This 2 Part Backswing Move Changes Everything

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This 2 Part Backswing Move Changes Everything

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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Hi Clay! Thank you for this video! I have been tinkering with my golf swing for at least 22 years and like most underachieving amateurs could not find my Holy Grail swing. I would always see videos or slo-mo replays of instructors and Pros getting their Trail elbow in front of their Trail thigh but that never helped me, until I saw this video and you mentioned to take the point of your elbow and point it towards your target! Great results right away with power and consistency where I now have the bottom of my swing in a manageable and predictable position and I don't even have to think about it! It just happens! Thanks again and keep up the great work I appreciate your efforts!


I play hcp 7 in Spain. This is by far the best lesson I have ever seen in you tube. Congratulations


Every time I watch this video, I get more out of it. This video has absolutely fixed my cast and I am finally having forward shaft lean at impact. I cannot thank you enough for your ability to show a comprehensive yet easy to follow break down! Every watch, I understand more of what you are showing. I'm finally feeling the bowed wrist movement and that changed it all


Thanks Clay! Now I have a better understanding of "too deep" vs. "wide", something I'm working on correcting. This video with drills to get into the proper backswing position, even though it seems simple, are extremely helpful for me.


Sorry Clay my friend, although I haven’t had the chance to set up a chat with your guy, I will get that done for sure but I simply have to add this here for folks to read (and you of course, lol). The improvement to my game from your videos, as I’ve mentioned previously, still has me captivated that I am hitting that ball SO beautifully with literally every club. But I’m now a little blown away after giving a try to the sensation of coming down through the inside slot using a more “chopping” feel through to my release. OH MY GOD MAN!!! How on earth that chopping sensation works inside the completely revamped swing I’ve gathered from your suggestions to add that sort of commanding power I almost don’t care, lol. The added power just by getting that feel incorporated is incredibly satisfying. It doesn’t take any real effort to make that happen, just a little added intention on the way down through rotation. I love that it doesn’t change the consistency of my very slight and very predictable draw. But BOY does that add some push to that ball flight!! Suggesting that chopping sensation is an absolute gift. Huge thanks again on that one. This chopping sensation should be something that everyone tries to work in. That REALLY does work amazingly well. No doubt. ⛳️👍🏻😎👍🏻⛳️


I'm a member. Your video's and tips are super easy to follow. I went from a 21 HCP this year to a 9.1.


Thank you for this superb video. This is probably the best description of the backswing that I have ever seen, it made perfect sense.


Mr Ballard, Sir: I have the same basic approach to the swing — more involved than what was covered in this short video, of course, but nice to hear someone teaching golf in agreement with my own learning of the swing.


The golf swing seems so simple once you understand it. You've helped me with my motion, flattening the plane, and using lag. I really like your videos. I've progressed from game improvement irons to blades. Mind you, I purchased some really nice blades that were used, but before I invest, I'm going to be very efficient with those clubs before purchasing a nice new set of irons.

Oh, I used an old dog bed for a hitting bag. Works great!! Dog was not in the bed when smashed my clubs through it.


This is a best video to explaining how the golf swing should be . Thank you for the video .


Clay aka lag doctor was a big fan of yours when you were with RS that is why I became a member of Top Speed, you share a lot of teachings methods, this lesson seems very similar to Chucks 5 min to the perfect backswing, no disrespect intended I admire both of you as swing coaches 👍👍


A great lesson- making the most difficult and technical sport to learn step by step. Thank you 🙏🙏🙏


Really great video, Clay. I teach almost the exact same thing but I'm finding that my students do better when they understand where the golf ball is and that is DOWN, DOWN, DOWN on the ground. I call the backswing and "Upswing". My method is very close to yours. The downswing is just that...DOWN. From the top I want my students to "get steep" meaning the first move isn't diagonal but STRAIGHT DOWN with a gravity drop of the arms mixed simultaneously with the turning of the upper body around to the left. I want them to get the feeling that they are pounding a nail with a hammer. The nail is on a piece of wood on their work bench and it is directly in front of their right pelvis. Using the Medicus hinged 5 iron, they learn that the hinge will never collapse if the force on the shaft is down and not sideways. I want their hands to return (more or less) to the same position they were in at address and NOT FURTHER AWAY FROM THEIR BODY like most golfers who slice the ball. As they smash DOWN and turn their body back around, the hands remain in front of their right pelvis and when they do this move slowly, they learn the club head returns exactly where it was and it is square to the target line with the hips open at impact. Essentialy the concept is keeping the hands in front of the body as much as possible. We also never manipulate the club face. We correct direction with the grip. Most students hit the ball with a slight draw using a neutral grip. If their shots go to the right, we strengthen their grip. Now, that's the way I teach but I'm not saying your method is wrong. I just find the concept of hitting DOWN works very well with new golfers. I teach them on a golf mat and the hardest part for them seems to be hitting the mat every time. Once they learn that as long as they keep turning their body once they start down, they will brush the mat and not hurt themselves. What I tell them is "once you start down, don't think about the ball but just keep turning and go to a full, balanced follow through and hold the finish until the ball lands". Again, great video.


Great lesson 👍 Fixed so much misconception out there 👏


Very educational on the right wrist being being bent back playing a huge part in being across the line at the top. Anymore information on that and why it leads to a good downswing would be appreciated


This is the perfect golf swing. By practicing like this, you can stick to the inside of the pin 3 meters and create a lot of birdie chances. thank you


Great technique Clay. It appears to provide a way to self check if the club is on plane.


What about fairway wood, do we have the same technique and same feel?, can't wait to try..thanks clay 👍👍👍


Great video, love the " See if I can hjt a great shot"


Hi Clay, Thanks for the great video. I need to work on that, as well as go back to the 20 Minute Distance Fix. By the way, my husband asked if you sell daggones? Our six-irons don't go nearly that far. ;-)
