What's Your English Level? TAKE THIS TEST!

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As I said in the video, this is not an official test and only a qualified examiner can you provide an accurate personal assessment, but hopefully with this test you can still get an idea of where your English level lies!

intro: 00:00-00:39
Busuu: 00:39-01:35
instructions: 01:35-02:12
A1-A2: 02:12-04:53
B1-B2: 04:53-07:54
C1-C2: 07:54-11:05
An important reminder! 11:05-12:16

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question 9 (B1-B2) → I’ve been informed that native speakers also use “going to”, but in grammar books you will find that after “I’m sure” a future simple is used. I’m not sure if it’s a colloquial use or if they’re both grammatically correct, but I wanted to let you know! ❤️


I’m an English speaker but I thought it would be fun to test my grammar. I am so impressed with how much work and how many people do so well learning English if they speak another language. I’m horrible at trying to learn other languages.


I made lot of mistakes, it impresses me because i'm currently studying for CAE. However, i don't feel sad about it, this means nothing. I felt kinda frustrated at first, but then i realized that mistakes makes perfection and that i have to trust on myself and my previous successes.
Liked the message at the end tho. For everyone who is studying a language like me, don't get frustrated, and don't let other people tell you that you can't improve. Keep focus, we will make it.


Born and raised in the USA, I've always considered myself to be an expert when it comes to speaking the English language. It was a surprise to me to get an incorrect answer on this quiz. It has prompted me to reevaluate the way I speak and write. Thanks for the lesson!


25 years and nailed A1-A2, B1- B2, and 2 silly mistakes I accidentally made in C1-C2. All of them were quite easy, but I really enjoyed. In C1- C2, you had a question related to syntax which is my favorite of all. Example- No sooner did I leave my house for shopping, than it started raining cats and dogs.

I know I still have a lot to learn in store to perfect the language hidden within me.


Hello Antonio! I only have one mistake in B1-B2. I always share your videos with my Filipino learners. As an English teacher, I would say your videos really help me with my teaching the second language; i.e. English. Keep on inspiring educators like me. God bless you!


This video was in my recommended and for fun I decided to try.

I scored 30/30, not remarkable for someone who's native language is English. The message at the end, however, was the real gem. I've been struggling to learn Japanese. Hiragana and Katakana are so foreign to any system of writing I've known (we aren't even going to talk about kanji). The importance of tone and mora has also been difficult to grasp. You're right, though. I should be proud of what I am able to accomplish! Learning another language is never easy, but it's always worthwhile.

Take this comment and this like. I wish all of you in the comments well on your language endeavors!


Hi Antonio, I am a primary school teacher. I'd like to thank you for your great job: it's very entertaining! I adore listening to you in the morning while I get ready for school.
After almost 10 years in Singapore and 25 in Italy my English is deteriorating terribly😁 Listening to you is really refreshing and sometimes challenging.
By the way I did the test, out of curiosity...
2 mistakes in C1 C2. I am so disappointed! I was really hoping to get them all


Hi, Antonio! These are my results:
A1-A2: 10/10
B1-B2: 7/10
C1-C2: 6/10
I'm still confused about: "It's time we went home", I thought it would be 'go home'. Sounds weird to me as I've never heard of it like that. Even so, I think it's been a great test, better than others I've seen on YouTube. It helped me a lot to evaluate my grammar.


Hi antonio,
Here are my results.
A1 - A2 = 10/10
B1 - B2 = 7/10
C1 - C2 = 4/10
I am really proud of myself. I am 20 years old and I have got a big journey ahead. And the reason I am more proud of my self is I don't attend to any of extra classes for English language. My most preferred way of learning English is watching youtube videos. It gives me pleasure than being in a class. And I get the chance to experience the natives virtually. As here I am following your channel. I hope that I would gradually increase my level when I grow up. And for that your channel is and will be a big support.
Thank you very much antonio❤️🙏
Keep up the good work❤️👏
Lots of love from Sri Lanka🇱🇰🤝❤️


Good job Antonio! Thanks for the excellent classes!


You're great Antonio, please keep growing your channel and expand you knowledge and more so your spirit throughout the world!!!


10/10 in the 3 levels. I've been in touch with the English language for almost 50 years now (I'm a Spanish speaking person). Thanks for your great videos and in particular your message at the end of this one!


... Thank you very much, Antonio, for this little skill-test... In the C-level I made 4 mistakes.. 😁 As a German, who lives for many years on Crete/Greece, I live (and sometimes dream... ) in the greek language. But I try to also keep my english up-to-date... Your channel is very helpful in doing so... 👍👌Best regards & please continue your asome work... 🤗💞💪


Hi Antonio,
Here are the results of my test:
A1/A2: 10/10
B1/B2: 6/4
C1/C2: 5/5
I am italian. I have started 2 days ago to refresh my English with you. Thank you so much! I do really appreciate your videos and I am enjoying to refresh my English lenguage with you.
Thanks a lot. 🙏🍀


Thanks for encouraging us in the end of this video


Hi Antonio, I'm a Sri Lankan.I have only made 2 mistakes in the C level.As I've been in touch with the English language since I was 4 years old, I found A and B levels very easy.But the C level is a bit tricky.Thankyou very much for your valuable videos.Those are very important for the worldwide students like me.


I got 30/30 😊
Levels A and B were familiar enough but I had to play some of the C-level questions by ear because I wasn’t familiar with all of the grammatical bases.

Glad to know where I stand and which areas can use some improvement.

Thank you for posting this, Antonio; beneficial and pleasant as always!


Antonio 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 thanks for your great site!


Hi Antonio, I'm 22 years old and I thought it was too late to learn another language, but thanks to your videos my English improved a lot... keep making videos thanks
