Sola Fide in the Church Fathers

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This is a video of my podcast discussing the church fathers and their approach to justification in light of the Lutheran doctrine of sola fide.
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Anytime you show a Roman Catholic or an Eastern Orthodox friend where the Fathers actually held to views that disprove their doctrines, they simply say, "well, we have the Magesterium and tradition, " in order to be impervious to any possible challenges. That's very frustrating. The Fathers, for example, have countless examples of justification by faith without any effort on our part. It's simply fact. Even if people think that doesn't amount to church doctrine, it still is clear that Sola Fide can be found very early in Church history.


I just want to say thank you so much. You have been an answer to my prayers. This has been a great equaliser to the stuff I've been listening to and reading on Eastern orthodoxy and the reformation.
You've stabilised my convictions in not only the reformation, but Sola Scriptura. (not the ignorant type but one that respects tradition).

I'm still struggling with baptismal regeneration, but by God's grace I'll get there. 🙏

Praise God for good scholarship 😁


Thanks so much for this Pastor Cooper. Sola Fide is at the heart of the Biblical gospel. It is very comforting for struggling believers and points us back to Christ and His work alone.


This is excellent. I really appreciate your balanced and scholarly approach to the church fathers. I too find it hard to read the church fathers because it seems like someone is always driving an agenda. It's very easy to cherry-pick, but I really like your honest and balanced approach. Please keep it up! Thank you!


Reading the fathers for my self was verry helpful. I appreciate that you bring up the fact that both Reformed and Roman Catholic's will take individual quotes out of context to support their position. I see this all the time and it is verry frustrating.


I really enjoyed this video. I am more arminian in my view of things. But this video really helped me. And I see you as a protestant. I disagree on some things but on the essentials we are very similar so yeah. Really enjoyed this


I would love to hear more quotes of fathers from other periods about sola fide


Excellent content as always, Dr. Cooper. The fathers wrote without the dichotomies and boundaries that we have. They were Catholic. They were protestant. They were Orthodox. They were Christians defending the central, ecumenical doctrines of our Faith. No one can claim them, because they are not to be claimed by any but Christ.


I am an older Catholic, and in the last several years I have become increasingly interested in the Church Fathers. I have been reading several commentaries especially on Paul's letters, and I have been looking for something to compliment these letters. Your videos serve a good portion of that purpose. This was a great video. FYI: The main reason I have become so interested in the Church Fathers is because in the past few years I have witnessed an increasing emphasis on piety in the RCC. It seems it is spearheaded mostly by young people...go figure. For that reason, I am searching for information on the earliest of liturgies (first and second century) in the Church because I am interested in the behavior/piety at these early sacred meals.


Interesting and agree one shouldn’t cherry pick the Fathers rather than reading a whole work for example . Even I as a Roman Catholic wasn’t aware that Augustine wrote a text called “On Faith and Works”. There was a good reason since it is not included in the common collection Of the fathers that most find online such as at CCEL. If you read this you will at least not be able to believe that Augustine was Sola Fide. And he never criticized this text in a foundational way in his Retractions. The text is published as part of the Ancient Christian Writer series which is published by an imprint of the Paulist press


I wonder how many of the Catholics in these comments have read the joint declaration on justification. Very interesting they'll still argue against sola fide as if even Rome hasn't acknowledged it to an extent.


Dear Rev Dr Jordan can you make a video about the position of ELCA view points and theological position today? Thanks, keep the good work and blessings in your life and ministry. From a Lutheran colleague


39:44 starts his statement about his view


Mr. Cooper, who do you think came up with the label “church fathers”? Do you think it was Eusibius?


Great video, really enjoyed this.

I’m not sure what the argument is for against Sola Fide. I’d prefer to give God all the glory for my salvation. Even any good works now can also be attributed to Him, as fruits of the Spirit (although I often fail and like to take credit).

Am I missing something? The Roman Catholic view on this seems so convoluted to the point of obfuscation.


Great subject!
I believe you made a really significant statement saying let the Church fathers be the Church fathers .
One question in studying the Church fathers concerning faith alone could we also study the fathers concerning
scripture alone? They seem so connected. At least to me and some folks I have read ?
Your Reformed fan .


Considering it was over an hour long, I was let down by the lack of apostolic witness you brought forth. I do have one question though! So, understanding the fathers understanding of the sacraments, and that things like the Eucharist, baptism, etc actually reminded sins, bestowed life, and imparted the Holy Spirit and salvation... how would the fathers’ STRONG sacramentology work with faith alone in the Protestant sense?


My favorite thing to do is read the comment section on videos about justification. I'm pretty sure Catholic Answers has bot accounts that just spam prewritten essays on why sola fide is erroneous and why we all should return to the one true holy guacamole apostolic church


21:30 yes there are sola fide in church fathers


I would still read the whole text
St. Clement of Rome Quote #1
Let us clothe ourselves with concord and humility, ever exercising self-control, standing far off from all whispering and evil-speaking, being justified by our works, and not our words.
First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians, Chapter 30

1Clem 50:4 Blessed were we, dearly beloved, if we should be doing the commandments of God in concord of love, to the end that our sins may through love be forgiven us.
