SOLVING THE BOOK | Don't Hug Me I'm Scared TV Show Theory

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We've solved the Time Loop Theory in the new DHMIS TV Show in this part 4 video!

#donthugmeimscared #theory #dhmis

The new show hasn't been out for too long yet, but me and my theory partners have been hunkered down trying to solve everything for a long while now, and I think we finally have it!
Join us in this series where we put everything we've got on the table for you all to make the final conclusion!
Are we right?

In this episode, we discuss who wrote the book, what the book means, and why it was shredded!

Watch the entire series here! ▼

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Feel free to comment about any information I may have missed that can either solidify, or make me reconsider this theory! I’m fully open to any suggestions!


You missed something VERY important. Roy, just like the original show, Roy is credited at the end. He is hidden in the intro, he is in Yellow Guys’ shed in episode one and he is the guy that Yellow Guy found on the road. Roy is STILL very important and he could either be with the actors/creators or even over them. Maybe even Red Guy and Roys’ relationship is still the same, as Lesley said: “Batteries can be replaced, but some things STAY THE SAME” Besides, he’s also in the storage box and the crossword puzzle in episode six.

Yeah I know he had an obvious appearance in episode 3 but it still proves my theory


I feel like "Batteries can be replaced, but some things remain the same" has a different meaning:
What if she meant that even though she replaced David with Yellow Guy, she feels the exact same as before?
"No matter how twist and turn, we're still dancing in chains."
Maybe here she's trying to say "No matter how much I try to escape the pain, I'm still suffering."
Along with her yelling at Yellow Guy "You're not my real son.", it makes sense. That "You're not my real son." feels like her actually reminding herself out loud that Yellow Guy is not her real son, reminding herself that David is dead and perhaps realizing how much her coping mechanism isn't working.


Each floor of the house represents a higher level of awareness that Yellow Guy is experiencing. The reason he missed the final flight of stairs is because, despite how smart he's become, he still hasn't realized that the show is a comedy, where things happen because they're funny, and not pieces some grand mystery to solve. Leslie even expresses her frustration that he still can't see the funny side.


Someone else (I think) pointed out that episode 6 is a dramatization of Plato's allegory of the cave, in which an entire society is chained inside a cave, their only reality being shadows cast on the wall by a higher level power. This higher level power is basically operating puppets in front of fires to cast the shadows. So this seems to fit in with the theories in this video.

Clearly our three heroes are chained in the cave, and the teachers are the reality being cast before them. In Plato's allegory, one of the chained members escapes the cave, and at first finds actual reality painful and confusing, but soon comes to accept it. If he were to return to his chained brethren and told them what he learned, they would think he's insane and would probably even kill him.

So there is no doubt that the chains Leslie sings about are the chains that keep them bound to this false reality. But how metaphorical are the chains? My question in light of this video is if the book were to provide a physical escape (like going out a hidden door marked EXIT) or escape simply through enlightenment. Physical escape would seem pointless judging from episode 5. They tried that and it didn't work. Only through knowledge and truth can they be free.

With Yellow Guy's batteries depleted, even a glimmer of a memory of smart Yellow Guy's thoughts would seem not just pointless, but insane. They run up against the accepted reality of his society. So the proposed enlightenment must be rejected. And killed.


I think Leslie is a host type of characters. In puppet shows there was often the host. A human character that knew more then the puppets and was a teacher to them, but still part of the fictional world


Hello! I noticed something that is VERY IMPORTANT. We see red is an actor in a costume yet he is trying to escape in episode 5. This shows the actors are controlled and want to escape. They are here against their will. However Leslie does not take red back to the house despite her role as essentially the camera watcher that Mamés sure everything is in its right place. We know red was left at the dump because only yellow actually hear Leslie say that. I think Leslie is making ways of escape by making the possibility of the actors coming back to end the nightmare. She of course does save yellow guy however because they have a plan to get away. I think this ENTIRELY CHANGES how we view the actors.


Here's an idea, I'm pretty sure we've all heard the theory that yellow guy is supposed to be David, Lessie's son who died in a car crash, and all these lessons are things she never got to teach the real David. well, what if David wrote the book? Kids love making things, secret languages, silly characters, all sorts of things. And who usually helps them with those? their parents. What I'm suggesting is that David wrote the characters and the language and maybe even the general concept of the show with his mom and now Leslie is using them to act out her grief. As for what's up the stairs? well, if you were a crazy lonely person playing with dolls all day, there's probably only 2 places to do it, the attic or the *basement* . That's right, what I'm theorizing is that what's up those final stairs is the actual home of David and Leslie


The Time loop theory makes sense when you think about the stairs that are climbed in episode 6. Red Guy is clearly shown to want to escape and/or explore the house so it wouldn't have made sense for him not to have climbed the stairs and discovered everything beforehand. Lesley must also have a model for the stairs which she added after episode 5. It would also make sense for this to have been a pre planned action by Lesley as she had clearly been expecting yellow guy.


The teachers definitely know of the third symbolic subset. It’s in the computer’s keyboard after all and the computer is a teacher/controlled by teachers.


I’m thinking the book is- if the media theory is in fact correct- a literal show bible
The dust on the book kinda makes sense for this as well imo- like the producers are entirely ignoring the show bible, so it’s collected dust, as the show technically started back in 2011


There could be another reason why Yellow Guy shreds the book. It could either be
A. What you said and the actors make him do it.
B. Yellow Guy realized that the actors now know that they have a plan, so he shreds the book to stop them from deciding his plans so he can think of another way to escape the cycle.


I love how he is one of the only ones who is making theories on this show


There's another aspect to realize to regarding the actors. They knew about it because of the intro song Yellow Guy had with the 'dream'. He literally told them, hence why Duck was looking so agog at him during.
There's also another frightening thing at play. The Duck and Red Guy in the 'prop box' or in the dark are chummy with one another, going on about how they'd like to look at each other but the second they get caught in the light, Duck forcibly switches out the batteries. The actors knew what was happening and took action to ensure the book was destroyed. Hell the wasteful ways they used electricity leading up to the blackout could even be the actors setting this plan up in the first place!


Critical line that Lesley delivers a lot of people are missing: "I ALWAYS make sure to have backups!" There's probably more than one copy of the book. This cycle likely repeats numerous times, and she's gone through multiple books trying to get him to put the pieces together, only to be foiled by the other characters/teachers somehow. The time between each instance could be dramatically longer than we realize.


W for keeping us company while Matpat is still doing his thang


One thing: Red and Duck didn't empty the batteries in Electracey. They just overloaded the system with too many appliances at once, and I think Electraceys noises was her trying to warn them about that.


*ngl because of this im picturing in my head a wholesome image of Yellow Guy writing the book and Lesley sitting on the floor beside him.*


The fact that the actors caught on him going to lesley's room would also explain why the big and bigger boys room exists in the first place.

Although from the outside perspective it totally seems like there are two floors they are three, that's because maybe the actors build those big and bigger boys rooms just to try to stop yellow guy to get to the answer. As a way to say to him "you wanted answers, here are your answers" he almost stays in the big or bigger rooms for a moment, till he realizes none of that actually makes sense and he actually see the actors.


One thought I had when the episode first aired was that when Leslie told yellow guy to go see his friends and sent him back downstairs and we see that there is another flight of stairs I always thought that Leslie was distracting yellow guy from going further up
