BMW i3 (REX) Long Range Experiment (All Electric Vehicle)

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My wife and I decided to take our BMW i3 on our trip from Raleigh, NC to Orlando, FL, regardless of what challenges lay ahead. We love a good journey and we had a great time! Please subscribe for future interesting videos and thanks for watching this video!
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i love watching people take road trips in their i3's! Mine is a 2014, and haven't taken it for long distances yet. 1) They are now making EV compatible travel Trailers in Germany! 2) Please consider joining the BMW i3 Southeastern group.


Hey Dylan. Great video. I traveled 970 miles in a 2014 i3 Rex from Denver to Minneapolis. Shorter battery range, but I only used 15 gals of gas to travel that far. Super comfortable road trip car.


Greetings from Germany. Just bought an i3 Rex with 60Ah. But no fast charging. Your vid was so nice... Will try a trip to the north sea, just about 350 km. So not like yours.


This is everything I needed to know all in one video. Thanks! 👍🏾🙏🏾


Nice little clip. You two are definitely a 'glass half full' couple. Hey, my question to you concerns your reliability with your i3. I want one (don't NEED one!) and wondered what your experience has been like as far as repairs. How many miles on your buggy now? Thx.


Traveled from Vegas to Michigan and then Michigan to San Diego in my I3 REX. No problems at all, and charged almost exclusively at Walmarts. Had no worries, plus regenerative breaking helped me gain 28+ miles to battery in both my passes through Colorodo.


Awesome video. The Chemistry between the two of you is amazing. Great team. Am an EV enthusiast and hope to own one very soon even though the charging infrastructure here (Kenya) is very limited. Green is the way to go.


Great insight I have a 2015 BMW i3 Rex love it!!!


Nice video. I love road trips, particularly in the US. Electrify America seems to be the way to go for the USA. Long journeys are really great in this car. I have one in the UK and quite often do 300 mile trips. The REX takes all the stress out of long journeys, because you're never going to have to be recovered due to a flat battery.


Thanks for the video report and for driving electric!!! Ray Cardona, Drive Electric Cincinnati 2011 Nissan Leaf, 2018 Hyundai Ioniq PHEV. Cheers and safe travels.


Up at 3 am to make a Youtube video? Now THAT’s dedication! Cheers.


You two made that trip fun. Awesome tradition with the pennies. And Walmarts, feels like you are driving around the same city, they are all the same. But good for restrooms and chargers.


That was a great video and I even discovered a couple of amazing audio tracks. Thanks 🙏🏻


Cool video.
On a long trip right now in our 2017 REx. Recoded Range Extender recently to maintain charge. This is so well thought out.
I wish EV vs ICE weren't so tribal. For us, the REx is perfect: 95% of our annual (24k mile) driving is on battery, 5% on gasoline.


I drove my i3 from Washington DC to Orlando on ONE charge! Now I did load the car on an Amtrak train between Lorton Va, and Sanford Fl. so 885 miles was done by a train but I think i still deserve credit.
I did do a DC to Jacksonville trip once. About 50% on gas and 50% on electricity. With a hotel stop in the middle near a mall that had free level 2 charging. Woke to 100% charge.


I enjoyed the trip with you both, I'm thinking of going electric now ✅️


Do you still have the car? I'm in Raleigh and getting a 2019 i3 rex tomorrow. This video makes me feel much better about my purchase. What year is yours?

Edit: crap, just saw your other video that your i3 got hit by a car. Sorry for the loss. Wish you the best in the future.


Unfortunate news to share, on November 2, 2022 a ride share driver (with a passenger) ran a red light and I barely had an opportunity to remove my foot from the accelerator much less avoid the accident. Our amazing i3 was considered a total loss but we didn't suffer any serious injuries. The dash cam of the accident is in my YouTube channel.


This is perfect for where I live (South Africa). There is almost no charging infrastructure here - fuel prices are also quite high.


Mine drove from Geneva (Switzerland) to Prague, approximately 1000 km (625 miles) with the 60Ah battery. All that in 12 hours, mostly on fuel of course. It came back to Geneva, also in 12 hours with the upgraded 120 aH battery (mostly on fuel).
