Best way to learn physics

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My problem in physics is that I really understand the material but when I try solving problems I get stuck. Some say that in that case I haven't fully understood the subject but I don't think so. It is really having a massive negative impact on my motivation and mental health

Thanks for your comment.  You are exactly right, we need to develop a "stand alone" approach that doesn't require peer instruction.  We are working on that now, and hope to have a new approach in the next year or so.  Stay tuned.
Cheers, Dr. A


I am 59. I have spent all my life (from 1980) online and I havent seen beter lecturer than professor Walter Lewin and nowadays than doctor Mathias Anderson....! Thank You


does this still work if I pretend that I have friends?


Many teachers give this advice. I do this with family members that are also doing Physics. It works. However, it is very time consuming. It is unfortunate that students may not always have the time to do this. :( I would love to have time to soak in the that.


I totally agree…I can confirm that…!
I'm a software developer:
At the beginning of my career, I remember how I got aware of that learning-effect
when I was explaining object-oriented programming (OOP) to an intern.
That was a moment in which I had deepened my understanding of that software design.
My brain switched to some passages from some books whose content I had only accepted but had not internalized.
The latter happened while explaining.


I'm glad no immature little kids came around here disliking the video because they didn't understand


I think hes referring to feynman technique


Fantastic ma lovely Sir Matt Anderson big up🙏👍I love so much you lectures and varieties of tutorials God bless u


that's a really best way of learning physics, thank you sir


it is said that if we consider a student as a bird.. for a bird to fly, it needs to use both of its wings, if one of the wings are not working, then the bird can tfly. so in this case, if one wing of the student(bird) is to study, learn(that we all do), the other wing is to TEACH. this has clicked me so well when I first heard it. and what he said reminded me of hi


After watching this video im sure that I'm the luckiest one that I've tried this trick and it worked 101% actually im preparing for NEET exam so i had difficulty in calculus but now i can understand all concepts easily. Thanks sir and I'll give the credit of my achievement to u too when i get done.


I too agree with your approach of Learning by practice.


Sometimes when my friends ask me a question, trying to answer them I come up with a right answer ! Which I wouldn't be able to do when I am alone


Umm i dont have any friends specially friends that know physics any other suggestions?? Any website suggestions for someone beginning their path in physics? Im 21 and havent finished high school i regret so much not having this itch of learning physics during highschool...would i be waisting my time trying to learn it? I want to obtain a bachellors degree and go into astronomy and process data.. Id be the happiest man alive


Sir i am from INDIA and currently from grade 11th and i want to request you that can you please make more videos om physics and plus all the concepts like that for a full chapter as i am too scared of physics and finds it harder during problem solving even if i try to learn or understand but your videos are just awesome. Please sir if there is any course related to the same i"ll surely enroll for this. For 11th and 12th.. 😊😊


A person asked this question

I think this question has its place here because I am sure some of you are "self-taught experts" and can guide me a little through this process.

Considering that :

I don't have any physics scholar background at all.
I have a little math background but nothing too complicated like calculus
I am a fast learner and am willing to put many efforts into learning physics
I am a computer programmer and analyst with a passion for physics laws, theories, studies and everything that helps me understand how things work or making me change the way I see things around me.
Where do I start ? I mean.. Is there even a starting point ? Do I absolutly have to choose a type of physic ? Is it possible to learn physics on your own ?

I know it's a general question but i'm sure you understand that i'm a little bit in the dark here.


To the people that don't have anyone to explain problems to: I, a 20 year old woman, talk everything out to anything. Inanimate objects, my dogs, anything that will (or can't) listen. In my room I'll sit a good ol' stuffed animal down in front of me and my notes and talk at it. Do my parents probably think I'm nuts? Perhaps. But it works. I used to force them to learn history by doing the same thing. If you can explain it to someone, you know it.


Hillo everyone I have already look forward to your videos


sir my son liked your teaching style a lot, &thank you sir
