Day 128 Psalms 25, 29, 33, 36, 39 | Daily One Year Bible Study | Audio Bible Reading with Commentary

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Day 128 of Heart Dive 365, where we are diving heart first into the Word of God! Today we are reading Psalms 25, 29, 33, 36, 39.

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Kanoe Gibson Nitta
11700 W. Charleston Blvd. #170-363
Las Vegas, NV, USA 89135

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ESV Copyright and Permissions Information
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)© 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.All rights reserved. The ESV text may not be quoted in any publication made available to the public by a Creative Commons license. The ESV may not be translated in whole or in part into any other language.ESV Text Edition: 2016

Other sources used:

Courson, Jon. Jon Courson’s Application Commentary: New Testament. Thomas Nelson Inc., 2006.

Courson, Jon. Jon Courson’s Application Commentary: Old Testament. Thomas Nelson Inc., 2006.

The Nelson Study Bible: New King James Version. E. D. Radmacher et al, eds. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1997. (Now: NKJV Study Bible, 2nd ed. Editors? Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2011

0:00-2:34 Intro and Prayer
234-9:22 Psalm 25
9:22-12:32 Psalm 29
12:32-18:15 Psalm 33
18:15-21:10 Psalm 36
21:10–25:22 Psalm 39
25:22-30:51 Prayers
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Thank you, Kanoe, for doing this bible study. Whether you like it or not, YOU are the tool i needed..God chose you for a purpose such as this


Kanoe, I wish I could tell you how much you have taught me since I started this bible study for 2024! I love reviewing your notes from 2023 to also help guide me through the Bible. I never thought I would be sitting here taking such detailed notes AND having some understanding of the stories. Again, thank you for what you do!!


I just want to say I really thank God for you and your sacrifice helping me to understand the Bible. I did it once just reading it and listening to it however, I get a better sense of joy a better understanding of God. I love your interpretations. I love your dramatic style. I love it. Keep itup pray God’s blessings over your family continued provision, wisdom, and direction for your life in Jesus name thank you sis


Thank u good morning bite eyed thanks.


Thank you, Kanoe, for this lesson! I am learning so much from you! After all these years of reading the Bible, I am finally beginning to understand it! At my age, that is wonderful! I am almost 78 years old (next month). I can no longer do a lot of the duties of the church, like go on mission trips, etc! So I asked the Lord to give me something I could do to serve in His church! The very next day was Sunday, and my Sunday School teacher asked if I could help her with the lessons. I said yes, because it entailed studying the scriptures surrounding the lesson to give a better insight of our lesson!! Needless to say, I was thrilled!! (Be careful what you pray for, because, believe me, He hears and answers! lol!!😂). I love what I do and everyone says it helps. Of course witnessing is always an important way to serve, also! Sorry, it’s so long, I just wanted to let everyone know that no matter the age or limitations, He has a job for you! Just ask!! Thank you and Holly again for your sacrifice! God bless you both and your families, too! I love y’all!! ❤️❤️🙏🙏


I pray that I can become committed to opening God’s messages for me and actually respond to them. I feel that I’m blocking my purpose and the will He has for my life! I pray to have an open heart and listen closely to what God says and not be afraid to take action.
I am so grateful that He knows my heart and that His timing is always right!
I pray for patience, so I can learn how to wait and act on His timing rather than my own. God increase my faith daily!
You know best what I need and what needs to be done at this moment. Jesus I place my trust in you!
🙏 ♥️

(I’m not used to sharing my prayers out loud, but really felt the need to put it out in the world. May God bless you all and help you through what you are going through. Thank you all Heart Dive Family.)


What is good in my world? God answered my prayer asking to see the Northern Lights last night. I am a happy, happy woman. The wonders of His creation never cease to amaze me.


Hello brothers and sisters in Christ. 🙏🏻


Day 128…..still here and growing closer and closer the Lord.❤


Psalm 39 hit home with me. Holding my tongue with my Manger at work. As a veteran in my trade the manager took his anger out on me like if I was a punching bag for no wrong doing. I held my peace to keep the peace and then got an apology. The same happens everyday and our father is my refuge. I call out to him and he answers. Strengthening me to be patient. I today have said before watching this video, without knowing what was in this psalm, how would David handle this situation? Surely I'm being chastened by our father for my iniquities. How long do I have to endure the wicked scornful Hate and hold my peace. I surely do know our fathers Strength and blessings yet I am treated as a slave.
Thank you sister Kanoe your faith and teaching. It is not an accident. Truly you are serving our father by serving all of us siblings. God Bless you


Kanoe, glory be to God who has chosen you to impact our lives. God will continue to use you, strengthen and protect you and your family. I sincerely am blessed ..❤❤❤


Prayers for all parents of teenagers…. Lord please help us lead like you would want us too!


Fell behind by 3 days but catching up to today (may 10th). Still read scripture regardless! Right where I need to be as you said in opening as I found messages in His word I needed (in the times I wasn’t looking). Thank you team Kanoe for the blessing of your commitment to being a light of fellowship friends everywhere. Helping us digest and meditate on Truth daily as we should ♥️


Psalms 25 is my fav I have prayed this many many times


On time & on point !!! Great message !! I need this teaching !!! AMEN HALLELUJAH !!!


Kanoe Love the Bald visual, made me smile, can’t wait to my love ones the way I remember them! 💕


I pray to you Lord to guide my daughter as she takes her AP tests.


I’m still here. I am expecting GOD’s divine plan for me…Day 128 ❤


Geraldine from Memphis Tn, my birthday tomorrow 🎂🎁


Thank you dear Kanoe 💕 God bless you 🙏
