My DREAM Workbench Build // PART 3: The Top

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(ends 10/16/23)


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Dust Collection for DeWalt Plunge Base:

OverDrive Bit:

Metric Brad Point Bits:


Push Latches for Pop-Up Dogs:


Antique Wood Finish:

3” Lag Screws:

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Drill with Right Angle Attachment:


HNT Gordon Tail Vise:

HNT Gordon Front Vise:



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I'm an 82 year old boat carpenter who spends more time enjoying videos like yours than I do in my shop thanks to sore joints etc. A lot of my body parts hurt these days and what doesn't hurt doesn't work but I still love spending time building nice projects. I can't tell you what a pleasure it was to watch you build this nice bench. You have combined modern methods and machinery with a very high level of workmanship and you even pick up a plane or a chisel too. I have worked with some top-notch craftsmen and you can hold you own with any of them. By the way, they make mistakes too. I'm looking forward to watching you build some more interesting projects.


I have to say this bench is mind blowing. I've seen alot of wood working benches, this is probably one of my favorite. Great Job Tamar. You're an inspiration to us all.


These are the best carpentry videos I have ever seen. Perfectly paced and brilliantly explained. I am going to build a kitchen island like this and now I am very, very scared!


Tamar, this workbench is so beautifully executed and versatile. I want to cry at the unbridled elegance and utility of this object. You are an engaging, terrific teacher and a master craftsperson. It is one accomplishment to design and make this workbench… and yet another to explain HOW to make it, with sufficient details to inspire others to follow in your path. Thank you for your generosity of spirit.


This workbench would tell someone everything they need to know about you as a woodworker. It's beautiful.


What a fantastic bench! I really enjoyed watching it come together! Love the design and all the features. You clearly put a lot of thought into it!


First off, this bench is absolutely amazing! Second, thank you so much for being willing to show us when things go wrong or when mistakes happen. For those of us still in the "make something garbage and learn from it" phase, seeing highly skilled woodworkers make the kind of mistakes that we would make and still turn out great work is super encouraging because it reinforces the idea that skill isn't about not making mistakes, but knowing how to fix them and not panic when they happen. I learn a lot from your videos!


The bench looks amazing! Great job! That ankle roll looked extremely painful. Glad to see you've recovered and feeling better


I am low-key in love with this workbench! Wow! congratulations on a lovely work of art that is going to serve you well for years to come!


Yes!!! A dog hole template that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg! Very excited to use this, you’ve inspired me to finally tackle a workbench. Took a lot of inspiration from you, thanks for sharing your work!


“We all make stupid mistakes, the only difference is mine was caught on camera.” True story. We ALL make mistakes in our projects. Woodworking YouTubers who show their mistakes (and more importantly, how they fix them!!) are to my mind more honest and demonstrate a true instructor’s mindset than those who show perfect technique every time. Love your workbench, Tamara!


Something to bere in mind lass, you DON'T want to counter sink unless you absolutely have to, it's much better to use a brass dome head screw in a counter bore as the sloped sides between the screw and wood create pressure points that will lead to splitting over time, but if you use a flat or dome headed screw set into a counter bore that issue is almost completely eliminated.


Wow. Incredibly thoughtful design!! Just thinking this through must have taken months or years. Your projects are always incredibly impressive - thanks for continuing to share with us!


What a fantastic build. Shortly I am going to start a new bench and yours has given me some really good ideas. Gosh I really love both HNT vises. I watched the out takes where you rolled your ankle I yelled out and scared my dog 🤭. I am 77 and getting to the point I need help moving those heavy objects like that boy that wandered through. You are really good at both videos and woodworking. Keep them coming.


Hey you’re really awesome at this, thanks for sharing. I spend a lot of time in my shop and in the rare opportunities I control the TV in the house I watch a lot of woodworking YouTube and I learn so much from you. I’m also trying to get my daughter interested in the shop via your channel so keep it up please!!!


That is not a bench, it is a work of art! The video series of you building it was excellent. Especially the end, where you covered all of the capability it has. I am looking forward to seeing you use it on your next project.


Ive been loving this series so much! Great work T!


This is possibly the most versatile, most awesome workbench I've seen on so far. Amazing work, thank you!


it is REAL TREAT to watch you working and a real treat when you tell us what and how its done my work shop is no were near as big as yours and less equipment than yours you live in America I in England two different worlds both with the same love WOOD. though I make every thing I need but not on such a grand scale you are a pleasure to watch keep going good carpentry.


I’m a carpenter / cabinetmaker and I’m impressed with your knowledge of woodworking and your skills that you have. I’m proud of you for letting people know that nobody is perfect and mistakes happen . Nice job and awesome workbench keep up the good work . Doug from Wisconsin union member since 1994
