The Problem With Libertarians

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Rand Paul and a lot of the tea party are libertarians as were most of the founders of our country. While the 'libertarian party' is finished, libertarianism is bigger than ever. Live and let live is a philosophy that most people can agree with...


if someone identified themselves as libertarian but ends up supporting Bernie Sanders or the alt-right it shows that they've never understood what libertarianism means.


The problem with libertarians is they wont stop fighting with each-other over who's "more libertarian"


How the hell do you go from _'taxation is theft, regulations destroy the free market, I want the least amount of government as possible (and if that's zero so be it)'_ to *_Imma BurnieBro Hurrr_* ? How does that even happen?


Im a libertarian in ideology.
Buut the party has and continues to fall from grace.


I am a Classic Liberal... What Libertarian should be... Equal rights, for others, special rights for none. Supports the right to choose how to live your life, allowing for free market capitalism, while setting up a policy which allows for "Legal" immigration, while preventing and stopping true illegal immigration. With a small non intrusive federal government, which avoids wars and military alliances of any nations, but maintains friendship and trade with all.


See the libertarian party is simple it wants a limited and small government so our government doesn't control it's citizens 24/7 libertarians believe in the Constitution and declaration of Independence and think that it contains our only laws we believe that our government should be their to protect us from foreign Invaders give us police, schooling but should stay out of internal personally affairs like how we practice our religion or talk about controversial topics. the libertarian party in my opinion is better than being liberal, Republican, conservative, or democratic who in all honesty want big government and waist our tax dollars one way or another.


No one who goes into politics could ever be a true libertarian


Both main political parties, Democrats and Republicans, are also destroying themselves too. This is not just a Libertarian party problem. This goes down to the morality level of individuals (the amount of people with low morals, moral relativism and who are unapologetic hypocrites nowadays is truly astounding) and the collapse of complex systems. There's too much entropy for the status quo in many systems to continue for a lot longer


I have certain libertarian principles, but my main problem with modern libertarians is that they have this "anything goes" mentality. No society can sustain itself on that principle or lack there of.


I’m a Conservative Libertarian, I believe in Marijuana and Guns.


I don't understand.  All the libertarians I know would absolutely agree with Ayn Rand against the government subsidizing businesses.

And libertarianism isn't really about cultural opinions like feminism or race.  It's about regardless of what you personally believe, don't legislate that morality on others.  So two libertarians could completely disagree on whether there is an epidemic of institutional racism and sexism, but they both agree that whatever the case the answer is less government.  So a few journalists who believe in feminism don't speak for the libertarian movement.

Finally, I'll leave my theory on why many "libertarians" are now part of the alt-right or are Bernie bros.  I believe it's because when Ron Paul ran, he was a charismatic, nonconforming, anti-establishment guy.  A lot of people who may not have felt strongly about the philosophy and economics of libertarianism were taken in by the personality and thus became extremists.  Now the libertarian movement's champion is out of politics, and the charismatic anti-establishment people in politics are a socialist (Bernie) and Trump (not fully alt-right, but more in that direction).  In a sense, libertarianism used to be cool, and now it isn't.


Libertarianism isn't dead, the Libertarian party is. Libertarianism is just a name. The name still means something. It just got taken over by trendies and millenials.

As far as anarchism: It's an eventuality, or goal so to speak. And a "Fallout-style catastrophe" wouldn't produce anarchy, it'd result in CHAOS. ANARCHY AND CHAOS OR NOT SYNONYMOUS.


The problem with libertarians: there's a bunch of non-libertarians calling themselves libertarians, thus very few people can define what a libertarian believes or what libertarianism means. So folks who are truly libertarian don't even want to call themselves libertarian to end up mistaken as nationalists. I'm not sure if I was ever 'establishment libertarian, ' but I definitely don't think you're a libertarian (anymore, I guess), though you are well-educated in the philosophy. Protectionism is not compatible with libertarianism, and I can't believe anyone supporting Trump is libertarian.


So the problem with libertarians is...they aren't libertarians?


Absolutely on the ball. Bonny lass too. From Scotland.


This video's premise is flawed. The entire video talks about collectivist groups and says "libertarianism" is dead. The measuring stick I guess is the Libertarian party, but the truth is that most libertarians have nothing to do with the libertarian party. The party itself isn't really libertarian at all. Just becuase some celebritarians are doing dumb things, trying to profit off of current trends, doesn't say anything about "libertarianism" as a whole. There is no libertarianism as a whole, because we aren't collectivists.


How can you have socialist libertarians, seriously?!


I am a three percenter a patriot and a Libertarian because if our founding fathers were alive today they would also be Libertarians not conservatives and not liberals.


Is it your contention that all libertarians ought to act, think, or believe all in the same way?

It's kind of the point of libertarianism that we don't. That's what makes us different from the Republicans, Democrats, Greens, Socialists, and all the other capital-letter groups. I personally think that the capital-L Libertarian party is a lousy idea, but I don't try to claim that Libertarians aren't real libertarians--just foolish ones.

The only thing libertarians have to believe in common is that the government sucks at everything except hurting people. Why _wouldn't_ you expect them to fight each other over feminism or religion or political strategy? They're passionate, politically aware people who have huge disagreements with each other. I'm surprised that you're surprised.
