The Most Impressive Workbench I Have Ever Seen

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Ken Jordan built this beauty 30 years ago. Now he's going to help build mine. He is a dear
friend and a vast resevoir of knowledge and experience. It's an honor to know him.

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What Kenny created is beyond woodworking - this is a work of art! Eagerly looking forward to this series.


“….becomes a permanent part of the record we leave”. “…the fabric of our journey”. Scott, it’s this kind of wisdom from you that inspires me to love remaining creative and active during these retirement years. This channel is a true gift for those of us seeking to make a difference with what God has provided for us! Thank you!


Ken is pretty lucky to have you. You keep his life interesting. I’m sure you’re lucky to have him as well. Good friends are hard to come by.


I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the opportunity to sit at the feet of our elders, and just learn. To listen and learn from men and women who have done this and a high-level, it’s extremely valuable and sorely lacking in today’s society.

Thank you for preserving the knowledge and heritage of these men.


IF they make his home a museum, that bench needs to be preserved! I LOVE those stairs!


Ken is effectively the Michelangelo of woodworking.


The work ethic exhibited by you gentleman is inspirational. Thank you for sharing.


I unfortunately lost my shop due to a wildfire in 2020. There are so many tools that I lost that broke my heart but none so much as my workbench. It was the first time I ever used true joinery. It was a measurement of my abilities at that time of my life. I poured everything I had into that bench and though I never really showed it off to anyone but my wife, I was reminded daily of what I was capable of, every time I stood at it. So many of my tools were true antiques, brought back to life through many hours of loving on them but that bench is what I am still so heartbroken over. Pour everything you have into this bench and it will always bring you a smile. Thank you Scott for all of your hard work and for sharing it with us all. May this bench showcase your love even if only for your own enjoyment. You deserve it.


You are a teacher - Kenny is an inspiration! Not just his impeccable craft, but his refusal to down tools - or lose his humour - after his stroke. I am very much looking forward to watching more of you two!


I’m a GC in Wyoming, and built a very heavy, classic and historically consistent Roubo bench for my shop, about 6 or 7 years ago. It was the most satisfying project I think I’ve ever done. It is now the centerpiece of the shop, and I use it and adore it. You won’t regret this journey.


What a magnificent Tribute to Kenny, what he has done, what he has become and what his heritage IS! THANK YOU!! And Thank You, Ken!!!


Scott, your comments at the end about what we create in life were absolutely beautiful. So much of who you are (to us viewers, or at least to me) is encapsulated in those words. Bravo!


Iv found my passion in woodworking, especially joinery. Seeing Kenny's house inspired me to practice every day all I can to build and eventually do my darnest to make a beautiful place for my family.


At 30 years old, I have just begun my journey into woodworking. Watching these videos is profoundly bittersweet to me. On one hand, there is no one in my life that has any experience in this world and I despair at the thought of how much I have missed. The other hand holds the joy of having access to these fatherly lessons and the anticipation of passing knowledge down to my children. Many sincere thanks from South Alabama.


Ken's bench is the epitome of the combination of art and craftsmanship. Looking forward to watching Scott's build.


Scott, I can only imagine what it might feel like to be able to produce something this useful and to then find yourself having to step back and allow a friend describe it's benefits and what it has helped to produce. This isn't just an example of how to make something useful and worthwhile, this is also a wonderful example of how to behave as a human being and a friend. You are clearly grateful for the opportunity to have met and learn from Ken, and his skills and methods should be celebrated and remembered. You Sir, are a remarkable person and a true friend. Thank you for your example.


Ken's workbench is better quality than any piece of furniture in my home. Beautiful work. I am in awe of someone who could produce workmanship like this.


Scott, It'll be amazing and inspiring to see you pour yourself into this project and to challenge yourself into a new level of excellence
I'm sure Kenny will approve the result!


That was beautiful, thanks for sharing. Very inspirational as a 34 year old beginning woodworker


Excited to see how your table turns out! Your friend’s skill is truly amazing and your friendship is fantastic. Thanks for sharing!
