2-Minute Neuroscience: Electroencephalography (EEG)

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Electroencephalography, or EEG, is a technique used to measure the electrical activity of the brain. In this video, I discuss the basics of EEG like what it measures, how it’s used, and some strengths and limitations.


Electroencephalography, or EEG, is a technique used to measure the electrical activity of the brain. In EEG, electrodes are most commonly placed on the scalp of a patient, primarily to detect the electrical activity of neurons in the cerebral cortex. Typically, EEG does not record the activity of single neurons, but rather detects the signals created when populations of neurons are active at the same time. It mostly records signals from small areas of the brain surrounding each electrode. EEG is primarily measuring postsynaptic potentials, or changes in membrane potential that are elicited by neurotransmitters binding to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane.

EEG provides an image of electrical activity in the brain represented as waves of varying frequency, amplitude, and shape. It can be used to measure brain activity that occurs during an event--like the completion of a task or the presentation of a stimulus--or to measure spontaneous brain activity that happens in the absence of a specific event. The typical electrical activity that occurs in association with an event is sometimes referred to as the event-related potential. There are a number of clinical applications of EEG. For example, it is commonly used to diagnose epilepsy and characterize seizure activity, to monitor sleep for the diagnosis of sleep disorders, and in efforts to diagnose or provide information about a variety of other types of brain dysfunction.

While there are many advantages to using EEG, such as its low cost and ability to measure brain activity on the order of milliseconds, there are some limitations as well. For example, because EEG monitors activity in large groups of neurons, it is difficult to pinpoint activity seen using EEG to a precise location in the brain. And, it records the activity of neurons in the cortex, but is limited in its ability to accurately record activity in deeper structures of the brain.


Frey LC, Spitz MC. 2013. Electroencephalography. In: Arciniegas DB, Anderson CA, Filley CM, eds. Behavioral Neurology & Neuropsychiatry. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Рекомендации по теме

Having my first EEG in less than 6 hours, after having my first 3 Seizers ever at 38 years old. Please be hopeful for me that I get another 38 years in. ❤ All you savages!


Watching this in the waiting room for my first EEG. This video really helped bring my anxiety down so thank you very much


Awesome video!! I am a neurodiagnostic technician and I perform EEGs everday in a clinical setting.. I really enjoy your videos..keep them coming please.


First, i wanna thank you for uploading and creating This Amazing lectures, second i wanna Say good luck to everybody that Is studyng, we are going to change the Word! We are the future of Research! Good luck to everybody for the University exams!


Thank you so much, you have no idea how helpful these short videos are!


Thanks for your explanation it was simple and to the point whereas other youtubers are talking very much ❤


Thanks for the info ...I have a EEG tomorrow as had a suspected epilepsy seizure a couple of weeks ago but didn't know much about a EEG this video was very informative


I'll have EEG after 2 hours, pray for me 🤞


each brain has a unique 'fingerprint' (brain wave pattern) - can be used as access key


Thank you for making these videos! Your explanations are always clear and easy to understand. :)


Thank you for your explanation, and i got the point excuse me, i want make resume from video that i have watched before, for do my assigment from my lecturer

Elektroensefalografi atau EEG merupakan teknik yang digunakan untuk mengukur aktivitas listrik dalam otak. Dalam EEG, elektroda paling sering diempatkan pada kulit kepala pasien, terutama untuk mendeteksi aktivitas listrrik neuron di korteks serebral. Biasanya, EEG tidak merekam aktivitas neuron tunggal, melainkan mendeteksi sinyal yang dibuat ketika populasi neuron aktif pada saat yang sama. Sebagian besar merekam sinyal dari area kecil otak yang mengelilingi masing-masing elektroda. EEG terutama mengukur potensi pascasinaps, atau perubahan potensial membran yang ditimbulkan oleh neurotransmitter yang mengikat reseptor pada membran sinaps.


Perfectly made, couldn't ask for a better video


Such a simple and clear lectures.. thank you for your efforts 😍


as a student that was very helpful. thank you


Thank you sir very nice gide & very nice best information eletroencephalograph teaching video.👍


I got my results back. what does “Elevated frontal P3b amplitude relative to central CZ and posterior PZ” mean?


Does anyone else find EEG triggers seizures?
I know it does for me!

This wasnt always case, as a child my epilepsy was mild and well controlled.
Late puberty: 18-24 seizures per day
Now: 1 cluster every month or two.

Eeg did not trigger seizures when i was a child but it certainly does now.


Thank you so much for creating this channel!!


Thank you very much!! Keep uploading such videos. Its a great help!!


Love your videos. Your effort is much appreciated.
