Easy Minimalist Habits To Simplify Your Life (even if you're not a minimalist!)

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In today's video I'm sharing all the minimalist habits you can start today to simplify your life in 2024...even if you're not a minimalist. I don't think you have to be a minimalist to live like one, and take the principles to simplify your life and make life easier everyday. Let me know some habits that have helped you simplify!

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What are some habits you’re starting to simplify your life? ❤


🎉 I'm on a "use it up" mission this year. Funny little book of matches - great, put it next to the candle and use it instead of the lighter. Loads of samples in my suitcases... Great, let's work all the way through them and spa day it, every day. Half bottle of bathroom cleaner lurking at the back of the cupboard... OK, I hear you, let's scrub the taps. I'm hoping to move to the other end of the country later this year, so I'm challenging myself to use up all the "scraps" in my life and only move with great, favourite things ❤🎉


I pick out my outfit for the next day every night before bed. And yes to packing your lunch before bed. These two tips have transformed my morning from hectic to smooth 😊


I'm simplifying my life by deciding that I'm not gonna be a gym girlie lol for a long time I thought that I should go to the gym but I realized that the barrier to working out at home is just that much lower. All I need to do is put on my workout clothes and cue up a workout video. By now it's a habit to just immediately put on workout clothes when I wake up. Sure, maybe I don't "properly" work out each muscle group with weights or whatever, but I'm moving and that's what matters.


I've always liked your content because you are very balanced and healthy with and about your stuff. I never feel like you're chasing after the minimalist aesthetic like so many other channels.


I get decision fatigue easily. To help, i have designated a color for each day of the week in my wardrobe. Its like having a mini Monday capsule wardrobe. It reduces my clothing options to 3 at max. Bonus: when I need a reminder if it's actually Thursday, I can peak down and know for sure 😉


I’m also minimalist-ish. I gravitated towards it for more than one reason. I downsized from a house to an apartment, and, although I’m not at death’s door, I don’t want to leave a ton of stuff behind that my son will have to deal with when I die. I do still have way more clothes than a minimalist has, but I wear them, and I do closet clean outs at least once a year, sometimes twice. My non-clothes closets and kitchen and bathroom cabinets are not overflowing any more. My aim is to have every single thing in my apartment be useful and regularly used, or bring me happiness by looking at. The hardest thing for me so far has been getting rid of a lifetime of Christmas decorations. I am down to an amount that fits into the entry hall coat closet….with room for coats. I’m still not up to dealing with family photos and personal papers, cards, etc. But I’ll get there. I’m amazed I’ve come this far. Getting to a point where your possessions do not possess you, is definitely doable. 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


I lost 60 lbs last year and I was shocked when I went through all the clothes that I didn’t fit into and dragged around with me for 10+ years thinking…these might fit me someday. Well now they fit me and I let most of them go because I know I’ll never wear them. My closet is now filled with clothes that fit me and I know I’ll wear. If I go an entire year without wearing something I’ll get rid of it because there’s no excuse that I might be able to use it….someday. I want to implement the 10 minute reset for sure. Looking in my closet when I want to buy clothes - I usually buy the same thing over and over so being able to see my wardrobe is a reminder that I don’t need another blue sweatshirt. Maybe even take a pic of my closet so when I’m out I can look at that when I’m tempted to buy another black hoodie. This was a fantastic video!


Prepping for my next day has been a huge game changer! The night before I'll load up my coffee maker so all I have to do in the morning is hit the on button. It's a small thing, but saving even 5 minutes in the morning has made it much less stressful 😊


2024: working my closet by pulling things from the back to front, wearing my undecideds one more time to make a final decision, and using the hanger method on this current season capsule.🥳


I agree with everything except automatically getting rid of things you forgot that you own. I just had this happen to me yesterday and it was pretty shocking to me that I forgot, TBH. I decided to keep the item, use it, and replace a worn out similar item with it that was in worse shape. I guess I'm suggesting discretion when deciding what to toss. Thanks for a very helpful and encouraging video!


I never thought I would go so crazy in my nobuy month. So I started investing time and energy in doing crafts, with things I already have. Doing good so far. Also working out more often, intending daily . Thank you ❤


I like what Josh Becker says about minimalism. Just eliminating everything that does not serve you. I will never be the person who gives all my possessions away. But I will edit and remove things that don't serve are redundant or simply are broken, tattered etc. So this was helpful to show ways of maximizing your time and money. I'm here for it in 2024? 🥳🥳


I bought a cute pink rolling chair at Marshall’s for $70. The wheels sucked but I thought I was now or never. A month later I found a really comfortable brown rolling chair that rolled like butter for only $10 bucks. The looks of the chair didn’t really matter as I always throw a blanket over it because I have cats. Functionality won over looks. And something old won over brand new.


I have always picked out my outfits the night before and usually try to prepare my lunch then as well. Over the weekend however, I downloaded the Indyx app and just cataloged about 15 items. By doing that I have already made 3 different outfits out of one pair of pants and just a few other items including shoes and jewelry. I have a feeling that this will be my new favorite thing to make sure that I am maximizing my cost per wear and actually seeing what I do and do not need in my wardrobe. 🥳 I figured out that my shopping was an actual addition about 6 months ago and have since made tremendous strides to knock out that bad habit thanks to watching you. I made myself sick when I went back and actually tried to track all the money that I had spent in a year; something about having to type all those numbers into a spreadsheet and watching that number grow is horrific and quite eye opening. I am never going back!!


I like that you use BALANCE! "A toothbrush & two pairs of pants" LOL 😆. As I'm getting older, I want less in my closet, home, and makeup drawers. A saved list is THE BEST for curbing impulse buying 👍🏾. Thanks for another great video ❤✌🏾


I think "spend according to your values" just changed my life. What a wake-up call! Thank you!


My top tip is to, for each item or group of items, think in detail how much maintenance time/energy does this item require - dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing, folding/hanging/ironing/dry-cleaning/laundry-sorting, etc. For me, I wash all laundry together, and except for a few items (hang dry), it all goes in the dryer on medium together, then it all goes in my 'clean laundry' mesh basket together.


I think my husband and I have nailed it by now but it took us some years. Some things that we do: only open and use one bottle/tube/container etc. of something (one bottle of shampoo, one lipstick, one pack of coffee), use up before replacing, only having one item of its kind (one whisk, one pan, one pair of black jeans), buying quality over quantity, mending before discarding, having a "work uniform", watching your cost per use/wear and get it as high as possible.


I'm also trying to style more and utilize what I have. Recently I realized I don't need a yoga or gym outfit per se, I can wear soft T's and other non-workout tanks when I exercise. I'm also experimenting with wearing more casual tops under a blazer or cardigan, for work. My favorite tip is spending more in the categories important to you. Where is your green duffle bag from?♥
