Zone 2 Training & Mitochondrial Health: New Insights | Inigo San Millan | The Proof Clips EP #277

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In this clip from EP #277, we explore the cellular world of mitochondria—the powerhouse of our cells—and uncover their essential role in health and performance. Our guest, Inigo San Millan, shares insights on how Zone 2 training doesn't just improve cardiovascular fitness but also boosts both the number and function of mitochondria within our muscle fibers.

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It would be so helpful to distinguish between carbohydrates that are good for you such as fiber and resistant starches and refined carbs such as sugar and flour that are bad for you. This needs to be stated every-time the term carbohydrate is used. In my mind this is a never ending source of confusion about nutrition.


The main carb that the Hadza eat is a very fiber dense root that is very high in resistant starch though, not the refined carbs that we eat


At around the 4:00 mark, San Millan mentions that people can “lose mitochondria” from inactivity. Can someone point me to a paper or a video that talks about this? I am interested in the rate of loss, how soon the loss begins, of the loss is linear, and where it eventually levels out. I’m also interested in the physiological process by which the loss happens. Thanks.


If I recall correctly, Daniel Leiberman of Harvard studied the Hadza and noted no sarcopenia among them, speculating that it was due to being physically active.


Keep in mind that when Dr. Milan talks about the effect of carbohydrate consumption on “unhealthy” individuals, he’s talking about roughly 9 out of 10 of Americans.


key takeway, we are designed to move and degenerate when we dont


Super interesting talk and a great guest to bring on. At about 1:20 in Inego talks about 2 athletes with identical V02 max but one can generate 350w with 8mmol lactate and the other 3 or 4 meaning still in the Z2 practically. For sure the 3-4mmol athlete will win a long race etc but was this difference at the cellular level exposing differences in genes or was the the athlete with 3-4mmol @ 350w just training in a different way to the other guy??


I wonder of a person's normal walking speed is correlated to mitochondrial health (and number). Supposedly there is a positive correlation between normal walking speed and longevity/health. I suppose though that a faster normal speed would not be maintained if one is sedentary for a long time.


Inigo San Millan stated that "if you don't have good functioning mitochondria and if you have carbohydrates, that's bad." According to a 2022 study from the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, only 7% of the U.S. adult population have good cardiometabolic health, so carbohydrates are contraindicated for the vast majority.


I do not think that this “Puts to rest the notion that carbs or glucose are inherently bad for metabolic health”??? The carbs discussed when referring to the tribes are in no way similar to the carbs that people eat today in our “western or civilized” diets. How does this reconcile with newer science that clearly shows a direct link with heart disease to insulin resistance? Literally every patient on a heart surgeons operating table has arterial plaque & inflammation due to diabetes or smoking. Many people who reduce their carb intake end up with vastly improving bio markers including reducing or stabilizing CAC scores and reducing arterial inflammation and dramatically improving insulin sensitivity & metabolic health. Current thinking is that perhaps up to 90% of people in civilized countries have diabetes, mostly undiagnosed. Certainly some people have great metabolic function and can eat and utilize carbs without issue, but this is not the norm, as you can readily see just by looking around. Ultra processed seed oils and sugars are wreaking havoc on the vast majority of people, who cannot metabolize these efficiently. I guess Dr Milan does say this, but it appears that perhaps far fewer people have proper insulin response than current thinking. This being the case, then carbs are actually not great for the vast majority of people, even endurance athletes, who are showing to more and more have heart disease, likely due to a lifetime of smashing high carb sugar gels and drinks. I am one of them…..


Unfortunately we do not have access to the type of carbohydrates that the Haida eat. Even our “good” carbohydrates are highly engineered and far of being healthy.


Good overview, but its still move more to be able to move more... nothing really eye opening or actionable that we weren't already aware of


Hadza life expectancy is below 40 years, so no comparison.


I guarantee you if you eat white bread every day, you are going to have high blood sugar
