How to Study Physics - Study Tips - Simon Clark

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Hello Socratica Friends! We’re here to help you be a great student! Are you interested in studying Physics, but you don’t know where to start? Today we have a special guest, Simon Clark, PhD, who will give us some great advice about how to study Physics. We’ll talk about how Simon got inspired by Physics demonstrations and activities as a kid, and how his studies progressed at Oxford and the University of Exeter. You may be surprised to hear how much math is involved when you study Physics! Simon gives some great practical advice about how to learn this most fundamental of the sciences.

Simon made a video that ties in with this one, all about the Physics books he would recommend for you. You can find that video over on Simon’s channel here:

Watch Next: How To Study Programming

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Simon mentions the following videos that you might find helpful:
The Map of Physics by Dominic Walliman (Domain of Science)

How to Program in Python course from Socratica

What is Calculus

How to Use Cornell Notes

How to Use Flashcards

How to Use the Feynman Technique


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We recommend the following texts mentioned in this video:
Feynman Lectures on Physics

Six Easy Pieces by Richard Feynman

The Tao of Physics

Schaum’s 3000 Solved Problems in Physics

Schaum’s 3000 Solved Problems in Calculus

REA Physics Problem Solver (out of print - used copies available on Amazon)

Shop Amazon Used Textbooks - Save up to 90%

Div grad curl and all that - an informal text on vector calculus

Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering

Halliday and Resnick - Fundamentals of Physics


Written by Kimberly Hatch Harrison and Simon Clark
Hosted by Liliana De Castro and Simon Clark
Produced by Kimberly Hatch Harrison


Creative Commons Picture Credits:
Double Slit Interference Pattern of Sunlight
Author: Aleksandr Berdnikov

#StudyTips #Physics #College

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They say we're here to become better students but let's be honest...we're procrastinating.


This video helped me It increases confidence and make me feel to do hardwork for become better in physics ... Thnx....


I am not good in maths but i love doing physics in my olevels i got a D in maths but a B in physics


I am loving that hoodie ..and great video, very useful


I like what you guys are doing. Great job.


Hello sweety. A good physicist is a good philosoper & good inspecctor. You need to have an open heart & at the same time an independent thinker.


Awesome video..Both of you are modern day versions of Feynman..if you could be kind enough to do a video on Murphy's Law that would be awesome..plz


Realmente podrías descubrir una pasión por las mates mientras estudias física y sin darte cuenta te encontrarías estudiando matemáticas que jámas imaginaste que existían


thankyou im 12 and ready to learn physics


I'm a chemistry first year and physics is killing me


I went to college to study physics. 7A-7B... 8A-8B... then it got to quantum mechanics. After that, I said "fuck this"


I'm great at maths but physics is a different story


Well studying physics makes me hate it even more....


My maths study is only algebra 1 section Iv gone pre-algebra, some trig and earlyer, can I jump to calculus so I can learn physics, iv not mastered trig algebra 1 and 2 yet, im just on polynominals algebra 1 right now.


Understand Mathematics
Exercise. Drill. Practice.
Nail those early Math Classes

Richard Feynman 6 Easy Pieces

Be Involved, going to Talks, Reading Research Paper, Researching. Internships.

Physics is Work!


Those who love physics always say that physics is tough because they always try to understand it deeper hence they get doubts.


"Anyone can do Physics"...yeah, unless you are in an Indian University cramming up derivations after derivations and trying to complete your degree in 3 years


Why aren't they are saying how to study physics....we all know what is physics please....😑😑


This gives me the confidence to study physics. I am struggling at the moment. I am studying basic physics And maths. I have a love hate relationship with it. I need to study some physics to study what I want but I find it hard any tips.


How to Study Physics = Study Math. Physics is a lot of Math. If you don't like math you might not like physics. Yes. True. I agree. Good video I liked it.
