31 Minimalist Habits to CHANGE YOUR LIFE *Easy things you can do*

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Today I'm sharing 30+ easy minimalist habits that you can do today. These are habits that could change your life - from saving time and money, to cleaning, cleaning routines and tidy home habits. I hope these tips are helpful! #minimalism

My favorite cleaning items (not sponsored!):

Filming equipment:

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(This video is about: minimalism,minimalist,simple living,minimalist habits,minimalist lifestyle,minimalist habits that changed my life,habits to change your life,minimalist home,declutter your home,minimalist habits to save money,decluttering and organizing for 2023,minimalism lifestyle 2023,habits to change your life in 2023,daily habits to improve life,minimalism tips for beginners,the minimalists)
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Minimalism is not deprivation 😢😢
Its functional pure efficient 😊😊


People in the not-so-distant past typically did always mend their clothing. It was readily taught in high school in home economics class and it was a very common practice to mend clothing. It is a very responsible thing to do and, if the item is something a person really does like, it allows them to use it longer. 

I got an eye-opening reality a few years back about how much soap we DON'T need to dump in the washing machine when I was introduced to this laundry ball item that made it unnecessary to use any detergent at all in the washing machine. But soap would mess the ball up so the washing machine had to be run 4 times to get all the soap out of it from previous use. When I saw how many suds were in the wash in the first round of just letting it run with nothing added, I was completely astounded. The 2nd time brought forth a LOT of suds as well. The 3rd had some still. The 4th was finally clear. I have never used anywhere near the recommend amount of soap for laundry again (I moved and didn't keep the ball, leaving it with the person who'd place it was). I have gone to laundromats where I see people just dumping in the soap - FAR BEYOND the amount suggested in the instructions. It's a huge waste, unnecessary, damaging to the environment, and to us, as fragrances and other toxic ingredients are left in the clothing and impact our bodies. We need to wake up to the reality of what all we do with soap products. They actually can do harm, slowly over time, to our bodies that most people never catch onto. And they quickly add a lot of waste to landfills and pollutants to the environment.


All great tips, but where do you find the time to repair clothing, tend to any type of garden, do another load of wash, washing, napkins, and reusable paper towels and making your own cleaning supplies? I must be truly inefficient not to be able to fit these things in even eating similar foods or the same food is problematic in that our health requires a variety of nutrients to stay satisfied and away from junk food. You are amazing in that you do all of this and work full-time. You are truly an inspiration!❤


When cosmetics in a tube get to the end, cut off the crimp end of the plastic tube abt an inch and a half down. Then you can access the total contents. Just put the cut end back on over where you cut it on the tube and if you need to, cut a little more off the main tube to reach your finger to the bottom of the tube. You may need to bend the end slightly to fit it over


I didn't see the link to the video on how to make cleaning products. That sounds fabulous! I think the tip on how to get the last product out of bottles is helpful for many people. I've already been doing that myself, but many people don't and a lot is wasted. A lot per bottle is often wasted, but accumulatively it is a huge amount. I'm glad you shared that.


When i have a list ❤ i plan a route❤ i go


Loved this video and the tips in it! I do some of them already but there are some new gems in here I want to try, too. Thank you for another great video, Taryn. Hoping to see more of this type of content in the future, if you and your viewers like the idea too. Cheers!


I actually cut the plastic tubes to use up all the product inside. I won't let my husband throw away the laundry soap containers because I can always get out at least 3 more loads😂


I wash my laundry and dishes both with dish soap I MEAN


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