Get rid of the unnecessary to get down to basics | Colin Wright | TEDxINSA

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Colin Wright is an author, entrepreneur, and full-time traveller who moves to a new country every four months based on the votes of his readers. He is the author of over thirty books, is the co-founder of Asymmetrical Press, and through his blog, Exile Lifestyle, Colin reaches over two-million people each year with his writing about lifestyle, travel, and personal fulfilment.
In a talk full of individual experiences, he will show you how easily you can get rid off the superfluous to focus on your true needs and become more free.

Colin Wright is an author, entrepreneur, and full-time traveller who moves to a new country every four months based on the votes of his readers.

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My mother always said that the only thing of value money buys is freedom. The trick is figuring how much money you need, not what someone else needs to be free. If you are working to maintain your stuff, that isn’t freedom.


Here for my continuing minimalist education. (CME), I find it’s best to get refresher courses on essentialism and minimalism so you don’t slowly fall into old patterns.


I love the last piece of advice on forgiving the people who try to dissuade you. The more i keep watching videos like this the more i reinforce my beliefs on living my new lifestyle more and more without getting affected by the questions of others. Explain less, talk less and let your actions talk for you. It's the only way to persuade others without trying to persuade them and inspire others to follow you.


I’m trying so hard to have less things in my life cause I realized it was causing me stress, more to dust, more to clean, more to move, more money spent on more space to put it...just ridiculous when I realized this. Lots of it doesn’t even have a practical purpose and only really makes me feel happy when I buy it and maybe a week after. Im focused now on using what I have and once I breaks or I can’t find a place for it I say bye and don’t replace it unless absolutely necessary. My only hold back is my significant other is a bit of a hoarder, saving everything for that just in case and constantly trying to expand his book collection and likes to take up a new hobby ever couple months....wish me luck


I love how you refer to recalibrating your life. Since my husband and I found you and The Minimalists, we've worked hard to minimize and recalibrate and life is good!


Been there shouting at my crumpled shirt on the floor a few years ago -- Finally letting go of stuff and the consumerism lifestyle has truly been liberating.


I have gone through purges several times in my life. At one point, my nest was emptying and I wanted to simplify my life and have less stuff to take care of. I was getting rid of things but my husband kept going to garage sales on the weekend and bringing home things to fill the space. I realized that the message was deeper than the stuff that we had. I was letting go and he was settling in. We were on different paths.


I started implementing minimalism 2 years ago and it has been great. And it led to husband and I deciding that once he retires in two years will will be full time travels working remotely, and we have never been more excited about the future! Getting rid of the extra stuff was the catalyst for this!


Best videos, really not everyone will understand your minimalism journey, against excess consumerism. We have stuff all around us, if we just go to Walmart... but instead - can we just look what we already have. I tell you one funny story. I bought 25 € back pack in Walmart like store in Finland. Great awesome quality backpack I've been using for year now. As soon as one noticed it, they said how great this backpack was... but as soon as I said I bought it from Walmart like store and announced price I paid for it - they were shocked. Why not to spend more money? Why not to have a brand or something... So as soon as you never tell about store selling your stuff, they will think stuff is good, but the opposite makes them question your bank account, money or lifestyle as a poor. There are two ways to be rich: one is by having much and living paycheck to paycheck and other way to be rich is to keep wants few so you actually buy what you need and have money to spend on experiences. Stuff and lasting happiness never in same sentence.


Looking around my apartment now, in my closet and thinking about my relationships as I watch this I have done this subconsciously over my life more and more. As I have I have become more happy. This makes a lot of sense.


Love his descriptions of intentionality and living on purpose. ..Your purpose


Of all the minimalism promoting people, Colin Wright is one of the few who really sounds and looks truly intelligent, not just weird "in a weird way".


I’ve spent the last few years parting ways with my stuff. Now, it’s time to begin parting with the people who are draining my very soul. I realized this when he said that we don’t do this because it’s not polite. That’s the very thing holding me back from letting them go.


So ready to start my own minimalist journey. Thank you for your talk!


I love this talk so much. Brilliantly put! So much wisdom here thank u for sharing!


My students and I recycle clothes by sewing them into another clothing item. It's part of a Reduce Reuse Recycle project. We'd love to have your unwanted shirts Mr Wright!


Colin, Thanks 🙏 so much for your amazing talk!


I would argue that the poorer one is, the more you have to be intentional because you have few resources to waste/ squander in mistakes/ greed. It is also possible in the first world at least, to waste what little disposable income you have left over on rubbish because you justify it as Oh, it’s too little to save up anyways. It will take me years to save up for what other people can save up for in months. I find the poorer you are the greater the pressure is to spend it against your own interests from shops, tv, adverts on the internet, and the consumeristic culture we are surrounded by.
I think taking a step back and rethink our lives is a human need we can not afford to ignore and not a luxury. The people who run this consumer model of life are delighted by the assumption that thinking and doing intentionally are a luxury because it suits them.


You’ve put in words what I have been pondering lately. Thanks.


I had that shirt. I even purchased it when it was too small. I said for 2 years “one day I’m gonna fit in that shirt”. 2. Full. Years. It was ridiculous.
