Scientists Found Proof of God in DNA Code - The God Code

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Scientists Found Proof of God in DNA Code. Researchers have finally found strong evidence of existence of the super intelligent designer (God) hidden in our DNA code. In this video I will discuss, why it is impossible that this code was written by the process of evolution.
If the God himself is the programmer of the DNA code then this code must be perfect and fulfill all the criterion of the most efficient code.
We will also understand the incredible complexity and intelligence present in this divine code.

Discovery of DNA
In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick were the first researchers who accurately described the complex double-helical structure of the DNA molecule.
Dr. Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project on this occasion stated, “It is humbling for me, and awe-inspiring, to realize that we have caught the first glimpse of our own instruction book, previously known only to God.”

What is DNA (Structure and Functioning)
DNA is an abbreviation for Deoxyribonucleic acid and is made up of four chemicals—Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine and Thymine. These four chemicals are actually the bases or nucleotides represented by the letters A, G, C and T.
The arrangement of these four chemicals produce amino acids which are used to create proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of life and are necessary for performing various cellular and bodily functions.
The DNA code is written in the language whose alphabets are the four letters A, G, C and T which are the chemicals as mentioned before.
The unique instructions created by arrangements of these 4 letters is used to perform various functions in our body.

DNA Code Vs Computer Program
As a computer machine language, the binary language, uses only two letters 1 and 0. The DNA code uses 4 letters A, G, T and C.
A computer program is nothing but a sequence of binary numbers i.e. ones and zeros which instructs the computer, what to do. In the same way all the functions that are taking place inside the cell of the body are controlled by an incredibly complex and extremely long code written in the DNA, which is placed inside all the cells of our body.
A computer program may be hundreds to thousands of letters long. But this DNA code is nearly 3 billion letters long having a copy of the code placed inside all the tiny cells.
Not only this, this code has instructions also for auto repairing itself. This 3 billion lettered code is copied to new cells before a cell dies, so the information is not lost after the death of the cell. These all unbelievably complex functions are performed by the DNA code at extremely high speed without you even noticing.
And this code is not just about its length, the code has to instruct the cell to complete highly complex tasks. So it's obvious that the job to write this program is beyond the limits of a human mind. No program has ever been written by chance. Can that computer program be written without an intelligent programmer by itself by chance? No, never...
So how can we think that this incredibly long code of 3 billion letters that is unbelievably complex and the densest storage of information in the universe can be written without any super intelligence behind it? Who is that programmer? That must be no one other than the God himself.
Therefore according to many scientists, God has shown its presence in the DNA code by showing his infinite intelligence.
For many researchers this is the proof of God placed inside every cell of our body.

How efficiently does DNA store data
From the perspective of data storage, DNA is very efficient, since it requires the least amount of material to code for the 20 amino acids.
A pinhead-sized piece of DNA has the same amount of information as 25 trillion 189-page paperback books.
If you put all the DNA molecules in your body end to end, the DNA would reach from the Earth to the Sun and back over 600 times

Why evolution is impossible in case of DNA code?
After discovery of the secret code found in DNA, many famous scientists, who have been the supporters of evolution have changed their views. Now they believe, such a miraculous and complex code cannot just be created by evolution or random chances.
According to the theory of irreducible complexity, some biological systems are made up of a number of interconnected pieces that must all be present and functional at once for the system to function. DNA demonstrates a degree of complexity that defies a gradual evolutionary process, along with the complex molecular machinery required for its replication, transcription, and translation.
This raises the question of how such complexity could have emerged without the guidance of an intelligent creator.
Hence it is clear that information must have come from the intelligence.

#proofofgod #dna #god
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Well done and presented. To ascribe such a complex phenomena like DNA to mindless evolution is an insult to our Grand Creator who gave us the incomparable human brain which still baffles scientists today. Look at the perfect order of outer space with such incredible fantastic mysteries and awe. Nothing in our human experience teaches us that you can have order with without intelligence. If a law exist, then there must be a lawmaker. Sometimes common sense is not common!


The first matter

But before we get to that, let’s take a look at how “material” – physical matter – first came about. If we are aiming to explain the origins of stable matter made of atoms or molecules, there was certainly none of that around at the Big Bang – nor for hundreds of thousands of years afterwards. We do in fact have a pretty detailed understanding of how the first atoms formed out of simpler particles once conditions cooled down enough for complex matter to be stable, and how these atoms were later fused into heavier elements inside stars. But that understanding doesn’t address the question of whether something came from nothing.
So let’s think further back. The first long-lived matter particles of any kind were protons and neutrons, which together make up the atomic nucleus. These came into existence around one ten-thousandth of a second after the Big Bang. Before that point, there was really no material in any familiar sense of the word. But physics lets us keep on tracing the timeline backwards – to physical processes which predate any stable matter.

This takes us to the so-called “grand unified epoch.” By now, we are well into the realm of speculative physics, as we can’t produce enough energy in our experiments to probe the sort of processes that were going on at the time. But a plausible hypothesis is that the physical world was made up of a soup of short-lived elementary particles – including quarks, the building blocks of protons and neutrons. There was both matter and “antimatter” in roughly equal quantities: each type of matter particle, such as the quark, has an antimatter “mirror image” companion, which is near identical to itself, differing only in one aspect. However, matter and antimatter annihilate in a flash of energy when they meet, meaning these particles were constantly created and destroyed.
But how did these particles come to exist in the first place? Quantum field theory tells us that even a vacuum, supposedly corresponding to empty spacetime, is full of physical activity in the form of energy fluctuations. These fluctuations can give rise to particles popping out, only to be disappear shortly after. This may sound like a mathematical quirk rather than real physics, but such particles have been spotted in countless experiments.
The spacetime vacuum state is seething with particles constantly being created and destroyed, apparently “out of nothing”. But perhaps all this really tells us is that the quantum vacuum is (despite its name) a something rather than a nothing. The philosopher David Albert has memorably criticized accounts of the Big Bang which promise to get something from nothing in this way.

Suppose we ask: where did spacetime itself arise from? Then we can go on turning the clock yet further back, into the truly ancient “Planck epoch” – a period so early in the universe’s history that our best theories of physics break down. This era occurred only one ten-millionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang. At this point, space and time themselves became subject to quantum fluctuations. Physicists ordinarily work separately with quantum mechanics, which rules the microworld of particles, and with general relativity, which applies on large, cosmic scales. But to truly understand the Planck epoch, we need a complete theory of quantum gravity, merging the two.
We still don’t have a perfect theory of quantum gravity, but there are attempts – like string theory and loop quantum gravity. In these attempts, ordinary space and time are typically seen as emergent, like the waves on the surface of a deep ocean. What we experience as space and time are the product of quantum processes operating at a deeper, microscopic level – processes that don’t make much sense to us as creatures rooted in the macroscopic world.
In the Planck epoch, our ordinary understanding of space and time breaks down, so we can’t any longer rely on our ordinary understanding of cause and effect either. Despite this, all candidate theories of quantum gravity describe something physical that was going on in the Planck epoch – some quantum precursor of ordinary space and time. But where did that come from?
Even if causality no longer applies in any ordinary fashion, it might still be possible to explain one component of the Planck-epoch universe in terms of another. Unfortunately, by now even our best physics fails completely to provide answers. Until we make further progress towards a “theory of everything”, we won’t be able to give any definitive answer. The most we can say with confidence at this stage is that physics has so far found no confirmed instances of something arising from nothing.


Thanks for sharing
If you believe that God is real
Then he is within you
In totality of what’s inside you
If God created us in his likeness
Then our DNA and God’s DNA
Are the same .


Now I feel like to jump up and down. Glory to God


Completely happy and appreciate your topics and explanation way to go God Bless thanks a lot


I was going to share this But when Bill Clinton was used as a reference quote for this, I changed my mind ..The Clintons and God should never be uttered in the same sentence !!!!


And that's why they wanted to make everyone take the jab to mess with the Creators Gene.


I watched a documentary on Evolutionary-Developmental biology and came to the same conclusion rather quickly. Of course, I believe small changes can be made due to environmental factors which allow us to adapt and survive as a species.


When Imagination Begets Reality

Why does something exist? The best of our answers would probably be because it is possible for it to exist. With the same logic, it could well be possible that nothing exists. But that would, after all, only be but another possibility. For every one of the infinite objective universes that may conceivably exist, there should be a corresponding number of universes that do not exist. But whether existent or nonexistent, all potential universes remain essentially the same: possibilities.
To the best of our knowledge, we may assume that our universe existed way before we (as humans) appeared. Quantum physics suggests that for a particle to stabilize and acquire a fixed position within the space-time reality of our world, it needs to be observed. Arguably, the only power that can make observations is consciousness. Since not we humans, what observed the world that we found?
An attractive answer would be that we consciousness observed it before we became humans. A slight sparkle of consciousness may have caused the Big Bang and subsequent orchestration of this universe. Some sort of consciousness may have imagined that a such-and-such world can be derived out of possibility waves and set to create it.
Though our imagination is seemingly unrestrictedly opulent, we still have hard time to imagine how galaxies or birds came to exist without something having priorly imagined them. We can clearly understand how any of our creations was created but we feel utterly powerless to comprehend how anything that preceded us was created. That may be so because we mistakenly search for a different creator. What if we created everything? Remember, not we as humans but we as imaginative consciousness.
Consciousness, imagination, creativity must have pervaded the universe all along. It only lacked technical solutions. Whereas by setting a simple set of parameters such as nuclear, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces it is a straightforward process to create simple things such as atoms, stars, and all sorts of condensed, orbiting balls… it required vast amounts of time and experimentation filtered by natural selection to create things that can create things, such as ribosomes, hands, and automated factories.

Metaphysically, if consciousness is the AWARENESS of what is, while wisdom is the ALIGNMENT to what is, then wisdom is superior to consciousness.

Quick, think of a number between one and ten. Got it? The fact that you can do that proves you’re human. Why? Well, humans have the unique and remarkable gift of consciousness, the inner knowledge of ourselves as sentient beings, which gives us the ability to think in abstract terms.
Every great accomplishment of human civilization came from our consciousness.
Philosophers and neuroscientists have all tried to define that elusive human quality called consciousness, with differing degrees of success. Most, though, would agree that consciousness means we have thoughts, perceptions, feelings and self-awareness. We have an inner life of the mind, the heart and the soul. Our consciousness—the ability to be aware of our awareness—is what makes us human.
That fully-developed awareness of life and the order of the universe, in its highest form, we call enlightenment. This human faculty distinguishes us from everything else in creation:

In the differentiation of life in the world of existence, there are four degrees or kingdoms, — the mineral, vegetable, animal, and human. The mineral kingdom is possessed of a certain virtue which we term cohesion. The vegetable kingdom possesses cohesive properties plus the power of growth or power augmentative. The animal kingdom is possessed of the virtues of the mineral and vegetable plus the powers of the senses. But the animal although gifted with sensibilities is utterly bereft of consciousness, absolutely out of touch with the world of consciousness and spirit. The animal possesses no powers by which it can make discoveries which lie beyond the realm of the senses. It has no power of intellectual origination. For example, an animal located in Europe is not capable of discovering the continent of America. It understands only phenomena which come within the range of its senses and instinct. It cannot abstractly reason out anything. The animal cannot conceive of the earth being spherical or revolving upon its axis. It cannot apprehend that the little stars in the heavens are tremendous worlds vastly greater than the earth. The animal cannot abstractly conceive of intellect. Of these powers it is bereft. Therefore these powers are peculiar to man and it is made evident that in the human kingdom there is a reality of which the animal is minus. What is that reality? It is the spirit of man. By it man is distinguished above all the other phenomenal kingdoms. Although he possesses all the virtues of the lower kingdoms he is further endowed with the spiritual faculty, the heavenly gift of consciousness. – Abdu’l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity, pp. 90-91.

Because consciousness exists, the philosophers have said, a greater consciousness, an ultimate source, must have created it. Here’s the logic path of that reasoning for the existence of a Creator, what philosophers call the argument from consciousness:

Consciousness makes us human

Our consciousness must have an origin

Nothing else in nature has a human consciousness

By definition, the part cannot possess anything not existent in the whole

We are part of a greater whole than nature

That greater whole can only be represented by a Higher Consciousness.

This proof of the existence of a Creator has a particularly subtle and insightful logic behind it. In a letter to the renowned Swiss scientist Auguste Forel, Abdu’l-Baha explains:

…the mind proveth the existence of an unseen Reality that embraceth all beings, and that existeth and revealeth itself in all stages, the essence whereof is beyond the grasp of the mind. Thus the mineral world understandeth neither the nature nor the perfections of the vegetable world; the vegetable world understandeth not the nature of the animal world, neither the animal world the nature of the reality of man that discovereth and embraceth all things…
Man hath the powers of will and understanding, but nature hath them not. Nature is constrained, man is free. Nature is bereft of understanding, man understandeth. Nature is unaware of past events, but man is aware of them. Nature forecasteth not the future; man by his discerning power seeth that which is to come. Nature hath no consciousness of itself, man knoweth about all things.
…the wise and reflecting soul will know of a certainty that this infinite universe with all its grandeur and perfect order could not have come to exist by itself. – Abdu’l-Baha, Tablet to Auguste Forel, pp. 10-17.


God is always Present, in every moment, in the eternal now. God is the very faculty or means through which we are aware. It can be thought of as consciousness itself. The consciousness in you and in me is God’s Being shining.
As the Mormon prophet-mystic Joseph Smith once said,

And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings. Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space—The light which is IN all things, which giveth life to ALL things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is IN the bosom of eternity, who is IN the midst of ALL things.
-D&C 88:11-13

That includes being in you and me, even right now. God is the consciousness through which you are reading these very words on this screen.
Did you know that there is no inherent illumination or luminosity in photons? “Light, ” as such, cannot be found there. Photons are, perhaps, ‘packets’ of energy which have the properties of both spread-out waves and localized particles. Photons only take on the appearance of being luminous as they arise within consciousness, in our mind’s eye. It may be that photons are spread-out energy potentials that fill the immensity of space, and only take on the appearance of being a localized discrete particle of “light” when we become aware of them in consciousness, in this actualized awareness we call mind. Thus, you are the light of the kosmos. This “light” is only arising in us. The world outside of a mind is perfectly ‘dark, ’ or empty, unactualized in any way. Of course, what else could it be? What would perceive it as illuminated, or as any “thing”?
All of our thoughts are the activity of consciousness, modulations of that consciousness, incarnations within that pure consciousness, rays shining from inside that consciousness. We are agents of that consciousness, emerging from within that consciousness. All there is to experience is the knowing of it, and that knowing is God’s own Self in us, living in us, the source of our life, the energy of consciousness itself.
We could say that God lives in us, since consciousness seems to have become localized in this particular body-mind. Or we could say that we live in God, since all that we perceive arises in that consciousness, including our body-mind. Thus, Jesus was right to say, “I am in the Father and the Father is in me” (John 14:10-11, 20). Both are true, and they are true of us as well. We are arising within God, and God is arising within us as well. Sometimes this is called “mutual indwelling, ” the Father in the Son and the Son in the Father, also called perichoresis or co-inherence in Christian terminology.
God is the field of consciousness in which all knowing occurs, in which all thoughts and perceptions and feelings and sensations arise, like waves in the ocean. Our body-mind and its thoughts are like localizations within that consciousness, temporary manifestations of that Ultimate Reality, expressions of that consciousness, that being, that One.
God becomes veiled and hidden from our awareness when the thoughts that arise in and from consciousness believe they are something separate and discrete from the consciousness in which they are arising. The thoughts form a separate entity, a dualistic subjective ego, a separate self identity, an independent being, an “Adam/Eve, ” which thinks it is apart from infinite nondual divine consciousness and Ultimate Reality. This seems to be the “Fall, ” the beginning of duality and separateness and alienation from God’s Presence.
But how could thoughts be separate from the consciousness in which they have arisen? They can’t, but that is exactly what our thoughts and our self-identification with them think they are. It is a kind of psychological illusion. The thoughts take on their own separate identity apart from pure nondual consciousness, forming a self, a person, an entity, seemingly cut off from its own source and essence.
Once we look at it like this, it seems impossible, and that is because it is. Our ‘self’ is never actually separate from the source in which it arises, thoughts are never separate from the consciousness in which they emerge, the wave is not separate from the ocean. The thoughts that make up our ‘self’ are just finite actualizations or relative localizations of the infinite potential of absolute consciousness, or Divine Being, or Ultimate Reality. In Christian symbolism we call this the incarnation of God. In Buddhism it is the Dharmakaya that incarnates as the Nirmanakaya Buddha. In Hinduism it is Brahman that manifests itself as each Atman. God becomes incarnate in reality, in the flesh, embodied, in us and all things.
There is no time, no space, nowhere we can go, nowhere we can be, that will be outside of this Presence of God, outside of this consciousness, beyond the borders of God, or the Ultimate Reality. God is always present, and is Presence itself, awareness itself, consciousness itself, the “spirit of life” within us, from which we derive all being, all knowing, all our substance, every thought, every sensation. It all arises in God. This is perhaps why, in order to pierce the veil and know God directly, contemplative practices such as meditation help train us to transcend thought, to go back to the source of thought itself, beyond all thoughts of self, to recognize that from which it all arises, this pure open vastness of nondual unitive at-one consciousness.
Do you see why we cannot “think” God? Nothing that arises in consciousness as a thought will be that consciousness in which it is arising. No relative finite manifestation in consciousness can be the absolute pure infinite consciousness, even though every manifestation or relativization or actualization of that consciousness is made up of nothing other than that consciousness. God is Present even while we are trying to comprehend God, even in the midst of that very comprehension. God is what makes that attempt at comprehension even possible. God is the very field in which we are trying to know God. When we let go of the trying, the conceptualization, surrendering the thoughts that are trying to know themselves, and rest in the pure still silent open awareness of being, that is when the realization of God may dawn on us, as us.


Did you know that there is no inherent illumination or luminosity in photons? “Light, ” as such, cannot be found there. Photons are, perhaps, ‘packets’ of energy which have the properties of both spread-out waves and localized particles. Photons only take on the appearance of being luminous as they arise within consciousness, in our mind’s eye. It may be that photons are spread-out energy potentials that fill the immensity of space, and only take on the appearance of being a localized discrete particle of “light” when we become aware of them in consciousness, in this actualized awareness we call mind. Thus, you are the light of the kosmos. This “light” is only arising in us. The world outside of a mind is perfectly ‘dark, ’ or empty, unactualized in any way. Of course, what else could it be? What would perceive it as illuminated, or as any “thing”?
All of our thoughts are the activity of consciousness, modulations of that consciousness, incarnations within that pure consciousness, rays shining from inside that consciousness. We are agents of that consciousness, emerging from within that consciousness. All there is to experience is the knowing of it, and that knowing is God’s own Self in us, living in us, the source of our life, the energy of consciousness itself.
We could say that God lives in us, since consciousness seems to have become localized in this particular body-mind. Or we could say that we live in God, since all that we perceive arises in that consciousness, including our body-mind. Thus, Jesus was right to say, “I am in the Father and the Father is in me” (John 14:10-11, 20). Both are true, and they are true of us as well. We are arising within God, and God is arising within us as well. Sometimes this is called “mutual indwelling, ” the Father in the Son and the Son in the Father, also called perichoresis or co-inherence in Christian terminology.
God is the field of consciousness in which all knowing occurs, in which all thoughts and perceptions and feelings and sensations arise, like waves in the ocean. Our body-mind and its thoughts are like localizations within that consciousness, temporary manifestations of that Ultimate Reality, expressions of that consciousness, that being, that One.
God becomes veiled and hidden from our awareness when the thoughts that arise in and from consciousness believe they are something separate and discrete from the consciousness in which they are arising. The thoughts form a separate entity, a dualistic subjective ego, a separate self identity, an independent being, an “Adam/Eve, ” which thinks it is apart from infinite nondual divine consciousness and Ultimate Reality. This seems to be the “Fall, ” the beginning of duality and separateness and alienation from God’s Presence.
But how could thoughts be separate from the consciousness in which they have arisen? They can’t, but that is exactly what our thoughts and our self-identification with them think they are. It is a kind of psychological illusion. The thoughts take on their own separate identity apart from pure nondual consciousness, forming a self, a person, an entity, seemingly cut off from its own source and essence.
Once we look at it like this, it seems impossible, and that is because it is. Our ‘self’ is never actually separate from the source in which it arises, thoughts are never separate from the consciousness in which they emerge, the wave is not separate from the ocean. The thoughts that make up our ‘self’ are just finite actualizations or relative localizations of the infinite potential of absolute consciousness, or Divine Being, or Ultimate Reality. In Christian symbolism we call this the incarnation of God. In Buddhism it is the Dharmakaya that incarnates as the Nirmanakaya Buddha. In Hinduism it is Brahman that manifests itself as each Atman. God becomes incarnate in reality, in the flesh, embodied, in us and all things.
There is no time, no space, nowhere we can go, nowhere we can be, that will be outside of this Presence of God, outside of this consciousness, beyond the borders of God, or the Ultimate Reality. God is always present, and is Presence itself, awareness itself, consciousness itself, the “spirit of life” within us, from which we derive all being, all knowing, all our substance, every thought, every sensation. It all arises in God. This is perhaps why, in order to pierce the veil and know God directly, contemplative practices such as meditation help train us to transcend thought, to go back to the source of thought itself, beyond all thoughts of self, to recognize that from which it all arises, this pure open vastness of nondual unitive at-one consciousness.
Do you see why we cannot “think” God? Nothing that arises in consciousness as a thought will be that consciousness in which it is arising. No relative finite manifestation in consciousness can be the absolute pure infinite consciousness, even though every manifestation or relativization or actualization of that consciousness is made up of nothing other than that consciousness. God is Present even while we are trying to comprehend God, even in the midst of that very comprehension. God is what makes that attempt at comprehension even possible. God is the very field in which we are trying to know God. When we let go of the trying, the conceptualization, surrendering the thoughts that are trying to know themselves, and rest in the pure still silent open awareness of being, that is when the realization of God may dawn on us, as us.


It can also give legitimacy to the simulation theory too, basically that we are all living in a simulation.


there are literally billions of ways our nucleic genes can structure of course it would appear randomly this means nothinng😭😭💀


He merely refers everyday biochemistry.


Thank you so much for this wonderful video!🙏


There is not, nor has there been, a man on planet earth who did not turn to at least a higher power that he felt existed above him and asked for help in difficult times. It is COMMON to all people on the planet, it doesn't matter what the name of his God is. A very important question arises: is this address a CONSCIOUS DECISION or is it a PROGRAM? I personally believe that NOT turning to God is a conscious decision, and that calling God is programmed in the DNA genome.


Honestly I really think that humans are nott intelligent enough to even to know the question? unless we augmented like you have a. Computer /cyborg. Use AI know and find thousands of knowledge. perhaps reason we evolve to make AI the next step in human evolution?


DNA Primase, RNA Primer, DNA Ligase, DNA Polmerase, Lagging Strand, Okazaki Fragment, LEADING STRAND, DNA Polymerase, Helicase, Topoisomerase… (You Can NOT Find One of these Words in the Holy Bible) So Why Are you Giving the Credit to a GOD? You (I Say it AGAIN) “You” broke down the Function of the DNA String, YOU Did it! You are The INTELLIGENT AGENT. This is So Sad that you Don’t See that..


Tune into GOD Source frequency 🙏🙌🏼💞 #ChristConsciousness #ThirdEye


Wisdom of Solomon 14

Folly of a Navigator Praying to an Idol

14 Again, one preparing to sail and about to voyage over raging waves
calls upon a piece of wood more fragile than the ship that carries him.
2 For it was desire for gain that planned that vessel,
and wisdom was the artisan who built it,
3 but it is your providence, O Father, that steers its course,
because you have given it a path in the sea
and a safe way through the waves,
4 showing that you can save from every danger,
so that even a person who lacks skill may put to sea.
5 It is your will that works of your wisdom should not be without effect;
therefore people trust their lives even to the smallest piece of wood,
and passing through the billows on a raft they come safely to land.
6 For even in the beginning, when arrogant giants were perishing,
the hope of the world took refuge on a raft
and guided by your hand left to the world the seed of a new generation.
7 For blessed is the wood by which righteousness comes.

8 But the idol made with hands is accursed, and so is the one who made it—
he for having made it, and the perishable thing because it was named a god.
9 For equally hateful to God are the ungodly and their ungodliness,
10 for what was done will be punished together with the one who did it.
11 Therefore there will be a visitation also upon the idols of the nations,
because, though part of what God created, they became an abomination,
stumbling blocks for human souls
and a trap for the feet of the foolish.

The Origin and Evils of Idolatry

12 For the idea of making idols was the beginning of sexual immorality,
and the invention of them was the corruption of life,
13 for they did not exist from the beginning,
nor will they last forever.
14 For through human vanity they entered the world,
and therefore their speedy end has been planned.

15 For a father, consumed with grief at an untimely bereavement,
made an image of his child, who had been suddenly taken from him;
he now honored as a god what was once a dead human being
and handed on to his dependents secret rites and initiations.
16 Then the ungodly custom, grown strong with time, was kept as a law,
and at the command of monarchs carved images were worshiped.
17 When people could not honor monarchs in their presence, since they lived at a distance,
they imagined their appearance far away
and made a visible image of the king whom they honored,
so that by their zeal they might flatter the absent one as though present.

18 Then the ambition of the artisan impelled
even those who did not know the king to intensify their worship.
19 For he, perhaps wishing to please his ruler,
skillfully forced the likeness to take more beautiful form,
20 and the multitude, attracted by the charm of his work,
now regarded as an object of worship the one whom shortly before they had honored as a human.
21 And this became a hidden trap for humankind,
because people, in bondage to misfortune or to royal authority,
bestowed on objects of stone or wood the name that ought not to be shared.

22 Then it was not enough for them to err about the knowledge of God,
but though living in great strife due to ignorance,
they call such great evils peace.
23 For whether they kill children in their initiations or celebrate secret mysteries
or hold frenzied revels with strange customs,
24 they no longer keep either their lives or their marriages pure,
but they either treacherously kill one another or grieve one another by adultery,
25 and all is a raging riot of blood and murder, theft and deceit, corruption, faithlessness, tumult, perjury,
26 confusion over what is good, forgetfulness of favors,
defiling of souls, sexual perversion,
disorder in marriages, adultery, and debauchery.
27 For the worship of idols not to be named
is the beginning and cause and end of every evil.
28 For their worshipers either rave in exultation
or prophesy lies or live unrighteously or readily commit perjury,
29 for because they trust in lifeless idols
they swear wicked oaths and expect to suffer no harm.
30 But just penalties will overtake them on two counts:
because they thought wrongly about God in devoting themselves to idols
and because in deceit they swore unrighteously through contempt for holiness.
31 For it is not the power of the things by which people swear
but the just penalty for those who sin
that always pursues the transgression of the unrighteous.
