Zelda SECRETS in Animal Crossing

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A guide to ACNH news, New Horizons Facts, updates & secrets 🥳
👍'Like' for Every ZELDA Secret in Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing: 25 Secrets You Still DIDN'T Know (Zelda Edition)

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📜 A Little About Todays Topic:
Welcome to my Animal Crossing channel. Today's Animal Crossing New Horizons video is all about celebrating The Legend of Zelda.
In this documentary style Animal Crossing video, we breakdown every Zelda reference seen (or hinted at) in every Animal Crossing game. We highlight Zelda-themed furniture, Zelda-inspired Characters and even secret Zelda dialogue used throughout Animal Crossing.
The Animal Crossing franchise has way more Zelda references than you probably realise, so we breakdown every detail you need to know about Zelda crossovers in Animal Crossing.
Are you a Zelda fan? Will you be playing Tears of the Kingdom? Let us know and thanks for watching 🥰

🥁 Word Of The Day:
If you read this far, please post "ZELDA TotK" in the comments 🛡

On the off-chance you're reading this far in the description, I just want to say thank you for being so awesome, and I want you to know how grateful I am for being able to make Animal Crossing content, and having you click in and watch. It truly means the world, and I'm way beyond grateful. Thank you, stay awesome, and I hope you enjoyed the video. See you in the next one 🙏❤️

🔎 Sources/Credits/Further Reading:

🎨 Patterns I use:
►Dirt/Stone Path Patterns: Creator ID: MA-6647-9230-4716
►Wasp Sign: MO-QBWW-CT0W-832D

💭 Dream Address:
►Moriland: DA-5470-0186-1170
►Moriween: DA-2054-5278-7699

📲 Let's Connect:

🔖 Tags:
#AnimalCrossing #ACNH #AnimalCrossingNewHorizons #Zelda #LegendOfZelda #ZeldaTearsOfTheKingdom
Рекомендации по теме

Nintendo needs to go ahead and give us all the Zelda items.


I love the references back and forth, I remember in phantom hourglass, the mailman references Pete, and asks you not to shoot him with your slingshot (which you could do in ACWW)


Wish they’d give us the Zelda items and villagers to celebrate the new Zelda game.


in new leaf. when you chop down a tree you can find a triforce in the trunk


Obs: you forget to mention that Gulliver says a reference to Link's Awekening when wake up. He sometimes say that "But, verily, it is the nature of dreams to end." whitch is a quote of the wind fish.

But good video! I wish NH had zelda itens :(


I was really hopeful that we would get the rest of the Amiibo villagers.


You forgot the one Zelda item New Horizons has which is the ocarina that can be found in the cabinet at Nook's Cranny.


You missed one reference in NH. Regular Gulliver quotes the Wind Fish from Link‘s Awakening saying "But, verily, it is the nature of dreams to end.“ He even alludes to the Wind Fish later.
Okay with that out of the way, please excuse the all caps but WHY NINTENDO WHY?!?! What possessed them to not add at least some Zelda items to NH?! The Master Sword was literally in every game and Zelda‘s 35th anniversary was RIGHT THERE! 😭


I got a triforce way back in Wild World. I had no idea what it was back then. Welp just some fancy furniture I guessed.


Fun Fact: In the Super Smash Bros. series, Tom Nook throws a lot of furniture into the house/town hall he builds for Villager and Isabelle's final smashes. Among them...the Triforce


All i want... is to have those lon lon milk and fairy bottle items from new leaf on my new horizons island! PLEASE NINTENDO


I miss all the Zelda content from past games in ACNH. Not to mention all the Splatoon content, & the extra content with Wisp.


I've never said no to gulivaar, I now wish I had as that reference just fits so perfectly


I swear I have a memory of being little and playing Animal Crossing on Game Cube and looking at the moon in the reflection of the lake showed the moon from Majora’s Mask though I haven’t been able to find anything about it. But I remember seeing it because it freaked me out and I didn’t play Majora’s Mask as a kid and didn’t get the reference.
I’m beginning to wonder if it was real.


Hi mori! I’m very excited to play totk and watch your video 😆


I've been playing zelda non-stop since it's release. Best zelda game yet


I miss the fortune cookies in new leaf.


i do hope nintendo puts the older pokemon to the switch and let us by a small touchpad controller for the switch we can put our joycons on
along with some of the older zelda games aswell and we could use said touchpad for some of the items in zelda games


first time watcher & i did enjoy the content but i got almost 2 minutes in before i started losing it over your tone ending every single sentence without fail like a game show host introducing the prize items 😂


Your wand looks like the magic wand from a link to the past kinda to me .
