6 Painful Struggles INFP Go Through (that people don't hear about)

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INFP Struggles?

When they’re in their game, it seems like no one will outdo an INFP. What is more, their constantly reeling imagination would always create visions of perfection.

These Dreamers are creative, compassionate, and driven by their values. However, despite their positive qualities, INFPs struggle with a few things in life.


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Author: Margarette Mathias
Animation: Margarette and Garubin
Voice: Katie


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As a very healthy INFP (I know! Shocker!) in university, my best advice to fellow INFPs is to focus your life on cultivating your strengths: your intuition, your imagination, your creativity, and your ability of empathy. Keep these at your core, and don’t give a s*** about if anyone gets it or not. Know that being misunderstood isn’t a weakness, but it is our advantage and our secret. Take it as an opportunity to individuate yourself further, and strive to be different from those around you, rather than conform to the contemporary vulgarity of the average person!


Does anyone else talk to themselves like all the time? My boyfriend always catches me taking to myself and says normal people don’t do that 😂


It gets easier as you get older. INFPs are late bloomers and as we age we become confident and care less about other people’s opinions (while still remaining empathetic). Just hang in there and set small, achievable goals for your creative projects. Then see them through. You’ll also find a handful of people you click with. Stay in touch with them for life and don’t be afraid to lean on them when you need to. We are awesome, it just takes us a while to realize that. 😊


I'm 27 year old female infp, let me tell you, it's so damn hard being an INFP, currently I feel so stuck, I don't know what i want in life, which career to persue, this just so frustrating I wish I can just pick a career, run with it and be happy


Am I the only one who has been labelled as a crybaby? I cry helplessly at any uncomfortable, frustrating beyond words situation. Hyper sensitivity has been a true challenge. Even though I do know it won't solve the problem, that it makes no sense for an adult, and that I will end up dealing with the hardest migraine afterwards, I end up crying unstoppable rivers !


I was standing in shock at the part where when we mature we dont care about other's opinions. I literally changed and now dont care about being "understood" like i used to. This hit hard 😮


The part where you said that we infp try so hard to fit in..I felt that..always trying to act like an extrovert to fit in but it just drains my energy


The part about really struggling with transitioning from school to a career is SO TRUE and hard on my mental health. As an INFP I am not good with practical things and handling adult responsibilities and self-motivating and am SO sensitive to perceived demands and pressure. I get overwhelmed and burnt out so quickly, and it feels so unfair that we have to fight against who we are to be seen as professional, competent, confident, assertive etc. in the typical work world.
I'm legit having a perpetual crisis over here. 😭 It feels impossible sometimes. I wish I didn't have to try this hard.


Bro that money stuff hits so real. I literally do not care about money. Only freedom


I would add one, or maybe it could be a corollary to number 6: anger at your own personality for being too much of a pushover.


Me: How accurate can you be😮
Mathias corner: yes 😂


I'm a mature infp. Just do what's right for the situation you are dealing with and try to shut off people pleasing


I’m over 50 now and I’m only now starting to feel better in my own skin. I’ve spent all of my days alone due to being a INFP. Didn’t even know I was one until a few months ago. I now understand so much more of why I am the way I am and why its been so difficult to make friends and I’ve only had two lovers who didn’t remain with me for more than a year. Complaining I was to strange and just not what they wanted. These days I’m just trying to find peace in myself. Even if it means being alone.

If you’re like me. Know you’re not alone.


As an INFP I've struggled to find a career that is both fulfilling and pays the bills.


it all makes sense now. these are the exact struggles i am constantly dealing with, multiplied by depression, anxiety, and mild ADHD, even leading me to suicidal ideations. ive never once felt more understood and seen than in this very moment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this video. i have a reason to live.


I never realized how much is "why" so important to me


"Unsupportiveness" STORY of my entire life...
same with the friends subject


INFP = beauty.

Please befriend an INTJ. We want you in our lives and want to do whatever we can to help you realise your vision.


This is me my whole life. I’m 45F, quit my job because I was miserable and it felt meaningless and not fulfilling. Having existential crisis right now.


Us INFPs really are deeply contrary creatures. Cause the thing is... I love that part of myself, I love my emotional intelligence and sensitivity. But it is awful because it makes daily life all the more challenging.

My emotions deeply influenced how I interact with the world. And this means that for me to accomplish the mundane tasks, I must first be emotional about it. Which is ridiculous, but I simply do not know how to accomplish the things I want to do without involving my emotions
