Chinese Superpower: 3 Reasons China Will Overtake America - TLDR News

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One of the great geo-political struggles of our time is the battle between China and America for supremacy, with both desperate to get control and overpower the other. So in this video, we're going to examine one side of this issue and explain three reasons why China may be successful in overtaking America as the world's next superpower.

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Yeah, San Marino looks like a decent Superpower to be.


Did anyone notice both videos, in advocating for one country to "win", looked largely at the other country's weaknesses, rather than its own strengths? For example, this video could have pointed out China's larger population. The other one could have emphasized how the USA's leading economic institutions have been around longer.


World is heading towards multipolarity, specially in the wake of climate change, so I think US may still be a superpower but with not a lot of perks it enjoyed in past


Wales next superpower, calling it now.


As a Liberian that has visited Nigeria for business for years. We know for sure that Nigeria 🇳🇬 will NOT be a superpower but a super population power. And corruption along with radical tribal and ideology differences will not bring it to bear.


One advantage of dictatorships is that they can plan on doing something over many years, as there is most likely no regime change.

The problem with a democracy is that they can only plan relatively in the near future, as it is possible that another person will be in office after the next election. However, one can theoretically plan for the long term if the next government is not complete different, or the planned things a greater acceptance in parliament / public.

Example: Almost all parties that sit in the German Bundestag accept and believe that there is a climate change and that it is man-made. The only thing that is discussed is which measures should be taken or how should be implemented. The exception is the AfD (Alternative for Germany, right wing). There are different statements from the party: However, one can say that they believe that climate change exists, but is not man-made and therefore all measures are nonsense.
Another example would be France, where health care is accepted in both the right and left spectrum.

But then comes the US system, which literally feels like a two party system. Both parties hate each other like the plague, are almost never ready to work together and every time a president of another party comes to the White House, he can destroy or restore everything the previous president did. While this can happen in any democracy, in my opinion it is extreme in the US and makes long-term planning neraly impossible.


i appreciate how you took a jab on both sides and explain how china wont overtake the us, then proceed to make a video on how china will overtake the us. love the neutrality


The three reasons according to this vid:

1. America's failing political system
2. America's pivot to isolationism
3. Fragility of the US Dollar


When I learned Chinese there was a phrase that I found really appropriate to this topic: 富不过三代 which means "fortune doesn't last longer than three generations." In the old Chinese imperial system, the tests taken to become a government official were extremely rigorous with a low pass rate. Passing the test meant wealth and prestige for the person and their family. However, it was observed that families rarely had more than three generations who passed the exam. The reason was simple: the more that life is comfortable, the less someone is motivated to take the difficult steps to get ahead. I love my America and being American, but the lack of urgency or even the awareness of what is happening in the world is too comfortable for many. The partisanship is just one of the symptoms of a culture that has lost its way from the post-WWII "greatest generation." America is unstoppable when we are united, but too many people (on both sides of the political spectrum) are so engulfed in their beliefs of victimhood that they would that are oblivious to how the world around them is changing. I would like to see a United States which continues to be the light of democracy to the world, but we shouldn't expect the world to wait for us while we figure out our messes of our own making. Only we can decide if we want to continue greatness or become the complacent third generation in which our fortunes die.


Loved the series despite being limited to three reasons!!!


TLDR: I'm playing both sides, so that I always come out on top


I hope that next superpower is not *Omicron* 😂😂


I think it's ok for America to focus more inward rather than abroad.


The US needs to start investing in honey. If we can get enough pots of it sent to Bejing, that can keep them stalled for a bit.


I really want to move on with my life but you guys keep pumping out interesting videos


Ray Dalio recently said that China is a more capitalist economy than Europe, which probably explains a lot of about the rise of China and Europe’s stagnation in the past 20 years. The old continent will only account for 10% of world GDP in 2050 according to projections.


One thing you forgot about US inflation, its not unique to America. Basically every country in the world is going through inflation due to covid. Something you don't usually see if your news is always American focused.


The thumbnail is literally a "China numba wan" meme, love it.


alot of people on here and other channels forget one major thing that is always overlooked. America IS THE THIRD LARGEST IN POPULATION (Behind China and India) AND PHYSICAL SIZE IN THE WORLD (behind Canada and Russia). Many of you forget this, and in so doing understand how and why some of the other reasons why America is a superpower outside the obvious talking points... and what that means in terms of this in that of people power, resources, military ranks, overall production, manufacturing etc. if used and managed correctly.

If America got off its global market/global sharing ways and started being a 'one stop shop' of its resources, like China, of its own oil, corporations, resources, and its workforce (along with scientists, researchers, academics) more than they are now, you guys would fully understand what you're really dealing with in a FULLY awakened, selfish and realized America. Everyone would be seeing what America is in a whole different spectrum...and capable of, good and bad.

The ensuing lockdown it would place on world markets (like China, but in hyperdrive with the superpower infrastructure/platform already in place) on lockdown and would fuel the increase its superpower/economic leader status to scarier levels and would be something of a sleeping giant many of you dont want. Not saying America should be this, but an America, fully in its power would be scary, with the resources at its helm that its underutiliizing. World War 1 and 2 should already tell you what happens with a motivated America, while everyone laps at the feet of China for every do-dah that comes out of there.


Cool now do a video on 3 reasons why neither of them will overtake Brazil's world cups because that's what really matters
