3 Reasons why you're NEVER TOO OLD to learn the Piano!! | VG Coaching

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Vaughn George Coaching:
You are never too old to start learning how to play the piano.

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I'm 53 and I started 2019 playin Piano. Late, but not too late.


I had eight years of music lessons as a kid and I lost sight of it. I can’t believe that video just gave me a thought. Thanks


I am 45 and two years ago I strat programming and playing piano. It is never to late


What a wonderful, beautiful and intelligent person you are Vaughn!
I think you nailed the psychological aspects of concentration. I tell ya, Vaughn I could definitely learn from you. You seem like a terrific teacher.


My mother made me reach a certain level of ability before allowing me to quit lessons. While aggravating then, I'm so grateful for it now and wish I'd gone further. Now I'm working on getting back what I knew and expanding on it. I set the keyboard directly behind me so I can spin my chair and play. Now to actually do that. ;-) And you are definitely never too old to learn! After a lifetime of trying to learn guitar and never quite getting it, something clicked during quarantine last year and I can now play at a decent campfire-guitarist level, which is all I strived for. I love reading all these comments from people who are just beginning. Very inspiring!


Vaughn, you are the best. Be our piano teacher!


I messed with guitar when Nirvana came out. I was really into it but never could form a band because no one else I knew was as into it. Something that people overlook when bands make it is pure luck of finding other like minded people. Anyway, I tinkered with guitar for years just doing basic exercises. After a while instead of waiting on others I wanted to learn other things so I could be my own backing thing. Long story short, I started learning piano in 2015. Drums in 2017. Bass is similar to guitar so I am ok with that. In 2020 I got into synths (which is .... wow, there is a lot to know with those). I started a YouTube channel to track my progress and like you said, I wish I started it 10 years ago, but am really happy I didn't wait another 10 years to start. Its so easy to find learning resources now online, so its ridiculous not to try.

Its better to learn and progress as you get older. I think its much better to progress as you get older. Nothing worse than someone who peaked in high school.


I'm 44, I never had any kind of training or played piano at all. I just bought my first digital piano a month ago. Trying to learn piano on your own is not easy - but it sure is fun.


hi vaughn i'm 59 and ust started 18 months ago i had a big advantage however i had bought a grand piano for my daughter and she is one of the many who stopped after 2 years. so about 2 years ago i was coming downstairs and said to myself someone should be playing that why not me!! bringing it full circle to your channel i'm currently learning when the body speaks by depeche mode it's only g c d but the placement and the syncopation is a little tricky can't wait to hear the rest of violator series


I've always loved to piano but never took lessons. I really think that I am going to get started. My niece has a nice keyboard she never uses so I am going to steal it away. One of my favorite artists has always been Howard Jones. Some of my favorite songs of his are with few vocals and a lot of piano. Being a DM fan as well as the usual electronic music bands definitely has influenced my love for the piano as an instrument. Your video looks to be the push I needed.


Excellent reasons 🎹❇👌
Great Sunday !!☀ Vaughn


Hi Vaughn, how right you are mate, i am 81 for another month. 6 years ago i decided to do something i had wanted to do most of my life and that was to learn to play a keyboard. i bought a tyros 5 and made a start, and found it not so hard after all, i can play a few hundred songs to date, reading the music i must add not by ear. So as you say your never to old. Many thanks for all your great vidio's and keep safe all.


Great video, I hope it inspires people to learn :) Piano has pretty much saved my sanity during lockdown.


I had piano lessons when I was about 10 or 12 or so, but found the old-school way it was taught so stuffy and dull I eventually gave it up. Later in my teens, I got massively into electronic music - specifically DM - and I've often wished I'd persisted with it, as the desire to create music for myself has really bitten in the last few years. Being in my early 50s as well, I guess I'm the very embodiment of the type of person you refer to in this video.

I know your coaching is part of your livelihood (and one that I would like to partake of at some point in the future), so no-one expects you to give ALL your secrets away on YouTube, but please keep making tutorial videos like this - they're very inspirational to people like me


I'm 43 and I'm currently learning to play the bass properly, by using online tutorials and playing by ear. I wish I hadn't sold my Microkorg now.


I started learning piano in my teenage years because that's when I wanted to learn an instrument, now I can play basic stuff and even compose basic songs :D there is a lot of competition with younger people who started playing piano or singing when they were 3 years old and you feel a bit inadequate because they started way younger than you and perhaps they are better trained than you (I assume the parents wanted their kids to know piano and I wanted to learn by myself without my parents telling me to do it)...


Just love this channel 💕 #TheManTheMythTheVaughty =)


You're so right. I wanted to learn as a teenager to be able to play my favourite Depeche Mode songs. I never did. I started composing electronic music by the age of 30 but never learned to play properly because I was too old. Now I'm 44 and I often ask myself "am I too old now? Why didn't I learn when I was 30, I was so young then...". But the problem is I wouldn't know where to start. Will I be making the same questions and regrets when I'm 50?


I ask myself: Could you ever be too old to write a novel? I used to write a lot for fun. I could start any time. I want to take cello lessons, after COVID gets under control. I might suck at it, but it's such a beautiful instrument. I self-taught a little keyboard in high school. If it's not cost prohibitive and I'm not looking to get famous, why not? Aside from annoying the p*** out of my neighbors. ;) Plus, ITA Jools Holland, +100!! Thanks for the encouragement, VG!


Love U Vaughnty! You're so motivating!!! This video is just on time 4 me ) <3
