You 'visited' this masculine's timeline because they manifested you in... [Divine Feminine Reading]

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You "visited" this masculine's timeline because they manifested you in... This is a divine feminine reading (which may also be a divine masculine reading or twin flame reading for some). Please use your intuition and only take the messages that resonate for you personally. Sending love, - Infinity ∞

** Just a Reminder: My only Instagram is @MagnetizeYourself spelled exactly that way & I will never privately message, follow, email or DM for a private reading [anyone who does this is impersonating me and scamming, please do not send them money]. Anyone who replies in the comments asking you to email, text or message them privately for a reading is also scamming. Be safe ♥︎
𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮


𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝘼𝙥𝙥
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You have completely spoiled us this weekend with the mini readings. Thank you so much for this. It means more than you would ever know. Appreciate you Infinity ❤❤


Yes, my energy shifted 180 overnight after I made a decision to focus on myself. Writing is pouring out of me, making new plans, feeling confident, working on my life consistently & seeing beautiful signs like butterflies, dragonflies, white doves & rainbows.


Yes. That's exactly my situation. After 3 years of chasing I finally was able to drop off and it's up to them to level up or go away because I returned to my core-state. I never thought that I would get to it but I did. I regained my power. Infinity, you're amazing!!! Thank you.


He used our connection for sexual pleasures. Finally I see it clearly. I feel deceived and taken advantage of 😢 this person broke my heart like no one ever in my life before… finally coming back to my core true self and will use this painful experience to heal on the deepest level possible ❤❤❤ be careful out there… so many dark and deceiving energies… I can’t believe I engaged in it for so long 😢 taking my power back and it feels so incredibly freeing!!!! ❤


I felt this deeply, I trust he will catch up, he can’t deny the feeling between us in the 3D and his higher self stays talking to me. We are together at some point in the time matrix, whether past or future or parallel realities and that’s the feeling that seems to allow me to trust the timing and detach more easily. ✨💜


Wow!!! This is totally explaining what's going on with me and my husband !! This is really blowing my mind..I feel like I'm not in his time line anymore! He has taught me to stand up for myself as I use to stuff all my emotions..This makes so much sense !!😇


My Core- state is here to stay.
I am illuminated from the Universe's light.
I have a strength resonating in every cell.


Waiting for your reading is like waiting to hear messages from my spirit guides especially before bedtime as it’s night time for me. Always excited 🤍🦋🙏🏻


Spot on. I dipped my toe into his timeline and he had me twisted... All the way twisted like a pretzel, thinking I belonged there. Not doing that again, ever... For anyone 🚮 He had a choice to make and he thought he could stall and string me along while he avoided a clear cut decision. I'm gone


Unbelievable how she is able to read and describe to the teeth what has been going on between my co-worker and I for the past six months. Absolutely impressive and almost freaky 😱


Infinite gratitude for your beautiful words ❤️ this was my birthday gift ❤️


This reading made me cry! Very specific to my situation right now. I hope the DM makes the choice to reconnect and at least give our friendship a new meaning. ❤


Every word of that resonates and aligns with some "dreams"'😮


Thank you so much, my beautiful soul sister!! Infinity, you are a gift to so many, and I'm forever grateful for you!!!! ❤️‍🔥✨️❤️‍🔥✨️


Wow I already resonate …. And I have decided to drop off. Not chasing nor going ti be hopeful. I surrendered and released. I know this person not only has too much pride but he’s not a hood person either. He’s very bitter and closed off. I respect that. Not everyone is willing to do the work. It’s hard. It was hard for me. Took long time. It’s been very difficult to get to where I am ….. so inudersrand why he’s going to fall off and not pursue ….


This title instantly touched my soul and my eyes welled up with tear...may be because you picked what my mind is thinking..rewinding my last conversation..did I said anything wrong?..but no it was Normal conversation.then why he dissapeared? will i see or talk to him again?..did he just came to awaken me? Made me better person and gone back to live his life. I am strong, busy with my work, meditation, positive thoughts. sometimes can't help but tears rolls out because No one touched my heart and soul the way he did. But then I pickup myself and continue with my journey. Infinity you are miles away but your words gives warmth and motivates.


I really appreciate all these readings. They are helping me extremely once I got kicked back onto the timeline my pain previously made me abandon. May you be blessed and rewarded for this. ❤️


Thank you infinity for your magnetic voice and words with magical energy


This resonates so much. And it wasn't even one time. There were smaller cycles within the big cycle. I am now coming full circle.
My TF activated me, I had a Kundalini awakening, and decided I wanted to heal myself from all the pain, trauma, and hurt from my past. I wanted to feel light and free. In that process, I tried to get closure from him, ended up falling for him again, and got distracted with the romantic aspect of the journey, the obsession, the chasing, the pain, all over again.
Until I couldn't anymore, so I went back to healing myself and detaching since last year.
He made a reappearance and kept pulling me back, I dipped there for a while but it doesn't feel good and I am just leaving him some guidance and getting out, back to my own timeline and filling my own cup.
It amazes me that after such a long time apart he is still in that immature page energy. It was important to realize that I truly, deeply do not want his unhealed ego self. It was really depleting my energy and I had to come back to center myself. This mini cycle was last week and just this morning I decided it wasn't doing it for me. Amazing synchronicity!


Exactly allow it to blossom like the rose 🌹 in full bloom 🙏❤️
