Zone 2 Training Explained: Is This A Key To Living Longer?

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Zone 2 training might be one of the best things you can do for your long term health. In fact, it could be your secret weapon in the battle against age-related decline. No matter if you run, walk, cycle or do any other aerobic activity, spending more time in zone 2 will pay big benefits.

If you aren’t familiar with the benefits or want to know more about why you should probably be doing more zone 2, stay tuned. Because, In this video I’ll explain what Zone 2 is, why it’s important, how to determine your own zone 2 level, how much zone 2 cardio training you need and how to get started.

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⌚⌚ Time Stamps ⌚⌚
0:00 Intro to Zone 2
0:58 All About ATP- What It is and How It is Made- 3 Key Ways
2:55 What is Zone 2- Where it Occurs
3:33 Benefit 1-Increases Mitochondria
4:26 Benefit 2- More Efficient Mitochondria
5:02 Benefit 3- Boosts Mood
5:39 Benefit 4- Improves Cardiovascular Health
6:19 Benefit 5-Improves Endurance
6:56 Benefit 6-Reduces Injury and Aids Recovery
7:44 Determine Zone 2 Based on Max HR
9:05 Using HR Reserve to Determine Zone 2
9:59 Using Maffetone Method
10:18 Using Talk Test to Refine Zone 2
10:53 How to Get Zone 2 Exercise- 3 Suggested Options
12:59 How Much Zone 2 is Needed
14:04 Summary, Comment, Like and Subscribe

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Have you added dedicated Zone 2 training to your fitness routine? Let us know in the comments!


Great video. My weekly routine is jogging 7K 4 days a week, strength training the other 3 days. I'm 76 and have been tracking my workouts with Strava which uses 123-153 hr for zone 2. My resting hr is 50. I'm planning to make the Century Club in 23 more healthy years. Having this long term goal keeps me motivated to keep active daily and moving 10, 000 steps each day.


Hallelujah!!! Someone got the Z2 HR right! 70-80% of HRMax!
99% of YT content providers say it's 60-70%!!!
At 60 my HRM is 163, just over 220-age. And my Z2 is between 114-130bpm and this is exactly where MAF's 180 - age +10 (for 60 and over) sits!


I started long distance swim training in zone 2 over two years ago. I swim 5-6 times a week for about 1 hour. I completed my first 10 mile open water swim in 7 hours. I am 66. The zone 2 training works.


I started running in February this year. I am 68 years young. I googled from "Couch to 5K." This gave me a plan to start, walk run, walk run and walk run three times per week.
I ran a 5K in April, May, two in June and one in July.
I keep training three times per week. I add some strength training and intervals.
I feel very good. I lost 9 pounds. I changed my nutrition. So I eat more protein, fruit and vegetables.
I enjoyed it.
Thank you for this video.
God bless you richly.


Excellent advise, do not overdo, keep in that zone. Im 64 years old, i'm going to follow that advice .


I do lots of zone 2 to improve on my cycling performance. Glad to know that it will also help with long term health. Very informative and helpful video. Thanks!


New subs. Fantastic video. Another benefit that was not mentioned is the fact that weight loss in zone 2 is high. Also in zone 2 you can be more consistent as less injuries. Thank you.


It works … I try and do a 90min session on the indoor bike 4 times a week (as hinted at by Inigo San-Millan) … Easy to use Ergo mode to clamp my HR to whatever I want. All the example Lactate charts I’ve seen on-line seem to hit LT1 at around 120 bpm, regardless of how much power is being produced. No glucose burning at all… Grow those mitochondria … This leads to much better Lactate Shuttling when heading towards LT2 when riding for real.

I like to think I’m not getting faster, just less likely to slow down compared to my mates when pushing hard up those hills.


Amazing video, so informative. For the longest time I ignored zone 2 because in my mind the faster I ran the better. Last week I had the urge to last longer no matter how slow. It was so tough to stay in zone 2, and I needed to be more present and be conscious about my breathing. I did it and I have never felt so good after a run. Thanks to this video, Mark.


Recently added this to my program, noticed a boost in energy throughout the day when I do Z2 training.


I do this after resistance training, 4 x 45 minutes per week on a reclining bike watching opera. I saw benefits in mood and overall well-being in the first week already. After a month, I found I could do 50% longer resistance training before getting fatigued. It's been a big help and has become a cornerstone of my exercise routine.


I learned a lot from this video. I am taking a class in Lifespan Wellness. This video is one of the best I have seen in relation to the Zone 2 training. Thanks


So happy YT suggested me This video! I loved it and shared it. Last year my CrossFit program put Zone 2 in my workouts. Since I follow a carnivore high fat diet I need to produce more mitochondria. I’m 65 😊Thanks!


I've just started focusing on zone 2 training. Over the past years been focusing on weight training with some intermittent cardio but have not really built cardio, specifically zone 2, into my training plan. However, I've noticed that cardio controls my blood pressure better than my medication, so been doing more of it, not specifically zone 2 though, will pay more attention to my training zone. Thanks for this


Hi I just found your video! I am 21 years old and I do 40 minutes five days a week walking on the treadmill at a 12 incline before my strength training sessions. I just completed the Annapurna base camp trek in Nepal after doing this for 4 months


Fantastic video!

Current routine (focus: metabolism and mobility), per week:

Level 2 cardio: 5 x 30-45 mins of biking, running, and rowing

HIIT: 1 x 20 mins rowing or track sprints

Strength: 4 x 30 mins (current split is anterior push, anterior pull, posterior push, posterior pull - lower body focus is single leg for proprioception)

Mobility and flexibility: 2 x 30 mins

This is an off season plan. Goal is to restore mobility gently after an injury, improve proprioception, and eliminate strength imbalances.


Great video. I follow Dr. Peter Attia. Agree Zone 2 is the "secret weapon" against age-related diseases. Incorporating resistance training and stability training are also key.


My Zones based on % of Lactate Threshold HR
Resting HR 45 bpm
Zone 1 - Active Recovery 110 - 138 bpm
Zone 2 - Aerobic 139 - 150 bpm
Zone 3 - Tempo 151 - 159 bpm
Zone 4 - Threshold 160 - 169 bpm
Zone 5 - V02max 170 - 180 bpm


I’m having great success with doing Dan Johns Easy Strength strength training routine in the morning Monday through Friday and working in 4 to 5 days of 60+ minutes of zone 2 training with a single session of zone 5 on a separate day on a C-2 indoor rowing machine at 4 minutes on and 4 minutes recovery for 4 to 6 rounds and then a cooldown afterwards.

I also work in some jumping rope and my stretching / mobility routine 3 to 5 days a week.

I also like to ruck with a #30 pound weight vest and I use #3 lbs weights in my hands and do a old school Heavy Hands routine as I’m going on a long hour+ zone 2 ruck for most of my zone 2 training.
