Do We Still Need Libraries?

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In the internet age what's the point of libraries? Do we even still need these brick and mortar buildings when a lot of knowledge can be found online? Today, Danielle examines the history of libraries around the world and what role they still play in society.

Written and Hosted by: Danielle Bainbridge
Produced by Complexly for PBS Digital Studios
#library #librarian #education
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Origin of Everything is a show about the undertold histories and cultural dialogues that make up our collective story. From the food we eat, to the trivia and fun facts we can’t seem to get out of our heads, to the social issues we can’t stop debating, everything around us has a history. Origin of Everything is here to explore it all. We like to think that no topic is too small or too challenging to get started.

Works Cited

Black librarianship:
McHenry, Elizabeth. “An Association of Kindred Spirits: Black Readers and Their Reading Rooms,” in Augst and Carpenter, eds. Institutions of Reading: The Social Life of Libraries in the United States (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2007), pp. 99-118.

History of Libraries:
Reading Publics: New York City’s Public Libraries 1754-1911 Tom Glynn

Do we still need libraries?:

Opinion Pieces (WashPo and NYTimes):
Рекомендации по теме

This episode marks the first 3 person fan pick episode in the history of Origin of Everything! I’d like to thank Chaeyoung’s Peach and Wowman542 on Youtube and Matt Palka! (who I got to have a vidchat with as part of the perks I gave away for Project for Awesome) who sent in suggestions for this topic. Also special shoutout to Wowman542 for putting me on to Stacks and Facts, an awesome Youtube channel about library science!

I'll be hanging out answering questions in the comments for the next hour, so send me your thoughts!


Another reason for public libraries is the fact that it is almost impossible to get free books on the Internet (legally at least)


Nothing beats the feel of holding and reading a real book. No touchscreen can give you that feeling.


Yes, we need them to study. We need them so kids, teens and adults can learn the love for reading and knowledge.


As a librarian I LOVE this video. Libraries are SO necessary. They also serve as emergency spaces in times of crisis as well. In my community we were the only space with power, heat, and toilets when a winter storm ravaged the area and left kids out of school for a week. We scheduled programing and things to do so the kids would not be bored and the parents could worry about what was for dinner or where to go to sleep. We are SO ESSENTIAL!


I live in a very rural area, the local small libraries here have internet access along with books.
There are still people without internet at home.


I’ve worked in a public library system for the past three years, and I’m going to ask my colleagues if we should post this video on our website.


Even though I've been using my tablet to read there are many books that aren't online and won't be reprinted. That's one reason to keep physical libraries open. Also, not everyone has access to the internet. Then there's just something about holding a book. So, YES we still need libraries. 😊


The answer is Yes. There is no other answer!
Besides, physical books are better than digital ones. I like smelling the books and flipping the pages.


It's not a matter of whether we "need" libraries. It's about whether we want them. And we should. Because a library is not just a place where information is stored on shelves. And it's more even than a shared space for the community. Public institutions are, in part, a statement about what we value as a culture. When we see beautiful libraries in the center of our towns, it reminds us that learning is a common good, and something to be valued. I don't want to lose that.


As a library worker (not a librarian per se, you need proper education to become a librarian in Poland... I just lend books, audiobooks and movies to people :) ) I would point out that libraries nowadays are a lot more than just books. They are often hackerspaces, internet caffees, cultural centers, workshops, book clubs, gaming clubs, RPG clubs, schools. We also organize lessons for kids, computer courses for digitally excluded and even go biking on camping trips with patrons. And that might be only 10% of what we do extra ;)




Yes. Because I still need a place to get lost when life gets stressful.


I’m at the library once a month getting books for my 4th graders book talk projects.
I see many study groups, and children area activity at the library.
He Prefers reading actual books than ebooks, while I enjoy the library’s free audiobooks on overdrive.


Haven’t watched the video, but the answer is YES


Libraries are still needed, they are not just about books, but information. Libraries are one of the few institutions who offer acces to data bases, which generally are restricted beacuse of they are very expensive to individuals, not to mention great majority of people don't know how to use them.


Libraries are important because it represents that knowledge is a human right for everyone


My son, my daughter and I basically live at the library. We're there almost everyday at my son's insistence. There is so much to do there for everyone.


Honestly, I used to just sit in my local libraries for hours after school. I just love the smell and the peace.


I love my local library, and it serves a vital part of my community. We have workshops and it's a safe place for kids.
My particular neighborhood is mixed race and working class. Places like our library help keep some of these kids from going down a bad road. They have a place to get their schoolwork done, lots of comic books, guest speakers....and it's nice in there.
And you should see's really nice, and the kids actually go there. They love it.
We have a lot of retirees too. It's just a really good mix.
