Do We Still Need the 10 Commandments?

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God's Word is eternal and he said keep the 10 Commandments and he means it!


100 times YES, YES and YES, including the 4th one which says, 'Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy (on the 7th day, Saturdays) . Are children still to obey their patents? YES, YES and YES. Even in the last book and chapter of the bible, we are admonished to keep God's commandments. Revelation 22:14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.


The Ten Commandments can easily and fruitfully be seen in the light of Christ, and the revelation of the gospel of grace. Each one can be applied if we see Christ in view, and compatible with Jesus's exhortation to 'obey his commandments.' William Henry Stowell, a 19th century non-conformist minister, has a work on the Ten Commandments from a Christian perspective.

Humanly speaking, the latter commandments will prevent much pain and suffering in life. The former prevent delusion and uptake of false religious/ideological beliefs: God is the one truly in charge not us or false 'gods.' God bless.


The Ten Commandments are a mirror unto ourselves—showcasing our utter sinfulness. Only the proud and self-righteous hate the mirror of God’s Law.


how would I not know what stealing is if I had not known the ten commandments so therefore the law is still good and holy(I must admit to the truth).


Every commandment is repeated in the New Testament except of “keep Holy the Sabbath day”, so technically yes they’re still relevant


in my opinion I'll keep better than let go


You claimed the 10 commandments are foundational. Are you implying Christians are required to keep the Sabbath too and make it holy? Thank you


Why the 10 commandments and not the 613 commandments????


Luke 16:16 “The #LawOfMoses & prophets (Old Testament) were ONLY in force until John (the Baptist);
👉since then the #GoodNews (Gospel of Christ in the New Testament) has been proclaimed, and everyone is urged to enter it.”


GAL 2:16 Knowing that no man is saved by obeying the law (of Moses / #Torah = #OldTestament), but only by believing in the New Testament teachings of Jesus = #obey what Jesus asks us to do in the #NewTestament because the New Testament instructions and New Commandments of Jesus is the #HolySpirit that gives us eternal life see #John6verse63...

Mark 1:15 The time is #fulfilled
(greek translation: to complete, end, expire, fill up, fulfil, perfect = Jesus end Old Testament & sin done there on the cross so we could be born again into the New Testament instructions and New Commandments of Jesus which gives eternal life)

& Gal.4v20-31 said we must send Old Testament & her followers away cause ....they will not inherit the kingdom of God with the followers of Christ New Testament instructions


Joh 8:36 So if the Son (Jesus the Son of God in power, the Chosen One) sets you free, you will be really #free (the Greek word means to be set free from the yoke of bondage / 1st five books of Bible which is the #LawOfMoses and it's customs ~》 to go & follow the #GospelOfChrist which are written today only in Matthew Mark Luke and John)

Heb 10:1 The Law (of Moses) is therefore completely UNABLE to save us.
(We found eternal life ONLY through the teachings and instructions of Christ gospel in Matthew Mark Luke and John who is the #HolySpirit and Eternal Life #John6verse63)
Jesus said in #John6verse63 that His instructions which are written today only in Matthew Mark Luke & John is the Holy Spirit that gives us eternal Life

John 8:51 Jesus said: "I tell you the truth, anyone who
👉OBEYS MY TEACHING (which are written today only in Matthew Mark Luke and John) will never DIE 👈 !
