The Republic Make The Death Star: Star Wars Rethink

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What if Dooku went rogue and turned on Palpatine having the CIS take the war seriously?


Padmé wouldn't step a foot in the space station.


During Operation Nightfall, Bail Organa went to the Jedi temple to investigate what was going on. After witnessing a Jedi padawan being murdered by the clones, he rushes off to try and rescue as many Jedi as possible. The ranking clone gave the order to let him go, but what would have happened if they gave the order to shoot Bail down and kill him?


What if Jaster Mereel survived the Battle of Galidraan?
What if Yoda killed Dooku on Geonosis?
What if the Disaster at DeepSpace Besh never happened?
What if Gilad Pellaeon defected to the Rebels pre-Hoth?


I think you're forgetting that the Death Star is heavily armed in its own right even without the superlaser. It would be ultimate dreadnought able to be used to turn the tide at any individual battle and absorb the fire of the entire CIS fleet with ease while carrying an insanely huge number of fighter wings into battle. Hell, they could remove the super laser entirely and incorporate a fleet docking facility into the empty volume that could repair damaged ships with new parts made within the Death Star as needed in the middle of a battle.


Here's the issue though and it's same one that occurred after World War 2 with nuclear weapons: you can't keep the technology a secret anymore and it's gonna get replicated. We've seen from the Eclipse that super lasers can be miniaturized and put on warships, albeit at the loss of power. Though the Republic has the Death Star, other rogue nations and possibly even criminal groups will soon have their own.
In much the same way as the Cold War, this will lead to an arms race to develop better super weapons until someone finally uses it. Perhaps an ambitious Chancellor wants to us the station to force the Hutts to the diplomacy table only for it or a Republic world to be attacked by a Hutt superweapon. Unlike in our world where a nuclear exchange could devastate the planet, such weapon usage would not have the same effect as in Star Wars. We could see the mass production of such weapons where worlds are getting vaporized one after the other or devastated to the point of being uninhabitable.
The reason why the Death Star was never picked up again after the Galactic Civil War was because of the shock of Alderaan's destruction. Everyone saw just how dangerous it was, just like our world did with Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Here, there is no comparison and the escalation of superweapon warfare will become a very grim possibility.


What if the Death Star was never built?


What if General Grievous found out about Count Dooku plan about making them into a cyborg or learns it

An even greater Theory what if Master Yoda turns to the dark side ???


What if Padme refused Dooku's offer in Shadow Warrior? (i.e. Exchange Grievous for a captured Anakin).


"My allegiance is to the Republic, to Democracy!"
-Obi Wan Kenobi


Would you mind doing videos on Seperatist organic units (militias included) that we’re in the Droid Army?In addition, it would be appreciated if you did the same with non clone and non Jedi G.A.R units (militias included).If you want to, please do this as I believe that it’d be a really interesting topic.Btw, the channel’s brilliant (in my opinion).As a fellow Brit, I think that they’re should be more British Star Wars YouTubers.


The Sith senator Jar Jar Binks eventually works his way up to chancellor takes control of the death star and creates his own empire!!!


The jedi never would have allowed it once it went public, they would demand it be decommissioned.


Great Power comes with Great Responsibility, Great power corrupts absolutely including the very flawed Republic. (Also could you do how to invade Jabiim, pleazzzze Comrade Lore)


What if the Rebellion had a Star Forge? (Droid, Blaster or Starship I dont care.)


Then it's not the Death Star it's the Peacekeeping Star


Can you do the Gray Paladins from coruscant nights? They're a Jedi faction that used blasters and other weapons one was so good that she was able to send one of her own bolts straight up an enemy's blaster barrel. They also believed in using the force as little as possible so they focused on other skills like martial arts and military tactics like guerrilla warfare, urban tactics, espionage, and infiltration.


The Republic would be unable to man it properly without possibly abandoning the entire Galaxy to a very rapid CIS offensive, which would make up for any planetary losses they would suffer. Because canonically, we know the Grand Army was incredibly small, (with only 1.2 million confirmed combat ready clones) and the Death Star needed over 1.222 million to effectively man it, or leave it vulnerable to attack.

So they either abandon the front lines to protect the DS or they leave it woefully vulnerable to the trillions of droids that would be sent to attack it. Either way, I don't think it's game over for the CIS.


For every Lore Guy video, one clone trooper loses his leg
