Purpose built monumental statues of the pharaoh, Ancient Egypt | Civilisations - BBC Two

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Kenneth Clark’s ‘Civilisation’ was intellectually honest enough to be subtitled, ‘A personal view’.


I think it is funny that everytime it's discussed why the egyptians built their pyramids and statues and whatnot the most obvious reason is avoided. They made it for for their descendants and anyone else who came after them to remember their feats.


Mary Beard is great... when she's talking about Roman culture. She clearly has little understanding, or appreciation, for ancient Egyptian culture. Her approach seems slightly superficial, with a hint of disdain.


The photography of the new series is fabulous but I regret that the BBC really blew a fuse when they selected the hosts. I think the original Civilisation with Kenneth Clark was infinitely better. I'm afraid the new Civilisations series was a wonderful opportunity that has been wasted.


Beard's anachronism is breathtaking.


Interesting theory. So it seems that these statues indeed might hold additional purposes other than a display of power. Great insight. Thanks BBC for sharing.


Interesting theories, but I feel she is mistaken. The primary reason for depiction of the Pharaoh within private spaces would almost certainly have been for the viewership of the gods themselves, as well as to ensure the literal immortality of the Pharaoh through image and name. Remember, in ancient Egyptian religion, the name and image was extremely important in maintaining continued existence after death (think mummification, inscription of tomb walls, and the iconoclasm against the name and image of those - both human and god - unfavored). Therefore, the more statues you have with your name on them, the better chance of an afterlife.


As much as I like and respect this imminent historian, I think she forgets one thing. The belief of the Egyptians that pharaoh was divine. If he was around Maát (justice) ruled. And even the NIle flowed because of him. So these statues like those of the Gods are a sign of their superhuman quality.


Wow they were incredibly talented with those pounding stones.


Man these people don't know anything about Egypt they need to stop talking about what they don't know nothing about and for the Ethiopian in the comment section need a reality check because he lost


What you say maybe true, but answer who made these statutes. Secondly notice the column placements. No machine of any type could fit between, or in front, or back to form the column. However, a giant could work the area easily. In addition, they had no equipment to complete the job.


At the same time when the Egyptians and the kush kingdom were creating advanced civilizations go to Europe and the middle east and show me a advanced civilization in either place at that time lmfao


Hi, BBC! <3 I would like to ask permission if you may allow me to use some parts of your video for our Art Class. I am a public school teacher and due to this pandemic classes are done through video making, this video is really beneficial to me and my students as we discuss about Ancient Art, it will be only be for educational purposes and nothing more. I will give them the link of the whole video and I will make sure that they watch it here fully on your YouTube channel. Hoping for your approval. Thank you so much.


Ancient Egyptian language was a Bantu language.
Its closest relative was Old Nubian (birthed Meroetic).
Yet both are speculated according to European and Arab sensibilities as Afroasiatic (Egyptian) and Nilo-Saharan (Old Nubian) despite the fact that no Linguist has ever formally classified either language in those families.
Greenberg back in 1954 mentioned that there is a striking similarity between Old Egyptian vocabulary and East African Bantu vocabulary. Alan Gardner; the foremost authority on Middle Egyptian said that there is no relationship between Semitic and Ancient Egyptian. Gardner said this in 1958; until Ancient Egyptian is compared to other East African language (which Europeans refused to do) Egyptian cannot be classified as an Afroasiatic language.
The Wikipedia article on the subject claims that "Ancient Egyptian is distantly related to Proto-Afroasiatic". A disception since every human language is distantly related to all proto-languages.
Cheik Anta Diop also studied Ancient Egyptian finding that it is within the family of his own Wolof, thus concluding that Ancient Egyptian was an East African language either related to Bantu or to Nilo-Saharan. Dr Obenga working on the grammar of Middle Egyptian formulated by Alan Gardner classified Egyptian as a Bantu language. Please google Fergus Sharman the renowned British lingusits. In his peer-reviewed paper published in 2012 he classified Ancient Egyptian language as a Bantu language. This makes sense since the population of Ta Seti, Naqata (Nubia/Upper Egypt) came from Nabta Playa in the border between modern Sudan and Libya (i.e. Eastern Sahara) a place where Bantu people also originate between 8000 to 6000 years ago before migrating to the Middle East, Nile Valley and East Africa debunking the European theory that Bantu originate in the Cameroon


That is most definitely a image of a black male so if you really think about it, every single thing about this type of objects and images attest to that fact.


It takes one to know one - as a professor at Cambridge she should know as well as anyone how colossal architecture is used to bolster and inflate the ego of those inhabiting it.


Some of the statues show they are holding what is known as "cylinders of the pharaoh" made from copper and zinc tubes filled with quartz when held produce up to 1.5 volts. Make them yourself or get them on Amazon or Etsy.


Of course she don't like the statures...they are not british. The real kings have life size statutes.


it's much deeper than that, they wanted to live forever basically, if the statue of you lives on then you live on, that's why they'd get their noses knocked off, because angry people wanted to prevent them from breathing, if it's a giant statue for all to see then yeah it's about being boastful, but in private..yeah there's no reason to have them just to boost your self-esteem haha, there's other ways to do that, unless they were constructed as a gift, that's possible, what do you get the pharaoh that has everything? well you could build a statue of him looking really cool, or even build him his own temple, the gifts would get bigger and grander as people tried to out-due one another and win favor, and the older a pharoah got the more god-like he was seen, so things got really crazy in terms of selling an image to build up your importance, look at the divas today, these singers are backed by such propaganda that they appear as demi-gods to sell records, heck they even have their own Egyptian-style music videos..but that's another topic


Man black people built all that they are very smart and don't forget Egypt is Africa let it be known
