Finding your service boundaries - a practical guide - Adam Ralph
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We know it's useful to split up complex systems. We've seen the benefits of modular deployment of microservices. Dealing with only one piece of code at a time eases our cognitive load. But how do we know where to draw the service boundaries? In complex business domains, it's often difficult to know where to start. When we get our boundaries wrong, the clocks starts ticking. Before long, we hear ourselves say "it would be easier to re-write it".
Join Adam for practical advice on discovering the hidden boundaries in your systems. Help tease out the natural separation of concerns in a sample business domain. During 20 years of developing complex systems, Adam has had plenty of time to get things wrong. Learn to avoid the common pitfalls that can lead us down the path to "the big re-write".
NDC Conferences
Join Adam for practical advice on discovering the hidden boundaries in your systems. Help tease out the natural separation of concerns in a sample business domain. During 20 years of developing complex systems, Adam has had plenty of time to get things wrong. Learn to avoid the common pitfalls that can lead us down the path to "the big re-write".
NDC Conferences
Finding your service boundaries - a practical guide - Adam Ralph
Finding your service boundaries - a practical guide - Adam Ralph
Finding your service boundaries - a practical guide - Adam Ralph - KanDDDinsky 2019
🚀 Finding Your Service Boundaries – A Practical Guide (Adam Ralph)
Adam Ralph — Finding your service boundaries — a practical guide
Adam Ralph - Finding Your Service Boundaries - a Practical Guide @ DevConf 2018
Finding your service boundaries -- a practical guide | Adam Ralph
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