Leadership Styles –VISIONARY LEADERSHIP: How Leaders Can CREATE A VISION and Turn it into Reality!

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Leadership Styles –VISIONARY LEADERSHIP: How Leaders Can CREATE A VISION and Turn it into Reality!

You will all have heard the famous verse from the Bible, Proverbs 29:18, “Without a vision, the people will perish”. This is one of the Leadership Styles I want to talk about today in this Leadership Training video – Visionary Leadership!

There are many examples of people, nations, organisations, even families who have been lost because they do not have a vision of where they are going or should be going. The key is that without structure, organisation, direction, groups do not know where they are going, which then brings on fear and the inability to perform, let alone perform well.

More importantly, they do not have a leader to shine a light on the path and show them the direction, or even better, take them there.

Leading with Vision is about the leader being able to use his or her “imagination”, “creativity” and “wisdom” with “great passion” to see something no one else, or very few people, can see.

So, if we go from Vision to Visionary Leadership, what do we mean?

By referring to someone as a visionary (in this case a visionary leader), we are referring to them having a strong, very original or new ideas about how things might be different in the future, especially about how things might be improved. They are looking at ways in which things, situations can be improved, for the good of those around them, or who they serve or lead.

So, tell me have you ever came across this particular one of the leadership styles? Have you ever worked with a visionary leader? Let me know by leaving your comments below.

To go back to our leadership styles, I want you to understand that to create a vision as a leader, you have to be prepared to do things that are extraordinary; to go places, others would consider to be suicidal. You want to push the boundaries on a part of the project, the team, the company, because you believe absolutely that this is the right thing to do. You choose to dare!

So, how does all this relate to leadership?

1) Idea – It is an idea. Your idea.
2) Mind’s Eye – You have to see it in your mind’s eye.
3) Believe – You believe absolutely in what you see.
4) Risk – You are prepared to take the risk.
5) Courage – You need to have courage.
6) Think non-stop about what you see – your vision.

What are the critical ingredients of visionary leadership?

- Clarity
- Engagement
- Conviction
- Motivation
- Sense of Purpose

One of the key fundamentals of the visionary leadership styles is that you are communicating with the team in a way that aligns them both in terms of thinking, but more importantly, in action.

When people are aligned, their life, their role has meaning and purpose. They believe in you; they trust you. You give them relevance in what they do, you encourage them to perform, even go the extra mile.

Being a Visionary leader means that you are going to challenge the existing process in order to build something better for future generations, for our planet, for our countries. You have a higher calling. More is expected of you, and you expect more of yourself. It is what drives you.

Ultimately, this type of leadership styles – visionary leadership – is not only about capturing people’s head, but more specifically, their heart and mind. The heart will drive them forward with the same enthusiasm, energy, and emotion you display.

The best, most successful, visionary leaders are charismatic. Of course, this is not always the case, nor is it an absolute.

However, after all this is said and done, leadership is all about turning a vision into reality. That is visionary leadership.

With strong visionary leadership comes the strategy to deliver on that vision, surrounded by people who share that same passion, vision and drive.

I hope, in this leadership training video you got a better understanding on this one of the leadership styles – visionary leadership and how important it is as a great leader to create a vision and leader your teams towards it for the most successful of outcomes.

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