The Worst Drum I've Ever Bought.

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Nah, I didn't like it.
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I demand that you show the wonk of all snare drums you show in future videos. Seeing how wobbly they were was very fun


You know it's bad when you're being compared to the Jin Bao


About 20 years ago, a friend bought a Chad Smith signature crash cymbal (made by Sabian I think). I don't know how they engineered it, but that thing was comically loud. You could hit it half as hard as anything else, and it would still overpower everything


You've gotta call up Chad Smith, he owes you a snare


mate, I was literally THIS close to buying one of these snares. Thank you so much


Honestly would love to do a DIY pass on that PDP:
- Chuck the tension rods in a lathe to cut them down to a manageable length
- Use a large belt sander to sand down and polish the bearing edge to be perfectly flat

Probably defeats the point, but if you already have it and plan not to do anything with it it’d be a fun project :)


At that price, you shouldn't *have* to fix a drum, but if you really wanted to, or had no other choice; shortening the tension rods wouldn't really be all that much work. Likewise you could sand the bearing edge flat by adhering some sandpaper to a large flat surface and moving the drum across it in rotating patterns until flat. Wet sanding at a high grit would be recommended for the final few passes, but a decently abrasive sand would speed up the flattening.


I feel like there's no guarantee of quality in a lot of big names anymore. It's all about bottom lines. That's why I just buy junk and hope I get lucky.


The DW throw is one of the nicest pieces of hardware you can put on a snare drum.

Just the most satisfying mechanic and soo smooth.


i feel like im in the wrong class but still sit cuz its interesting


This is why competition is soo important when it comes to industries which create entertainment, whether it be games, musical instruments or tourism. If you only have a limited amount of options it doesn't matter how much money is made they never innovate properly, start getting lazy, and/or just get greedy. Let's hope there will always be small businesses to push things forward and we don't just get the big players selling us a bunch of garbage


I love learning things about an instrument I will likely never play 💕 This channel is a treasure.


Big companies buying each other up to where they've becoming uncompetitive is perhaps the most poignant thing I've ever heard in a youtube video about a Chad Smith snare drum


This problem isn't just with drum companies it's happening everywhere. Power and manufacturing are getting consolidated into one or two huge conglomerates per industry. This is bad for us and for some reason at least in the United States certain members of a certain party really don't seem to be interested in reforming antitrust legislation in such a way that it would result in breakup of these monopolies.


I like that we got a glance at the banana set at the start


Dude's sick but still making content for us on 2 channels. My man.


You could always strip the hardware off of the pdp, run it through a band saw to square up the ends, and then rout a new bearing edge on it. It will fundamentally change the drum, but at least it will have clean bearing edges and be playable.


INDe drums are great! I met the owner, Josh, at this year's Chicago Drum show. Such a NICE guy! His Dad was a super nice person too! Very good people ❤️


3:45 a simple way to sand the drum edge flat would be to get yourself a decent level, then using some spray on contact adhesive, glue some sand paper as good as you can where the perimeter of the drum body would contact, about 10 cm on either side (a total of 20 cm of travel when sanding). The way you want to work this is by using a known drum that's flat on the top and has the same diameter. You put the drum's touching on the edge and use bits of tape to mark where the peaks start and end on the acrylic drum body. Those, you sand by placing the level (wet) over the portion with the sandpaper and moving slowly back and forth making sure the non sand paper side of the level is sitting flush on the opposite side of the drum edge/lip. edit: with the mention that this is just to remove the peak, any shaping will be made after by hand with a block of curved wood shaped to match the drum)

As for the holes that might be cracked or starting to crack, you could slowly and carefully drill them oversize (using a long Christmas tree bit, a normal drill will not behave well drilling into an existing hole and you might actually crack the acrylic), sand it smooth with wet sand paper and then glue a plug inside the hole, which will be drilled (with a normal drill) again after the glue has cured. The idea is to get rid of the crack around the hole.


I just got absolutely jumpscared by that INDe Kalamazoo mention.


I had NO IDEA there was a company hand-building drum kits right here in town. I NEED IT.
