Pro Tips for Fast Square BASEBOARD INSTALLATION - To Cope or Not To Cope???

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In this video I give some work flow tips and advice for installing square base with production speed and accuracy.

Intro (0:00)
Always Use a Headlamp (0:33)
Use Two Cutlists (0:50)
Toolbelt Setup for Baseboard (1:58)
How to Measure Accurately (3:35)
Number Ever Piece of Base & The Wall Where It Goes (7:49)
Splicing Runs Over 16' (9:04)
A Must Have Flat Bar (10:14)
The Best Knee Pads Ever (11:37)
Nailing Off Base Production Style (12:13)
Should You Cope Flat Base? (17:51)
The Value Mindset of Quality Production Trim Work (17:51)

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I am a well seasoned finish carpenter. Although I've installed thousands of miles of base over the years. I really enjoy watching this video, and your others this channel. I think you're somewhat the Bob Ross of carpentry for me. You have a fantastic attitude and you are really enjoyable to listen to. You also are a very good instructor. The new wave of carpenters coming up now are lucky to have this resource, and would benefit greatly from watching your channel. I've been at this a long time, and I'm not ashamed to say that I've learned some valuable bits from your channel. I've always liked learning new processes and techniques, as well as, seeing that the some of the ones I employ still hold up. Lastly, with the stresses that Covid has brought and the insane work load I have these days. I've been grudgingly going to the next home to start the next project. Somehow you've inspired me to tool up with a fresh and positive attitude again. And for that I thank you.


This was the most complete explanation, on how to install baseboard from a professional point of view, that I have found on the internet. Thank you for sharing your Wisdom and Experience with us...


This is by far the best baseboard tutorial on the internet. Would love to see more of these "workflow" style videos


I've been a carpenter (broad-spectrum) my whole life and at 56 I still like to learn something new, even from someone much younger. I'm not a trim carpenter by trade but we all do it at some point. Already I have picked up many new tricks. I enjoy watching people who know their trade and do it well, it is how I learned most of what I know. Watch, comprehend, repeat, perfect. Enjoying your videos!


Pro knees are a godsend to floor covering installers ! No more strap pain, rotating and slipping down ! I forgot mine on a job and had to use the foam and hardcap type ! It brought back painful memories ! Nice tips for people who WANT to improve in their trade !


As a retired finish carpenter your tips are very beneficial and time saving. The kneepads should be required. I'm having knee surgery in 2020 because I neglected pads.
Keep up the professionalism. You are a true craftsman in the old style.


Every one of your videos that I've clicked on I've though "I do this stuff daily for years now. What could he possibly teach me about installing base, or installing doors, or whatever" and then you start dropping tips to solve problems that I usually don't put too much thought into. Your attention to detail makes me ashamed that I ever say "good enough" just found your channel today and instantly one of my top 5 favorite channels. Keep it up man and thanks for sharing the wisdom!


I wish I would have used knee pads in 1991 when I started doing trim work. Fast forward to 2018 when I had knee replacement surgery. I am grateful to be able to stand on the shop floor and build some cabinets 3-4hrs on a good day. I'm 47yrs old and on disability and it's 100% caused by being the tough man who .... out of a combination of ignorance and ego didn't take care of the most important tool you have.
Great video.... I wish I'd have had YouTube 30yrs ago!!


You may actually the best on YouTube. Nice job. I’ve not see anyone be so concise and so complete. I learned something every sentence. Really nice work that I appreciate. I’m not a tradesman, but I’m doing my own home, making my own woodwork and installing it along with the built-ins. I have what I considered adequate tools to do my work. I was wrong. I will likely be purchasing several of the tools you have in your bag. Again- thx for this video. All the best to you.


Just reviewing after 5 yrs I hv a big custom ( for me ) to trim out ( 4000 sq ft). Just such a great job you do teaching Spence. You’re in my prayers brother !


as a drywall guy if I came into a new build and someone already marked my studs and pipes I would find that guy and buy them a nice meal or case of beer


My wife and I recently (April 2019) bought our first home. We got into a bit of a loggerheads over whether or not to cope the baseboards (entire house is being remodeled). Simple 5-1/4" with and 1/8" roundover. I won't say who's side is supported by your experience, but I will thank you for making it clear and giving us confidence to move forward!


“Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before obscure men.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22:29‬ ‭NASB‬‬

Thanks for sharing your knowledge it’s really helped me.


It's nice to find a skilled young craftsman, other carpenters (slow, marginal carpenters) are always telling
Me " you can't do that ", it's all about speed and end results, I will say in my area pre painted white millwork called "complete"is prevalent, adds another level of techniques, I haven't used orthodox techniques in years and still trying to be more efficient every day, folks on YouTube are lucky you give out your tricks, you the man. (Been at it since high school class of 80).


First off I think your videos are great. You are definitely a skilled and knowledgeable craftsman and I appreciate the time you take to share with us all. My comment is about the gap that almost always occurs in the lower portion of the baseboard at the inside corners. I work from left to right so before I install a room I go to every left inside corner and shoot a 15g -2.5" nail down low and at about a 45° angle into the bottom plate. It will stick out proud. If I am going from the corner to corner I will go slightly strong on my next measurement and when I install I fit the two corners and bow out the middle. When I push in the middle the nail will give a little but just enough that the fit is tight at both top and bottom at the inside corner. Throw some thorns in it and move on! Can't remember the last time I ever had to use a bar to pull the bottom of a baseboard out after I tried this. Works for square base and coped base. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth. Cheers!


Spencer!!! I own a cabinet installation business, I run lots of crown and lots base and lots of right rail trim. Your videos have helped me and my business grow substantially. Your tips and tricks have saved me lots of time and money, I appreciate you and your skill set.


This is why I love what I do. As a remodler. Usually I attach drywall and the bottom screw marks the stud and is never filled with mud. Gives a real spot and we can get the stud really easy. Where I'm at floors and paint are completed usually before you can trim.


Thanks for sharing man it’s refreshing to see someone talking about the real parts of the job instead of fluffing it up to look more extravagant than necessary


Your pitch for knee pads is spot on. I’m 64, did not wear pads. Now I limp, can’t kneel, don’t sleep well becuz of bad knees.
Having replacement knee surgery this year😢.
