This is what Zone 2 training looks like | Peter Attia

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One of the most important concepts to get across what it “feels” like to be in zone 2. I say this b/c I realize that most people—my patients included—don’t want to use a lactate meter to confirm they are there. And I get it. I’m an unusual guy in my love for precision and data. Furthermore, when you’re starting out—and if you are very deconditioned—using a lactate threshold of 1.7 to 1.9 mM is not going to work because your resting lactate can easily be in that range! (A healthy and fit person will have a resting lactate typically below 0.5 mM).

Furthermore, while there are lots of ways to estimate zone 2 with HR (I think the best way is Phil Maffetone’s rule of 180-age +/- 5-10 based on fitness) and power (as a function of FTP, for example), these take you away from you developing a real FEELING for the exercise. So, instead I want people to titrate with RPE and monitor (read: RECORD) power and HR. I have logged my steady state HR, average power, and lactate for every zone 2 ride I’ve done since 2018 and it provides amazing insights! The most notable of these is that the ONLY constant is RPE.

(Oh, one more thing… to the folks watching this video who are wondering why my hat says “Marlboro” … no I’m not endorsing tobacco! It’s a Senna “helmet” hat… made by a friend of mine).


The Peter Attia Drive is a deep-dive podcast focusing on maximizing longevity, and all that goes into that from physical to cognitive to emotional health. With over 70 million episodes downloaded, it features topics including exercise, nutritional biochemistry, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, mental health, and much more.

Peter Attia is the founder of Early Medical, a medical practice that applies the principles of Medicine 3.0 to patients with the goal of lengthening their lifespan and simultaneously improving their healthspan.

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One of the most important concepts to get across what it “feels” like to be in zone 2. I say this b/c I realize that most people—my patients included—don’t want to use a lactate meter to confirm they are there. And I get it. I’m an unusual guy in my love for precision and data. Furthermore, when you’re starting out—and if you are very deconditioned—using a lactate threshold of 1.7 to 1.9 mM is not going to work because your resting lactate can easily be in that range! (A healthy and fit person will have a resting lactate typically below 0.5 mM).

Furthermore, while there are lots of ways to estimate zone 2 with HR (I think the best way is Phil Maffetone’s rule of 180-age +/- 5-10 based on fitness) and power (as a function of FTP, for example), these take you away from you developing a real FEELING for the exercise. So, instead I want people to titrate with RPE and monitor (read: RECORD) power and HR. I have logged my steady state HR, average power, and lactate for every zone 2 ride I’ve done since 2018 and it provides amazing insights! The most notable of these is that the ONLY constant is RPE.

(Oh, one more thing… to the folks watching this video who are wondering why my hat says “Marlboro” … no I’m not endorsing tobacco! It’s a Senna “helmet” hat… made by a friend of mine).


Thanks Peter - I followed your advice and tried to carry a conversation while swimming and I swallowed a bunch of water. 😂


The Marlboro hat is a hilarious touch for a longevity doctor. Love it!


Funny that Dr. Attia is wearing a Marlboro sponsorship while doing cardio. Love it!


This clarified zone 2 more effectively than the hours of reading and listening I'd done on the topic prior to this. Thanks!


Thanks for this. I’m 64 and conversational RPE I never understood before. I thought it meant able to chat and talk without exertion. Your demonstration illustrated it more clearly as talking and catching breathes between phrases. Thank you because as an older slow runner I can actually use this information for my race training. Most videos are geared for older runners over 50, but after 60 there isn’t any coaching geared to 60, 70 year old female runners 🎉


It is SO immensely helpful to see zone two in action. I've just started learning more about heart-rate zones and changing my running training plans to reflect 80-20 concepts. But the thing I've been very unclear on is what "conversational" really means.

Sounds like splitting hairs a bit but I'm definitely "that guy" who needs a bit more clarification on definition. The element here that was most useful to me was seeing that Dr Attia can speak but not in longer, drawn out sentences. The measuring stick is more, " I can get words out without audibly gasping." So helpful.

Thanks a ton!


Love the cap! Just got done reading 'The Death of Ayrton Senna'. And man.. it took me back. I used to live really close to the Autódromo de Interlagos. It was a big deal for us locals, selling drinks, finding parking spots for some quick cash. Energy was like no other, I could feel the passion and joy of the tourists even though I could never afford a ticket nor did I really understand what it was all about. When Senna died, it hit me like losing a family member. It's awesome to see someone like you keeping his memory alive. In this online world, it feels like you're the only one making sure he's still remembered for his huge heart and his fighting spirit. Thanks for doing that @PeterAttiaMD, really means a lot.


As 67 year old who has always used RPE to train, this is perfect and easy model zone 2 training. Thanks, Peter.


Awesome advice. Thx! I’ve been exercising on my stationary bike for 20-30 min in Zone 2 for a couple months now. Starting out could barely do 10 min! Now I push to zone 3 for 30 sec intermittently. Works great 👍🏿


Thank you for this! This is going to help so many people! A mistake I made when I decided to start taking my health seriously is getting too wrapped up with numbers and metrics. When I started going by feel or RPE, it made my fitness journey so much more enjoyable and less stressful. Side note, I am about half way through your book and am really enjoying it.


Thank you for demonstrating how Z2 looks and sounds. This is really helpful. I run three times per week, an hour each time, and it might be weird for some but I talk out loud to myself periodically to see if I can converse! It actually works. I count four foot falls per inhale and four per exhale so I know my breath is under control.
I wrapped myself up in a bunch worrying about my heartbeat, which is normally quite high, and lactate and decided to ditch the technical stuff and just feel Z2 and it seems to be working.


My test is different: If I'm able to breathe through my nose, then I'm in cardio mode. I've now made it a habit to do the entire cardio mode exclusively with nose breathing. This has an impact on my daily breathing rhythm. I take significantly fewer breaths per minute, I sleep better, and my CO2 tolerance has increased enormously. I don't do Buteyko exercises. I achieve this goal exclusively through nasal breathing during zone2 excercising.


Perfect! That clarifies what zone 2 is more than anything I have read, seen or listened to before.


Video is SO HELPFUL! Seeing you and hearing you as you're in zone 2 confirms I'm doing it correctly.


I dont think people realize how insane 225 for zone 2 cardio is.... I am a 29 yr old Male who often does cardio and I have gone to the max 140 on zone 2


Wasn’t expecting to see the longevity doctor wearing a Marlboro hat while doing cardio haha. Good demonstration of Zone 2 intensity!


Incredibly helpful to see it in action. After listening (and re-listening to) the fantastic (albeit long) podcasts on Z2 training, this was the critical missing piece in facilitating my "aha" moment. Much appreciated...thanks for enlightening us on this simple, yet critical training method


The best Zone 2 video ever, I have been watching hour long uTube and podcast info these last few weeks and trying out the advice, heart rate has been my device to control but better than that is breathing through the nose, if it's easy - too slow, if you are forcing it - too hard. The best machine for me is the stepper, it looks like I am hardly trying but my exertion is up there.


This is a terrific practical implementable zone 2 exercise video. Thanks a million Dr Attia.
