10 Scientific Proofs for the Existence of God - Proof of God - Evidence of God - Does God Exist #God

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In this video I will discuss 10 Scientific Proofs for the existence of God. These evidences of God will help you in believing that God really exist. Although existence of God has always been a Subject of debate. But here I have 10 reasons to convince you, that God Actually exists!!!
Following are the 10 proofs of existence of God that we are going to discuss in this video-
1.Similar Geometrical patterns seen everywhere in the nature indicate a single creator, The God
2.Unbelievable complexity of the DNA code and the cell
3.We see intelligent design of the creator in everything in the universe, whether it is living or non-living thing
4.Similar design found at the microscopic level of atoms and the planetary system is an indication of God's signature everywhere
5.Everything that exists must have a cause, therefore universe had a cause, which was caused by an uncaused identify known as the God
6.Delicate balance, connection and interdependency that we see in the whole universe is again an indication of one supreme power
7.Fine Tuned universe and extremely precise nature's physical constants point to a super intelligent creator
8.The whole universe acts as a very big machine, subdivided into infinite number of smaller machines, which proves that there must be a single mind behind it
9.Non physical aspects to human consciousness lead to indirect evidence of God.
10.There must be a supreme power or super intelligence that controls and guides all the objects to their final purpose

1.Similar Geometrical patterns seen everywhere in the nature indicate a single creator, The God.
If you look around you, you will find signature of God on different things, even on your body!!!
Have you ever heard about Golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence, which is present in many natural things? Numerically the Golden Ratio is represented as- 1:1.61 and here is the Fibonacci sequence- 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34...and so on.

2.Unbelievable complexity of the DNA code and the cell.
You will find an extremely complex and long code placed inside your DNA which is found inside the nucleus of all the cells of your body. Here the point is: Information comes from intelligence.
According to researchers, they have not found any physical law by which matter itself can create information. Information cannot generate randomly. There has to be some intelligence behind it.

3.We see intelligent design of the creator in everything in the universe, whether it is living or non living thing.
All the things in nature whether they are living or non living are designed so beautifully that it becomes almost impossible to neglect an intelligent designer behind it.

4.Similar designs found at the microscopic level of atoms and the planetary system is an indication of God's signature everywhere.
We see many electrons revolving around a nucleus in their orbits. Not only the electrons revolve around the nucleus but also they spin at their axis. Doesn't it closely resembles the planetary system, where planets revolve around their star while also spinning on their axis.

5.Everything that exists must have a cause, therefore universe had a cause, which was caused by an uncaused identify known as the God.
Actually whatever begins to exist has a cause and the universe began to exist. Therefore we can say that the universe had a cause. But the cause that caused the universe, has to be uncaused. So it is argued that this first cause, which was uncaused is actually the God!!!.

6.If we look at the nature, we see that we all are connected. Even the non living things have deep connections with the living things.
We can not survive without each other. We need other humans, animals, insects, microorganisms, trees and many non living things for our mutual survival.

7.Fine tuning refers to extremely precise value of nature's physical constants. Scientists have calculated that our universe would not have existed even if there were small changes in the values of the physical constants.
Therefore it is argued that if the probability of achieving such perfect conditions is extremely low, then the God must have been responsible for the fine tuning of the universe.

8.If you observe carefully, the whole universe would look like single great machine. At lower scale this grand machine has subdivisions. All these parts of the great machine are working in perfect synchronism with each other.

9.After many researches it has been found that, It is not possible to explain human consciousness by the mechanisms of brain and human body. It shows that there must be non physical aspects to human consciousness. which is indirect evidence of the God.

10. On observing the universe you can find that all the things are ordered towards a purpose whether they are living or non living. It appears that they all are guided by some super intelligence which is pushing and moving them towards an end or some goal.

#god #godProof #proofGod #GodEvidence
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1) How is that proof of god?
2) Complexity doesn't mean a creator.


This is a fantastic video. My father is a PhD nuclear physicist that does not believe in god or a supreme being. My mother is also extremely educated and intelligent and does not believe in God. I was raised in an environment that was not conducive to believing in God. However, I firmly believe in God. Studying and learning about DNA was the beginning of my belief in a God or a Supreme being. Additionally studying and learning about cells blew me away and furthered my belief in God. At this point in my life I do not question the existence of an intelligent designer. The evidence is inside us and all around us. I do not have a name for God or a religious affiliation. I am just certain that an intelligent designer created all things. Thanks for this great video! #2 DNA along with cells is the strongest point to me. If there is anyone reading this that is uncertain or questioning the existence of God please kindly keep an open mind and research and study DNA. It’s a complex code that is so complex it can do things like direct biological material to grow into a human babies arms and fingers etc. This is not by chance. Lightning did not strike a primordial pool of ooze and create DNA, a complex code to build you and all your parts. God created you and it would make sense that God loves all of his creations. God Loves You.


Scientist: because I do not currently understand this phenomena I can’t comment on whether it is god.

Everyone else: because scientists can’t explain this phenomena, it must be god.

I just saved you 18 minutes. You’re welcome.


Believe in god but not believe in religion and holy book


So what does that prove that God exists?


I imagine that the Creator of this video has no idea what the word "Proof" means. Argument from ignorance, argument from personal incredulity, strawman argument, appeal to ignorance, a large circular argument, red herring fallacy, appeals to ignorance, black and white fallacy, slippery slope fallacy, hasty generalizations and others.

Is it really surprising to argue that if the Conditions on Earth or the Universe were not compatible with life we would not be here? It is a circular argument. We know a-priori that conditions on Earth and the Universe must be such to allow for intelligent life because we are here. To then use this as evidence for god is quite ridiculous because that is what you are supposed to be trying to prove.
BTW maybe there is a god, if there is, God is silent.
I feel sorry for people that believe in things without evidence....
I'll give a thumbs up for coming up with so many logical fallacies...


If everything that exists must have a cause, then what is the cause of God? Who created God? And if God can be there without having a creator, then what's the problem with believing that the universe has no creator???


Existence of God can not be denied. Wonderful universal management is the best proof of god's existence. Only problem is how to find him


Who’s gonna say to this guy that saying « science can’t explain this ? God » is not an evidence


Ok so let’s say that god is behind creation of everything, the basic question is still who created god? And what is the purpose of all creation ?


If they can prove god exists, then why don't they fly to Norway with
their scientific proof and go pick up their Nobel prize and collect the
prize money?


We dont need proof of God's existence. Its faith that helps our soul strengthen and grow. We know God exists. He's in our soul and our hearts.


I don’t think they understand what a “scientific proof” is, because they did not cite a single one.


Just because u don't understand something doesn't mean that it is an existence of god. Humanity barely knew much about the universe until the last century. As technology progresses, we will get the answers eventually. Always question everything.


All important. For me the best pick 9
I appreciate for this film 💞


Paradoxically, most people have to believe God exists first in order to get knowledge of His existence. The problem you'll run into, though, is confirmation bias. How do you separate confirmation bias from actual knowledge of God's existence? Also, nobody can prove non-existence of God, etc., with absolute certainty unless you are omniscient.


Oh great, the good old "nobody knows how the universe came into existence, therefore my god".


Science is the beautiful creation of God ~


Do you care if those things actually indicate a god?
_1. Why would patterns indicate a god at all?_ We can imagine many non-god scenarios where patterns would emerge. This includes the explanation we actually know to be true of our own universe: the patterns emerged as a result of natural forces. (For example because gravity exists, spherical things in the universe being common is a logical consequence. The same is actually true, just more complicated, of all the other patterns we see.)
_2. Why would complexity in a cell indicate a god at all?_ You're making an _implied claim_ that a god was somehow responsible for that, and yet you don't have any evidence justifying that claim is true.
_3. What intelligent design?_ We have overwhelming evidence evolution caused the design in life, and the universe is staggeringly _not_ designed for us. (We've designed universes like Super Mario where he can live and travel to 50% of his universe. Meanwhile we can live and travel to _less than of our universe. It's ridiculous to call that design.)
_4. Repeat of point 1._
_5. Why would an argument that concludes with "a cause" indicate a god at all?_ Also the moment you imply that uncaused things are possible, you eliminate the only reason that argument (the Cosmological Argument) has for saying a god must exist.
_6. Why would interdependence indicate a god at all?_ It's the logical result of evolution: if resources exist, there's an opportunity for an organism to evolve to use them (creating interdependence) and if a resource doesn't exist there isn't (so any organisms that had those mutations would die if they had no other food source). Well if the organisms being interdependent are living and the ones that aren't die out without spreading their genes, what genes are left? That's right: _only the interdependent ones._
_7. Basically a repeat of point 3, but seriously why would constants being set that way indicate a god at all?_ You need evidence that actually points to a specific conclusion, and fine tuning doesn't logically indicate a god existing.
_8. Again a repeat of 3 and 7._
_9. Why would non-physical aspects of human minds indicate a god at all?_ We can easily imagine answers to this that don't invoke god, but what we need is evidence pointing to a specific conclusion. You can't just take unknowns and not only (A) claim you know it (science doesn't agree that the mind isn't just physical) but (B) claim it indirectly serves as evidence of a god when there's no logical connection to a god at all.
_10. This isn't evidence, it's an assertion. A claim._ Claiming something is true without evidence isn't _itself_ evidence.


"That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence" - Christopher Hitchens. This quote applies to literally every argument you presented here.
