the clothes he wore as depicted in his concept art, which consisted of a long-sleeved white shirt and a teal apron.


Hey here’s a scary thought. What if there’s more than one Maw around the


My thoughts on the language within Little Nightmares 2… (would love to have a discussion)

The spoken language of the Pale City is incredibly difficult to make sense of, as it primarily consists of what most would consider gibberish. But it’s not.

The spoken language has rhythm, it has purpose, as all language does, which is to express thought and communicate.

This can be inferred from the various channels broadcasted throughout the Pale City, which can be heard and understood to some degree, whether it’s an urgent news report, advertisement for a product, a standup comedy skit, or a speech. All of that could be brought to mind from various aspects of our life and the world around us without having to completely understand the language.

Or… the spoken language could simply be incredibly distorted, as the Transmission that emits from the Signal Tower most often corrupts all aspects of life. This idea can be seen within the school.

While within the Pale City school, we come across a small group of porcelain children engaged in a game of jump-rope. While doing so, they begin to sing a song, though it’s incredibly difficult to understand, as the children do not appear to speak an actual language.

The song they are attempting to replicate is “Down in the Valley Where the Green Grass Grows” which is a jump-rope rhyme sung by English-speaking children, which originated from the late 19th century and continued into the early 20th century.

The written language seen on various advertisements within the Pale City vaguely resembles Hiragana, a form of syllabic writing used in Japan. Though despite this, the language within the Pale City is completely unique and cannot be deciphered.

Also, a fun little fact, the names of three porcelain children have been given. One male porcelain child is named Benny, while the other is named Truls. For the female porcelain child, her name is Jennifor. All three names originate from various regions within Europe.


This game is confusing so thank you for explaining what is going on


Also I think that there needs to be a story idea/theory about mono’s past. (Why is he alone in the 1st place, what was his childhood like, what happened to his family, how did he get his powers .etc) questions that need to be answered.


thanks for feeding my hunger for ln2 theorys


I don’t rlly agree with the theory of six knowing anything. She showed her aggression when she attacked the porcelain kid. She had a good friendship with Mono until he tried to destroy her music box. They’re literal kids and that was the only object that had importance to her. She dropped him from the anger she held in that moment


The guy in the concept art which people call “the baker” looks exactly like the mirror man


I wonder if anyone thought of this

What if Six's hunger pangs started right as she was about to pull Mono up from the crumbling bridge? And evidently from the first game, they're incredibly painful; meaning that perhaps, she did actually intend to save Mono, but the pain of the hunger pangs sapped her strength

And true to her character, she made a hard choice. Her own survival above all else. It was either Mono or them both. And she made her choice.


This is really interesting and I love it! It makes me wonder if this means Six would like to save him but knows that either someone needs to be the host in order to do so or that she would need to be strong enough to completely destroy it from the outside.


The thing I love about the loop theory is that nobody can make up their mind if it’s true or not. That’s what makes it a stable theory. The fact that people argue over it’s true or not. And that it never ends like a loop.


I'd like to add to this theory in the "what if they both make it out alive" portion. Let's say they escape, the Tower dies off and no more broadcasting happens but in turn, nothing really changes. No more monstrosities can be made from the currently existing people, but those who have been morphed will forever be stuck in that state. So in short, the world is still fucked over and Mono and Six will continue to fight for their lives, but at least they in turn won't become monsters themselves.


Another great theory jord! Keep up the good work!


So the tower is like a symbiote? Without a host it will die..
*yes I made a venom reference*


Omg I'm so bad at explaining things but you've explained my entire thoughts perfectly!! All I have to add is personally I think the signal tower is controlling her through the music box and that's why she hates Mono because he got rid of it's influence on her. Also, I think the Signal Tower made the music box to Six what the TV's are for the viewers and that's why she's so mad at him at the end.


So that means if Six happened to save Mono and break the cycle, the tv portal would shut off ?
That explains so much things, what an epic theory !