Ronald Reagan’s thoughts on liberalism vs conservatism. #conservative #liberal #shorts

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“Libertarianism” meanwhile Reagan never passed any libertarian legislation in his political career


I miss the old politicians. Now, both parties want less freedom for people. It’s just a question of what freedoms you least mind losing.


I hate the far-left because it sides with evil, but cultural conservatives are bad because abortion and marijuana should both be legal! Guns also should be legal, and I agree with less government, which means supporting abortion rights, gun rights, marijuana rights, and smoker's rights! I hate the smoking bans in restaurants!


Modern libertarianism hasn’t evolved in decades.
they joined with liberals too much on social issues.

Ask if Reagan would vote to abolish marriage or support same-sex unions.

In the same way, that JFK would be considered a modern conservative, so two might Reagan be a conservative leaning libertarian


Does Ronald Reagan consider Fe Spanish falanga conservative?


Conservatism does have certain authoritarian aspect though. Especially when we are speaking socially.

I have a problem with a lot of conservatives because of my personal experience. A lot of them are control freaks.

As a libertarian myself, the main problem I have with conservatives is the fact that they value community safety over individual liberty.

I would rather 1 man be free and 5 men be in danger, than all men to be safe but none of them to be free.

Freedom is more in than safety.

Sure, I’m slightly bitter because of past experience and I know that not all conservatives are control freaks but stil. I’ve been treated pretty bad by both liberals and conservatives.

Especially some of the bullshit that used to happen to me.

No that I’m an almost grown man I can stand up for myself easier. But still, I’m going to be annoyed regardless.

Both conservatives and liberals have authoritarian tendencies. That is why I’m a libertarian.

I hate liberals vastly more than I mildly dislike conservatives, but that doesn’t mean I agree with them.

My main problem with conservatives some of the time is they never give me the benefit of the doubt.

On that particular note, I still have some resentment towards them due to a specific event back when I was in year 9.

All be it, that year most of my problems were caused by liberals, not conservatives.

But still. I’ll say it again, one man’s freedom is worth sacrificing the safety of a particular community.

Because if one man can have freedom, all men can have freedom.
