Learn Your Bass Fretboard Notes (Easy Starter Method)

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Learning your bass fretboard notes doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In 20 minutes, you’ll know all the notes you need to make $$$.

Are you struggling to find the notes on your fretboard? It's probably because you're trying to learn too much at once.

That’s why in this video we’re focusing on “The Money Notes” - the most commonly played notes on the neck. (that actually get us bass players paid :P)

I’ll take you through 4 steps to get you from zero neck knowledge to having a handle on enough bass fretboard notes to survive a jam session.

In Step 1 we start at the beginning with the musical alphabet. I’ll walk you through the basics in detail, including how sharps and flats work, and the two spots to watch out for in the alphabet that often trip beginners up.

Yes, it’s music theory, but it’s not that scary, I promise. And you REALLY need to know this stuff - even pro musicians who “don’t know theory” use the musical alphabet to communicate.

Step 2 is where we start applying the musical alphabet to the bass fretboard. You can’t find anything if you don’t know your open strings, so I talk you through standard bass tuning and my favorite (silly) mnemonic device for remembering the string names.

Steps 3 and 4 get really juicy - we get started with memorizing the Money Notes, which means being able to quickly find any of the notes in the musical alphabet on your bass when someone calls them out to you at a jam.

Then we’ll put it all together and get ready to jam with a guitar player. You get to use your new neck knowledge to find the notes that I call out to you in our jam session.

#bassfretboard #bassnotes
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Josh: Wheres B on the G string?
Me: Third fret
Josh: Forth fret
Me: Shit
Josh: Great!


Playing above the 12 fret: This is the upper register.

Playing at the 5th fret and below: This is the cash register.


I'm actually going to cry. After months of not understanding what notes and sharp + flats are I've finally found a video that teaches me step by step. This is so amazing thank you, you're an amazing teacher


Josh, I'm 63 years old I had a bass when I was 15. I got NOWHERE. Today I bought a second hand bass and a little amp 'cos I was bored with isolation. I found your video here and
1. I understand music for the first time in my life and
2. I understand music for the first time in my life and
3. I understand music for the first time in my life and
4. I actually played bass - so badly it was criminal! - and now
5. I understand music for the first time in my life and
6. I think you are gonna get me to be a happy old fart because
7. I understand music for the first time in my life AND your a GREAT teacher and I'll soon be able to play along with Deep Purple, Sabbath, Emerson Lake and Palmer, Tull, and Nirvana and even Nickleback! Lesson 2 tomorrow!
Mate, you are a legend.


At 70 and dyslexic always wanted to be a musician, failed at numerous attempts through my life.
Now thanks to you and your way of teaching bass in a way that I can comprehend. Being retired I have plenty of time to practice and I did it I am a bassist, with 350 songs in my library that I can play along with, having the best time of my life on my number one on my bucket list.


I felt like a toddler shouting out answers at an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.


This is literally the most helpful bass lesson on youtube, and he's kinda funny too Thank you for this


wow..I just learnt a lot even when there's no bass guitar with me.


As a violinist, I always remembered that there were no half steps between B & C and E & F, "BeCause EF you, that's why."


i love how this is explained, theres no standard set and no "common sense" knowledge, it's just completely from the beginning, explained for people with no knowledge at all so far and that makes it not only very understandable but also very fun to watch and learn from



Saw it commented on another video and it works for me.


This is the peak of communication for Bass teaching. I really look forward to watching these, Josh.


I must have watched half a dozen videos about Bass Fretboard Notes ... and this is the *only* one that made me *really* understand the layout (the logic behind it), literally within seconds.
No unnecessary information, no off-topic blabla, the subject presented in an easy-to-understand and entertaining manner.
Some people just have a knack for teaching.
Thanks, Josh, that was awesome!


I'm on day 4 of learning bass. Never played any instrument before so I've never understood the notes and where they are. This is the video I've been looking for. So helpful!


the first two videos in this series are legitimately the gold standard in lessons for beginner bassists


Josh, I knew all this literally before you were born, yet you somehow made it fresh and engaging, and had me playing along. I spent money on another guy's course because his content impressed me--but he's boring, which makes it hard to stay with it. Viewers, don't make the same mistake. If you get bored easily, and have a hard time staying with things, Josh can help take you from beginner to badass. (No, he didn't pay me.)


Pausing this at the 8:13 mark because I'm literally in awe. Sometimes you just have to get someone to explain something a certain way and it all clicks. You really made me feel like I just solved a complicated math problem that I haven't been able to solve for years. Not sure where I go from here but when someone says C# I'll actually know where the heck they want me to play instead of just doing it by ear.


I just learned more from you in five mins than I learned in 4 years. Thank you very much


MAN! Relating the bass to the piano keys was a genius move and makes sooo much sense! It’s taken away the “just memorize” approach and conceptualizes everything. 💯


Decided to learn bass to combat the quarantine brain fuzzies. This has been the best instructional video I’ve seen – thanks!! 🎸
