Let's Study The Wrath Of God - Part 1

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Oooh this is going to be an exciting teaching! Already it’s good. Thank you and looking so forward to this series!


Thank you for the message my spirit is enlighten and burns with fire for truth.


🤿 Diving into the Word!
Hallelujah 🙏 More Life giving Water!
...I'd be a Fool if i wasn't excited about being Corrected by the Word... Continuing to Grow, and Cast off my Flesh daily...
We Decrease...The Living Word, increases in the Body of Christ.
Thank you and God Bless You, Mark and Laurie


This is very good, I'm looking forward to watching this series...


Defending the gospel is not for the faint of heart. It requires equal measures of patience and anger.


Oh Ted please watch some of the videos by Masoud and Rose, perfected by blood is their channel, and please please dissect a few videos and give me your thoughts. Devils and demons are lies, Satan is the Adam seed in us. The last thing to conquer is death under our feet by dying to the Adam man and raise up in the spirit, Jesus Christ in us, aka the resurrection. Earth, sea, trees, all these are symbolic of us. After learning to do word searches and then came across their videos my mind is blown and torn. I listened to Genesis recently and every word becomes so symbolic now, seeing things like never before. His face hovering over the deep waters, the depths of our heart!

They say Hell is not a real place but the state of where you are living in the flesh, the Adam nature, the bottomless pit where satan is chained, chain of beliefs…we get the keys through Christ to unlock the mysteries to release satan where he gets cast out and in the lake of fire…burned up by truth along with all his wicked lies and abominations. Some of their teachings are exactly what you have interpreted, some much deeper and some I am like 🤔 but has my mind 🤯. Loving digging in the word and having all my doctrines torn to shreds…


I've been binge watching all your videos. I think that what you teach does make a lot of sense, but I'm praying for discernment cause I'm not a smart guy and I've often been led on a wrong path. With all due respect, something you said I really didn't like, I did see the video of Mike Winger when he said that Jesus wasn't being Christ-like, but he wasn't saying that cause he believed it, he was saying it in the sense that that's what people think, not him. Mike believes in rightious anger, if you listen to what he said, in context.


wrath is not physical - hmm tell that to the Assyrians, tell that to the Jews carted off to Babylon, hmmm tell that to the Jews after Rome leveled the Temple; hmmmm tell that the the jews being bit by the snakes; hmmmm tell thyat to Pharoh ; tell that to the people whose blood will fill up the valley; tell that to Saul after he talked to the witch; hmmmm tell that to the bastard of David; hmmm tell that to the Sodomites; hmm tell that to the Ninevites ; hmm tell that the those clawing the outside of the ark; tell that to the 200 hundred who swore an oath ; tell that to the nephilim ; hmmm tell that to JESUS -dont get me wrong it is spiritual - it effects the soul; and it is physical for we were not meant for it but those who choose it will get it
