2-Minute Neuroscience: Corpus Callosum

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The corpus callosum is the largest collection of white matter in the brain. It connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres and acts as an important pathway for communication between the two hemispheres. In this video, I describe the function of the corpus callosum along with the deficits that appear after damage to the structure.


Welcome to 2 minute neuroscience, where I explain neuroscience topics in 2 minutes or less. In this installment I will discuss the corpus callosum.

To understand the role of the corpus callosum, it is first important to remember that the brain is divided into two cerebral hemispheres (right and left), separated from another by a long groove called the medial longitudinal fissure. These two hemispheres are nearly mirror images of one another, but they do not function independently and communication between the cerebral hemispheres is important for healthy brain function. The importance of this communication can be seen with the processing of sensory information, which is typically received first in one hemisphere and then must be shared with the other hemisphere. When you type on your keyboard, for example, information about the feel of the keys is sent up from your right hand to the primary somatosensory cortex on the left side of your brain. That information must then be shared with the right side of your brain as well. That's where the corpus callosum comes into play. It carries information received in one hemisphere over to the other and in general allows for communication between the two hemispheres.

The corpus callosum is a large, C-shaped nerve fiber bundle that stretches across the midline of the brain, connecting the left and right cerebral hemispheres. It makes up the largest collection of white matter found in the brain. The importance of the corpus callosum can be seen in patients who have had their corpus callosum surgically severed--usually to stop the spread of epileptic seizures. After the procedure, known as a corpus callosotomy, patients may display deficits representative of decreased communication between the cerebral hemispheres such as the inability to name an object if it is shown only in the left visual field. This is thought to occur because information from the left visual field travels to the right side of the brain, while language centers reside primarily on the left side of the brain. Without the corpus callosum to connect the two hemispheres, the patient cannot place a name to an otherwise very familiar object.


Vanderah TW, Gould DJ. Nolte's The Human Brain. 7th ed. Philadelphia, PA. Elsevier; 2016.

Caption author (Arabic) Shwan Hameed
Рекомендации по теме

One of my favorite structures in the brain due to it’s ability both function and when it is severed or not functioning. The brain is amazing.


I don't know who the person behind the voice is, but I have to say you are saving my grade for my entrance exam for medicine . Thank you so much for your video's. They really help! (excuse my english I am actually from the Netherlands :))


Where were you when I was taking neuronanat, neuropath, neurophys, and neurology? Well, that was so long ago you probably weren’t born then.
Thanks for your hard work and great product.


My son was born w/ a partial corpus collosum & a rare brain malformation called Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia. I would be very interested in an episode about Nodular Heterotopia &/or brain malformations. He has issues on his right side with mobility, focal seizures, & weakness.


So if the corpus callosum is severed, will they never remember the name of a familiar object without being told what it is again? Or do they move it over to the other side of vision to remember


Did you know that Kim Peek (the genuine “Rain Man”) was born without corpus callosum? It’s curious, isn’t it?


I am not understand your voice then you explain is very nice


"they do not function independently"
Experiments done with those that have had connections severed between the two hemispheres of the brain seem to indicate that is not true.


So i have only had auditory tests and an auditory processing disorder but suggests difficulty with integration via the corpus collosum and possible neaurological involvment based on a pitch pattern test. Basically my left and right side dont work together or something. So im confused if i even have a processing disorder or if its neaurological. My parents never followed up and im now 26, not 12 with a bunch of health issues and hearing going in and out at times when at work i have noticed although not working right now. Can anyone help here


Do the lateral ventricles sit behind the corpus callosum ?


I'm probably a bit late to the party, but what's about complete agenesis of corpus callosum? Partial is pretty explainable, the transfer is just much slower
But there are people born with complete agenesis, how can they eventually develop fully? Does one side of the brain take over the other? And what happens after that, is the passive side just continues to exist as a separate consciousness for the rest of the life?


Good video, not sure a long winded intro is necessary in a 2 minute video but otherwise very good


What happened sir if restricted diffusion show in splenium of corpus callosum in mRI report.... Please tell me sir


What is the term for communication of the hemisphere’s? It’s a term that I’ve heard before but cannot remember it 😖


Our brain hemispheres have been desynchonized and are only able to work each seperately at a time.


my daughter MRI shows mild thinning of distal body in the splenium of corpus collosum
what does this means?


Nice but as the descriptions are Kind of confusing, it might help to Show the whole Body and Point out when you talk about the left or the right side.


would severing the C.C. cause a person to not give concrete words for concepts...


Corpus Callosum agenesis often is when the corpus callosum is absent and patches of white matter take its place.


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