NanoVNA a $50-$70 Amateur Radio Antenna Analyzer?

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The NanoVNA provides alot of value in a tiny size. It has features that go beyond what we need most of the time with amateur radio, so there is a bit more complexity to the unit. With that said, if you have a bit of patience you can learn how to use this for your antenna building.

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NOTE: the $50 price is when purchasing through Aliababa. It's more expensive if you purchase it through Amazon.


It might be worth adding, for those who haven't found out yet, that the little NanoVNA becomes MUCH MUCH better to use, and much more powerful when used connected to a PC running the program for it. You can do more stuff that way, and you get it bigger size so easier to see and work with.


After watching your video and about 20 others I actually bought one of these units and even after watching all these videos I was still frustrated and confused. I watched this video again. Watching something in theory and actually using it, and having the device in front of you, is very different. I'm finally able to analyze the antennas which I build over the years. Mostly accurate results, some surprising results (especially my HF antennas).


Thank you for this. I purchased one last month. I have already thrown away 2 Antennas I purchased from China on ebay, as they were so off frequency ( or were just broken) Your video has definitely prevented me from damaging my expensive radio equipment. It also goes to show how many of these Chinese companies ' Lie' about frequency range of antennas. Much appreciated!


This gave me to confidence to try out the NanoVNA, thank you.


1) For trimming HF dipoles, the Open/Short/Load calibration process (that is related to amplitude and phase) isn't all that essential if your primary concern is simply finding the FREQUENCY of the dip. Skipping that process can save a lot of time. If you're worried, then the final confirmation measurement can be oh-so carefully calibrated if you wish.
2) One can purchase SMA-male to SMA-female adapters (which do "nothing" adapter-wise) to act as 'Connector Savers'. This entire concept is less critical on a $50 gadget than a $50, 000 instrument, but these adapters are very very cheap.
3) Order a spare set of Open/Short/Load sooner than later. You'll need them eventually.
4) When (not if, LOL) you trim your dipole an inch too short, then add a little tab of aluminum foil tape around a square inch at each end of your too short dipole. These foil tabs act as 'top hats' and will drop the resonance enough to allow you to then trim the foil to hit the target frequency.
5) When watching someone that doesn't know about NanoVNAs fiddling with their $350 MJF Antenna Analyzer, try not to smirk. It's rude.


Heard about this at a radio club meeting here in Yuma.
Your video is very informative.
73 W6DRO (65 years on the air)


I got one of those cheap analyzers not too long ago and used it to check commercial 460, 700, and 800 MHz antennas as well as an FM broadcast antenna and it worked good enough to be in the ball park.


Ordered an updated version from R&L a couple of weeks ago. This came mounted in a metal case and included a carry case. So they have been improving these over the past year.


Thank you so much, that's perfect. I had bought one for Amateur radio and was overwhelmed by the menu structure map that came with it, not sure where to begin. This video explains exactly how to do what I need it for :)


Nice video! I just got one from Amazon and love it. Paid quite a bit more, but that's because I wanted the 4.3" screen. And it came in a very rugged metal case. It's the "NanoVNA-F" and it came pre-calibrated from 50 kHz to 1 GHz (vector S11 is cal'ed to the SMA connector reference plane, but its fine without re-cal for SWR or S11 log-magnitude plots in any sub-frequency range). The SOLT cal can still be done if you like, and the frequency range can be expanded to 10 kHz to 1.5 GHz if you do. NanoVNA makers continue to add improvements to hardware and firmware designs on all the various models - but this one is amazing. Kudos to BH5HNU and deepelec who is the developer/manufacturer of this version V2.3 hardware with S/N 30XX firmware.


Excellent. My Elmer just recommended I get this for building and verifying my antennas over the standard SWR meter. Looks very capable. Just need to protect it more. I would think a plastic case housing it with a SMA to UHF connector would be wise. Of course the calibration would have to be done with the SMA connectors. I can’t believe the price though. Network analyzers we used at work back in the day would have been $1000s or $10, 000s. Now to get educated...


got a no-name one that goes to 3ghz, and recently bought a litevna 64 which goes to 6ghz. finally I can characterize my 5.8 antennas.


KJ7QAR, Phoenix Arizona.

Got my license because of you and Mike just reinforced my desire.


Hell yeah, been playing with it and found which of my antennas are bunk. Now to start building. Finally.


I just bought one via your link to test my DIY antenna! I started listening to your podcast 3 weeks ago and love it. I hate lamp!


Hi, Josh. Good review, thx. Just ordered the "upgraded" version, 10KHz to 1.5GHz. Total $56 with an online coupon. Be here in 2 days on Prime. I may be back with a review soon. 73


These instruments are great . I use mine for SWR tuning but it does so much more I m planning to learn on testing 50ohm cables. But there are plenty of great tutorial videos to learn from on line like by this
Youtuber . Thanks !


I bought one because of this video and am now currently playing with it. Thanks!


Such a helpful video. I am not in the market for a rigexpert just based on price. But this is so doable. Thanks again Josh.